OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)


Well-Known Member
Well damn, Great work dark. Though i'm sure Luke is next on ADVENTS list of Psions to capture. All though, unlike Yakone Luke is a lot more dangerous aggressive and way more prideful. And will not be broken.
Those things are great and all, but psi can break anyone, given time.


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Game Master
Staff member
I want to mention the last several posts have been amazing, and I have loved each of them very much. I am glad to see Gem's strive to expand the story through his solos is strong even as he balances collabs, missions, and is school/social life. He has surpassed me by quite a bit compared to the first RP.

Why didn't I mention that until just now? Frankly... I've been incredibly depressed for the past week. And I didn't want to say anything because I felt it would be unfair to pull attention my way when it would distract from the work everyone else has done. I am going through a rough patch. I want to make it clear that I have not lost my passion here, just a decrease in interest in... everything. I can't point to one thing or another to say way, though I am sure it has plenty to do with my decreased quality in sleep lately, which I explain a few weeks ago.

But I'm here. And I have a day off of work coming on Sunday. I promise I will do my best to reread everything so I know I have absorbed them properly, and put something on the RP more involved then that dinky little solo I did. I am sorry if I brought anyone down. I know for a fact there are other people here that are having a rougher time then me (and I am here for you).

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
I want to mention the last several posts have been amazing, and I have loved each of them very much. I am glad to see Gem's strive to expand the story through his solos is strong even as he balances collabs, missions, and is school/social life. He has surpassed me by quite a bit compared to the first RP.

Why didn't I mention that until just now? Frankly... I've been incredibly depressed for the past week. And I didn't want to say anything because I felt it would be unfair to pull attention my way when it would distract from the work everyone else has done. I am going through a rough patch. I want to make it clear that I have not lost my passion here, just a decrease in interest in... everything. I can't point to one thing or another to say way, though I am sure it has plenty to do with my decreased quality in sleep lately, which I explain a few weeks ago.

But I'm here. And I have a day off of work coming on Sunday. I promise I will do my best to reread everything so I know I have absorbed them properly, and put something on the RP more involved then that dinky little solo I did. I am sorry if I brought anyone down. I know for a fact there are other people here that are having a rougher time then me (and I am here for you).

It's okay Zombie, I know how you feel, I'm sure most of us do. Take the time you need to catch up, we understand.


Game Master
Staff member
As I said before, I'm rereading several posts, and giving them the attention my sulleness couldn't provide before, and maybe give some commentary they deserve.

First up is Testing the Waters. All I can really say is it was pleasant. An enjoyable read that makes two people who just met seem like old friends. I loved it, and it made me a little sad (in a good way, if that makes sense) that Emmy is a spy.

Also, clever name, whoever came up with it.


Game Master
Staff member
“Resolve”(Part 1)

Yakone did an excellent job arguing XCOM's side considering her position and the defenses given by her opponent. At the risk of opening up an ethical debate, I would have made three more points had I been in Yakone's shoes;

1) It is argued that a false electoral system is as good as the real thing since it creates peace of mind, but this ignores the fact that the need for deception shows a belief, even a knowledge, by the those enacting it that what they are doing would be seen as wrong, and this largely invalidates the argument.

2) At what point is there a line crossed when caring for humans only fits the desires of their overlords' plans? To use a very obvious parallel, would this man argue the aliens in the short story "To Serve Man" were benefactors because they stopped all world war, ended world hunger, and increased medical knowledge and lifespans, even though they were only doing this because they are humans, and wanted their cattle to be as safe and healthy as possible.

3) His statement that Yakone's argument would crumble should the Elders find their cute is completely unfounded as it assumes that the Elders would continue their benevolent actions after the cure is found. He has zero evidence that, one, the Elders wouldn't experiment on humans for other reasons, and two, that once they got what they wanted, the aliens would simply leave humanity and take their technology with them, leaving humanity to their own devices like a man who no longer wants to care for his dog and abandons it in the woods.


Game Master
Staff member
“Resolve”(Part 2)

When I first read this part, I was thinking things were going too well, which was a sign that it was going to fail. Then the witch showed up and I knew the easy part was over.


Game Master
Staff member
“Resolve”(Part 3)

An incredible conclusion to the fight, and a clever twist. Though it leaves me wondering if that poor man left with a concussion was in on the whole thing. Of not, I would be piiiiissed in his possition.


Game Master
Staff member

Very unnerving to hear such talk and see such power in one that is esentially still a child. Liked the mention of a familiar Ethereal name. And the solar system thing was really cool.


Game Master
Staff member
Crimson Sunset

Chilling. Absolutely chilling. And the figurative destruction of who Yakone is was beautifully written and glorious in a heart wrenching way.


Game Master
Staff member
Pernicious Provocation

This one is just scary. Thinking of the damage she could do, especially since so many of XCOM's people can't... or won't... give her their all... people will die...


Well-Known Member
Also, clever name, whoever came up with it.
Thank you.
Yakone did an excellent job arguing XCOM's side considering her position and the defenses given by her opponent. At the risk of opening up an ethical debate, I would have made three more points had I been in Yakone's shoes;
Funnily enough, some of the points Jayden makes I actually view as legitimate.
1) It is argued that a false electoral system is as good as the real thing since it creates peace of mind, but this ignores the fact that the need for deception shows a belief, even a knowledge, by the those enacting it that what they are doing would be seen as wrong, and this largely invalidates the argument.
Maybe... I'm not sure I'd agree. It's less of an admission of guilt and more of a desire not to upset the population.
2) At what point is there a line crossed when caring for humans only fits the desires of their overlords' plans? To use a very obvious parallel, would this man argue the aliens in the short story "To Serve Man" were benefactors because they stopped all world war, ended world hunger, and increased medical knowledge and lifespans, even though they were only doing this because they are humans, and wanted their cattle to be as safe and healthy as possible.
No argument against this one, but that is a different scenario.
3) His statement that Yakone's argument would crumble should the Elders find their cute is completely unfounded as it assumes that the Elders would continue their benevolent actions after the cure is found. He has zero evidence that, one, the Elders wouldn't experiment on humans for other reasons, and two, that once they got what they wanted, the aliens would simply leave humanity and take their technology with them, leaving humanity to their own devices like a man who no longer wants to care for his dog and abandons it in the woods.
You also don't know that Jayden is wrong.
When I first read this part, I was thinking things were going too well, which was a sign that it was going to fail. Then the witch showed up and I knew the easy part was over.
Yeah, Tax had the same premonition. That was intentional, and I'm glad people picked up on it.
“Resolve”(Part 3)
An incredible conclusion to the fight, and a clever twist. Though it leaves me wondering if that poor man left with a concussion was in on the whole thing. Of not, I would be piiiiissed in his possition.
You'll find out if Jayden was a willing pawn or not.
Very unnerving to hear such talk and see such power in one that is esentially still a child. Liked the mention of a familiar Ethereal name. And the solar system thing was really cool.
I've been doing a lot of studying in my spare time about astronomy. It bleeds into my writing. Why else did Emmeline jabber about Europa and subsurface oceans for awhile?
Crimson Sunset

Chilling. Absolutely chilling. And the figurative destruction of who Yakone is was beautifully written and glorious in a heart wrenching way.
I actually wrote that before the other solos. I had the image in my head, and got it onto the paper before later editing it a little in time for posting. I'm proud of the imagery.

I am curious as to what people thought of all the trashing Yakone's brainwashing ended up dishing out on all her friends. Most of her friends...
Pernicious Provocation

This one is just scary. Thinking of the damage she could do, especially since so many of XCOM's people can't... or won't... give her their all... people will die...
That is a possibility.


Game Master
Staff member
Atka's sadness fills me with more sadness. Though... I... the final post was really good. Don't think otherwise. I just... wish I had been a part of it. You might recall that I, an in universe, Joe, called what was going to happen, and I feel he should have been a part of that, no matter how small.

But I guess it is my fault for being left out... being unproductive this last week and all...


Game Master
Staff member
I am curious as to what people thought of all the trashing Yakone's brainwashing ended up dishing out on all her friends. Most of her friends...
I thought the ones for mine were all well done. I wish Ayame has been mentioned too, but you technically mentioned most of my other characters, and I wouldn't want to be greedy.


Well-Known Member
Atka's sadness fills me with more sadness. Though... I... the final post was really good. Don't think otherwise. I just... wish I had been a part of it. You might recall that I, an in universe, Joe, called what was going to happen, and I feel he should have been a part of that, no matter how small.

But I guess it is my fault for being left out... being unproductive this last week and all...
You were literally at work, and you literally stated you weren't feeling well.I didn't do a bad thing by not bothering you.


Game Master
Staff member
You were literally at work, and you literally stated you weren't feeling well.I didn't do a bad thing by not bothering you.
I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to imply I thought you did something wrong. As I said, I was more disappointed in myself, not you.

I did have a... small question. Was Vekinte's talk with Desmond implied to have happened off screen? Or did Patrem create Ember before his father had his convincing talk? Because if it is the latter, I'm sure there will be hell to pay when he finds out.

Also, in Pernicious Provocation, did you mean for Charbonneau to refer to Ember as the "long-lost son of our beloved Colonel", or was that a typo?


Well-Known Member
Also, in Pernicious Provocation, did you mean for Charbonneau to refer to Ember as the "long-lost son of our beloved Colonel", or was that a typo?
That's a typo.
I did have a... small question. Was Vekinte's talk with Desmond implied to have happened off screen? Or did Patrem create Ember before his father had his convincing talk? Because if it is the latter, I'm sure there will be hell to pay when he finds out.
It happened offscreen. What exactly is said will be gone into further detail when I have a chance to complete a post with marine we started today.


Well-Known Member
Boy do I have a treat for you guys. Time for you to understand just how far Yakone's been twisted, and to watch a 'villain' be more virtuous than she.


Game Master
Staff member
Boy do I have a treat for you guys. Time for you to understand just how far Yakone's been twisted, and to watch a 'villain' be more virtuous than she.
Quite the interesting read. Seeing Azazel plays devil's advocate on the other side is quite interesting and inspiring in fact. It would motivate me to write something more with my Elder... if I wasn't already planning it to begin with.