OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)


Well-Known Member
Excellent summarization of how the aliens were dealt with. Giving them Avatars might seem wrong to one level, but I know if I was in the position to decide, I wouldn't want to doom an entire race, even a hated enemy, by taking away both their salvation and all of their leaders.

And I'm glad to here that the Broodkin are getting their existence back.

One question, though. Yakone said aliens native to the Sol system stayed behind. Does that include the cat people? They were genetically created in Earth, right?
Yeah, that includes the Moguls. Was going to mention them, forgot.
This might be embarrassing, but I've been reading stuff on this site for a while now. I started at the beginning of Legacy of Earth, and read it through. Was some awesome stuff in there. And yeah, for ending a series, that seemed like a great point to do so on. Yakone, ironically, has been a cute character to watch grow, as well as several others.
^_^ Thanks. I'm really happy with how her development panned out. It's nice to know there are people reading the stories we create.
I'm also curious what happens to Island nations that were evacuated. For example, how is Japan handled? Do those of Japanese decent get to decide who leads them? And what of Australia? That was an entire continent that had no humans running it, home to aliens.
The people of island nations will return to their homes, but the younger generations are not going to feel the same sort of heritage. They've got no home to call their own... meaning that when humanity starts colonizing other worlds they'll be the first to volunteer.
For example, it was mentioned that the Ethereals were still fussing with other planets in case Earth didn't work out, like the planet Tamaer. In my head, I'd like to imagine that the Ethereals now withdraw all their troops Because they don't need to fight them. So while one might say "Oh, don't give them their Avatars, that's letting them win," by giving them that technology, think of the countless lives Atka has saved from other worlds! That makes Yakone's DNA the savior of Tamaer! Imagine if, twenty years down the line, Princess Korra shows up to personally thank Yakone for saving her people. That would be so cool!
Indeed, with half of their ships given over, the Ethereals are just going to make a tight defensive force around the Temple Ship, and seek out a new homeworld to call their own.
And I hope the Ethereals teach their children how much they owe humans. Probably not, but one can hope.
*Shrugs* Who knows?
Half of their fleet in exchange for being let go was surprising at first, but I guess it makes since considering the Ethereals only need to worry about defense now, not invasion.
Well that and it was more demanded than asked. Humanity doesn't want to be caught off-guard in the event of another attack. We take half of their strength as insurance and protection from any other stellar dangers.
We can post prologue stuff after this that happens before right?
You phrased that really poorly. It depends: does your content meant to take place before June contradict anything in Yakone's letter? If it does, you need to send it to me for revision.


Game Master
Staff member
Well, the Bio Domes would have had established leaders already when ADVENT was overthrown. Community leaders I mean. Maybe Kai will become Emperor and declare World War Three with Empress Lily and her army of automatons.
Emperor by day, doctor by night, passionate lover 24/7.


Game Master
Staff member
I have a few collabs to go, then I'll post a nice summary for the future of my characters. Some of the things were... things I wanted to do collabs for, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards. But thanks to those of you who have been willing to do closing collabs with me.


Game Master
Staff member
I... have had a change of heart. With everything that's going on in my life, the depression, the job situation, trying to get my medication back, trying to see a doctor, and so on and so on... I decided LoE is good as is. The story is done, and it was clear where my characters were heading and what they were going to do (for the most part).

Maybe, when I'm up for it, I'll do the occasional "Where are they now" post or a flashback collab, but... nothing right now.

I'll still be working on my RP, but as a warning, it isn't ready yet. After finishing such a long RP, I need a break. Hopefully no longer then a month. But I'll try to regularly post information on the rules and world building and keep anyone interested posted, as well as answer any and all questions and help with character creation. I just need a little time to get myself the energy and health I need to continue.

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
I... have had a change of heart. With everything that's going on in my life, the depression, the job situation, trying to get my medication back, trying to see a doctor, and so on and so on... I decided LoE is good as is. The story is done, and it was clear where my characters were heading and what they were going to do (for the most part).

Maybe, when I'm up for it, I'll do the occasional "Where are they now" post or a flashback collab, but... nothing right now.

I'll still be working on my RP, but as a warning, it isn't ready yet. After finishing such a long RP, I need a break. Hopefully no longer then a month. But I'll try to regularly post information on the rules and world building and keep anyone interested posted, as well as answer any and all questions and help with character creation. I just need a little time to get myself the energy and health I need to continue.

Please, take as much time as you need zombs. :)


I... have had a change of heart. With everything that's going on in my life, the depression, the job situation, trying to get my medication back, trying to see a doctor, and so on and so on... I decided LoE is good as is. The story is done, and it was clear where my characters were heading and what they were going to do (for the most part).

Maybe, when I'm up for it, I'll do the occasional "Where are they now" post or a flashback collab, but... nothing right now.

I'll still be working on my RP, but as a warning, it isn't ready yet. After finishing such a long RP, I need a break. Hopefully no longer then a month. But I'll try to regularly post information on the rules and world building and keep anyone interested posted, as well as answer any and all questions and help with character creation. I just need a little time to get myself the energy and health I need to continue.
That stinks. I was looking forward to seeing more from your characters and stuff.