
Well-Known Member
I will come out an say I am an aethist and honestly, I don't care if you worship some telletubby in the sky. There are some,use,for religion, that much can't be denied (such as giving people inspiration or hope such as in the clip) but it is when religions meddle in affairs such as politics, and used like religion is an automatic debate winner, is when it pisses me off, especially when used to,justify hanious acts against human lives and principles. I feel the world would be better if personal belief was left to just that, personal, instead of being projected as some saving grace that you are miserable without, and that is all I will say on the matter, cause it isnt a debate for here nor one I would like to get angry about.

I think we all agree that a debate about religion is but wasted energy. As a fellow atheist I agree with what you have to say thou.


Well-Known Member
Alright, now that my stuff is out of the way, I've got some time tomorrow and the day after (aussie time) for collabs if anyone wants. Translates to about 8 hours from now.
May take you up on a collab the day after. Will be too tired to do a collab when you get up in the morning 8 hrs from now.


Well-Known Member
So apperently I have noticed a trend that I like to give many of my female characters pony tail, and short hair on the male side. To change this up I have decided to TRY and change the hair of Yumi, I would love to show you all a picture. Keep in mind I'm trying a somewhat new hairstyle. On the side this picture is very very uneven with lines because they were just test lines to get a picture. I'm also currently working on two other pictures beside this one, and with the little time I got after work I think it is understandable when it does not look all too great ^^

I have also removed her animal ears and replaced them with horns to fit the whole dragon tribe aspect a little better.

(P.s.: If anything looks off in this picture do tell me.)


Also the original for anyone who want to see the change.


Well-Known Member
So apperently I have noticed a trend that I like to give many of my female characters pony tail, and short hair on the male side. To change this up I have decided to TRY and change the hair of Yumi, I would love to show you all a picture. Keep in mind I'm trying a somewhat new hairstyle. On the side this picture is very very uneven with lines because they were just test lines to get a picture. I'm also currently working on two other pictures beside this one, and with the little time I got after work I think it is understandable when it does not look all too great ^^

I have also removed her animal ears and replaced them with horns to fit the whole dragon tribe aspect a little better.

(P.s.: If anything looks off in this picture do tell me.)


Also the original for anyone who want to see the change.
Yeah, I do like the straight hair better. :)
And the ram horns look snazzy.


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Well-Known Member
Ty for the feedback I always appreciate it, you guys might not notice but any feedback or compliment makes my day ^^
You guys are the best!


Well-Known Member
So apperently I have noticed a trend that I like to give many of my female characters pony tail, and short hair on the male side. To change this up I have decided to TRY and change the hair of Yumi, I would love to show you all a picture. Keep in mind I'm trying a somewhat new hairstyle. On the side this picture is very very uneven with lines because they were just test lines to get a picture. I'm also currently working on two other pictures beside this one, and with the little time I got after work I think it is understandable when it does not look all too great ^^

I have also removed her animal ears and replaced them with horns to fit the whole dragon tribe aspect a little better.

(P.s.: If anything looks off in this picture do tell me.)


Also the original for anyone who want to see the change.

I like the long hair, and the ram horns.


Well-Known Member
Ty for the feedback I always appreciate it, you guys might not notice but any feedback or compliment makes my day ^^
You guys are the best!
The only thing that seems different that you didn't note is that Yumi's bust is smaller, though whether that's intentional or not is unknown to me.

Call me a perv for noticing that and I'll fight ya, ya scuzzers.


Well-Known Member
The only thing that seems different that you didn't note is that Yumi's bust is smaller, though whether that's intentional or not is unknown to me.

Call me a perv for noticing that and I'll fight ya, ya scuzzers.

I was wondering if anyone would notice that xD
It was intentional, the former breast were very poorly made and looked like two ballons stuffed into her shirt. Although I have taken small lessons on breast sketching I have never put the time aside for myself to teach myself how to draw them more realistic, currently I'm teaching myself how to draw better skirts, male bodies, and new hair styles, I guess breast fall in some time later on things to learn. So anyway in this picture I decided to give it a try and although I'm still not all to thrilled about it I think they are better, however if you think I should make them a bit bigger to fit the former once do tell :3


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone would notice that xD
It was intentional, the former breast were very poorly made and looked like two ballons stuffed into her shirt. Although I have taken small lessons on breast sketching I have never put the time aside for myself to teach myself how to draw them more realistic, currently I'm teaching myself how to draw better skirts, male bodies, and new hair styles, I guess breast fall in some time later on things to learn. So anyway in this picture I decided to give it a try and although I'm still not all to thrilled about it I think they are better, however if you think I should make them a bit bigger to fit the former once do tell :3
She's wearing a corset, so her waist would naturally be thinner compared to her upper body (either because of it or due to wearing one often), though by how much you want to gradate the difference is up to you.


Well-Known Member
She's wearing a corset, so her waist would naturally be thinner compared to her upper body (either because of it or due to wearing one often), though by how much you want to gradate the difference is up to you.

Well you do have a good point with that corset thing. And I guess since she did work in a restaurant as a servant maid and cook for a long time (considering her age :3 ) It would make sense for me to shorten the waiste and buff the bust. That would also be a reasonable explanation why her breast would be bigger than Avanix's or Akira's. I like your thinking! Thank you :D


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be ordering a mic soon, and I found a free recording software program, so it's possible I might record some Impossible Ironman XCOM if I feel up to the task.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be ordering a mic soon, and I found a free recording software program, so it's possible I might record some Impossible Ironman XCOM if I feel up to the task.

I would love to see that, are you taking characters we create or are you making your own or take exsiting once?

Which reminds me, when XCOM 2 comes out I want a character who represent each of you. Since the customization options are huge now and there is export and import.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see that, are you taking characters we create or are you making your own or take exsiting once?

Which reminds me, when XCOM 2 comes out I want a character who represent each of you. Since the customization options are huge now and there is export and import.
I may just play with what I get, though I'll be sure to include soldiers if I can. Won't be a RP though, since we already have VoF running.


Well-Known Member
Collabs for today in no particular order:

@Frostlich1228 : Let's finish up that one we started so long ago.
@Adrammalech : Finish up the collab we started Wednesday.
@Black0ut : Time for Hermes to pay Tom a visit.
@MarineAvenger : We'll finish up our collab during downtime of the mission or after it.
@ZombieSplitter53 : More of the lovebirds, and/or anything else you'd like to do.

Also would like to do a Room D-006 post with Marine and Zombie if we have the time in the evening, but I won't count on it.


Well-Known Member
Collabs for today in no particular order:

@Frostlich1228 : Let's finish up that one we started so long ago.
@Adrammalech : Finish up the collab we started Wednesday.
@Black0ut : Time for Hermes to pay Tom a visit.
@MarineAvenger : We'll finish up our collab during downtime of the mission or after it.
@ZombieSplitter53 : More of the lovebirds, and/or anything else you'd like to do.

Also would like to do a Room D-006 post with Marine and Zombie if we have the time in the evening, but I won't count on it.

Not seeing my name on there, now I know how Akari feels xD


Well-Known Member
Just some more XCOM2 stuff I had worked on in the past and refined a little. If you don't care at the moment feel free to ignore this; it'll be in the rules way down the line when we actually start the third RP.
Character Count

Due to the nature of XCOM as a guerrilla resistance, the number of members of the organization should naturally start out small. This applies to the amount of characters each roleplayer can have. To begin with, the number will be fairly small. This fits with the theme and ensures that our writers can focus on a starting set of characters before fanning out.

At the beginning of the story, our staff numbers (leaders not included) will be as follows:

- 4 Scientists
- 3 Engineers
- 5 Doctors
- 9 Skeleton Crew Workers
- 2 Pilots
- Around 10 to 20 soldiers

The initial number of soldier characters allowed per person is 1-2. Ideally, not everyone is going to want to start out with 2 soldier characters (as more than ten members means we hit the cap of 20 soldiers) but if that becomes the case the GM(s) will decide how to divvy up slots. The soldier cap does not include NPCs, but the civilian staff positions do.

The initial number of civilian staff characters allowed per person is 1. This means that if you want a civilian staff character you may only play a scientist, engineer, OR doctor. However, it is worth noting that the majority of soldiers will likely be helping out one of these 3 departments in their downtime, or even the skeleton crew with ship operations/maintenance. There should be no dedicated player characters amongst the skeleton crew. Trust me/us, having that is your only job would get boring fast.

Character Count per Roleplayer
Soldier Limit: 1-2
Staff Limit: 1

Ideally, your characters should be evenly split in terms of sex. As most people will start with two, that means one male and one female. Some exceptions may occur, see below:

It is worth mentioning that playing a department leader does not count towards your character slot/gender limits. The GM(s) will only choose someone they feel is up to the task for these positions.

- Commander (CENSORED) will be played by (Hidden by the Kurai Suta).
- Central Officer Bradford will be played by DarkGemini24601.
- Dr. Richard Tygan has not yet been claimed. (Science Chief)
- Dr. Lily Shen will be played by DarkGemini24601.
- The position for Medical Chief is currently vacant.
- The position for Skeleton Crew Chief is currently vacant.

Additionally, ‘Legacy Characters’ will not count towards either quota. These are characters that were active during one of ChristopherOdd’s roleplays and probably appeared in SoD in some fashion. As they have a spot in the hearts of the community they are not bound by the slot limits. However, no one will start out with more than 2 soldiers, so likely you may have to introduce them later.

Finally, character “sets” will be counted as one entity. These are usually 2 characters that can’t be separated, like a parent and child or two siblings that join XCOM together. If they’re both one gender, then they will count as 1 male or 1 female and 1 slot, or if they are separate they won’t matter towards the gender balance but will still take up 1 slot.

Big Sky (Skyranger Pilot) will be given a basic description and will be playable by whoever is taken to a mission site by him. Just don't have the poor guy do anything crazy or die without GM approval. The position for Avenger Pilot is currently vacant, though anyone that wants the position should consult DarkGemini24601 (me) about the role and for approval over a PM.