Combat Division
Format is as follows - {Sex} Rank Last Name, First Name [Class]
Soldier Ranks are as follows - Squaddie (SQ), Lance Corporal (LCPL), Corporal (CPL), Sergeant (SGT), Staff Sergeant (SSGT), Gunnery Sergeant (GSGT), Master Sergeant (MSGT)
Officer Ranks are as follows - Warrant Officer (WO), Second Lieutenant (2ndLt) First Lieutenant (1stLt), Captain (Cpt), Major (Maj.), Lieutenant Colonel (LtCol), Colonel (Col.)
Soldier Catalog:
-Recurring NPC [Ranger]
-Recurring NPC [Grenadier]
-PLAYER [Sharpshooter]
{29, F} SQ Shimizu, Megumi [Sharpshooter]
{30, M} SQ Arreola, Carlos [Sharpshooter]
-PLAYER [Ranger]
-PLAYER [Ranger]
-PLAYER [Specialist]
-PLAYER [Specialist]
{27, ?} SQ Sanchez, Miriam [Specialist]
{-PLAYER [Grenadier]
{22, M} SQ Finch, Terry [Grenadier]
{36, M} SQ Winslow, Russell [Grenadier]
-PLAYER [-Mystery-]
{21, F} SQ Brown, Olivia [-Mystery-]
-PLAYER [Trooper]
{20, F} SQ Driver, Karen [Trooper]
{25, M} SQ Imahara, Grant [Trooper]
{23, F} SQ Cruz, Cornelia [Trooper]
{21, M} SQ Cruz, Damien [Trooper]
{29, M} SQ Griffeth, Jean [Trooper]
{19, M} SQ MacDonald, Keith [Trooper]
{18, M} SQ Wakefield, Harvey [Trooper]
{19, F} SQ Geiszler, Wendelin [Trooper]
Medical Division
(Ranks are Doctor [Dr.] and Nurse [Nu.])
Format is as follows - {Age, Sex} Rank Last Name, First Name (Special Abilities)
Chief Physician:
-PLAYER (Claimed by MarineAvenger)
Doctor Catalog:
{46, F} Dr. Bandyopadhyay, Chandra (Biokinesis)
{34, F} Dr. El-Hashem, Abiba
{28, F} Nurse Pertersburg, Joan
{31, M} Nurse Sissio, David
{27, M} Nurse Harrison, Trenton
{16, M} Nurse Reloj, Leonardo
Science Division
(Ranks are Doctor [Dr.] and Lab Technican [Tec.])
Format is as follows - {Age, Sex} Rank Last Name, First Name [Specialization] (Special Abilities)
Chief Researcher:
{54, M} Dr. Tygan, Richard [Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics] (Possibly claimed by DarkGemini)
Scientist Catalog:
{36, M} Dr. Flammel, AJ [Mathematics, Physics]
-PLAYER Scientist
{24, F} Tec. Ortega, Gabriella [Biology, Astronomy]
Engineering Division
(Ranks are Doctor [Dr.] and Engineer [Eng.])
Format is as follows - {Age, Sex} Rank Last Name, First Name [Specialization] (Special Abilities)
Engineering Chief:
{26, F} Dr. Shen, An-Yi “Lily” [Mechanical, Robotics, Alien Tech.] (Claimed by DarkGemini)
Engineering Catalog:
-PLAYER Engineer
{33, M} Eng. McCaffree, Peter [Construction, Aerospace]
{27, F} Eng. Bart, Melissa [Electrical, Material]
{17, M} Eng. Djout, Dihya [Industrial]
Maintenance Division
(Ranks are Chief Technican [cTec.] and Repair Crewman [Rc])
Format is as follows - {Age, Sex} Rank Last Name, First Name
Maintenance Chief:
-UNSPECIFIED (Unclaimed)
Maintenance Catalog:
{18, F} Rc Thompson, Donna
{23} Rc Thompson, Patrica
{23, F} Rc Sanchez, Alejandro
{22, M} Rc Brodey, Marcus
{20, M} Rc Caldwell, Louis
{32, F} Rc Finch, Hillary
{17} Rc Ricchetti, Viviana
{15} Rc Toloni, Tiziana
Intelligence Division
(Ranks are Chief of Intelligence [CoIn] and Informant [In.])
Format is as follows - {Age, Sex} Rank Last Name, First Name [Specialization]
Intelligence Chief:
-PLAYER (Claimed by ZombieSplitter)
Intelligence Catalog:
{24, M} Fuchs, Toby [Coder]
-PLAYER [Hacker]
{30, F} Monroe, Bailey [Records]