Me? I usually update constantly throughout the day.Hey, how long do you guys think you spend on average a day on this site? Just wondering.
Me? I usually update constantly throughout the day.Hey, how long do you guys think you spend on average a day on this site? Just wondering.
Around 26 hours a day. (A lot)Hey, how long do you guys think you spend on average a day on this site? Just wondering.
Hey, how long do you guys think you spend on average a day on this site? Just wondering.
Hey, how long do you guys think you spend on average a day on this site? Just wondering.
Hey, how long do you guys think you spend on average a day on this site? Just wondering.
Nikolai Orelov was in WW 1 I think? Don't trust me on this I might have it wrong.
Have you stalked me? I've written a draft of an female german sssassin character that planned to kill hitler and have a german resistance. But she would also fight against the other 3 nations. Since I like to keep it equal, and not only have the germans on the bad side ^^
Hey, how long do you guys think you spend on average a day on this site? Just wondering.
Agreed.Would make the story ll the more meaning full if it was a resistance of German assassins that rose against the corrupted regime. And don;t worry...I don;t think any of us here are that ignorant I think. Seriously all I would want of a WW2 game would be the Normandy Beach landing or Operation Market Garden...imagine how cool those would be if done right in AC...
must read thia, though I was almost worried s flame war was goijg to start. Skirted the edge of disaster Prisma... XDWell if you want to I will post it, keep in mind this is about 2 years old or so when I first joined this forum. and I have not changed a single thing since then. Kept it in the good ol google docs :3
Since two years ago I was poor at writting the story just skips a lot of stuff, which you might even remeber from my first Season here in XCOM when I wrote the backstory for my character and pretty much made things happend without any reason. :3 Man have I changed...
(Keep in mind back then Germans thought that Hitler was a great man, I wanted to keep that in the story, and flesh out the characters in that way)
The first of September of 1939 is when it all happened, I remember it exactly, it was all over the newspapers and radio’s nothing else was talked about. The Second World War has started, and I happend to play a great role the next six years that would follow. I would turn twenty one in twentyfive day’s, and this would be the first birthday I would not spend with my family. But, let me start at the beginning of my life. My name is Elise (Surname), I was born in Germany, Berlin on the 26th of September in the year 1918 and lived their for most of my childhood. My Father died during World War one serving our country, and my mother who is british and meet my father during World War one, had to take care of me, my younger sister and my oldest brother all on her own. I do not know much of my father, mother barely spoken of him, all I know is that he saved her in someway and gave her shelter when she needed it the most. The rest of my family died during World War, as far as I know that is. Also I do think I still have an Uncle in England somewhere but again my mother barely spoken of family at all. World War one probably changed her alot, I do not know, I have never known my mother in any other way, but I bet she was a happy women back then before the war. She is dead now, and I’m more than glad now, sure I was really sad when she died, but now when I think about it, it is probably better because she doesn’t have to go through another war now. My brother had to take care of us after that, but not even a week after our mothers death he disappeared while getting us some food. Then it was my turn to take care of my younger sister and I. My younger sister and I were separated shortly after the beginning of WW2, but I’m getting ahead of myself here. Let me tell you how it all started.
“ will be a glorious nation, a german nation!...” Elise turns off the radio. “You know this Hitler guy, I like him a lot, he fights for independence and Germany, and his speeches are just so convincing.” Elise little sister stated. “I agree, he does sounds like a great guy, I think he can lead us to victory, but Isabell do not forget, the next years can be hard on us, all in all I can only imagine how father must have felt back then, eager for war and all.”
“Do not talk about father please.” Isabell said.
“Why? Do you not want to kee-” A knock on the door interrupted the conversation. Elise goes to open the door to find two males in uniform standing there with a paper in hand.
“Elise Franzine (Surname). Twenty years old, born in Berlin, Brunette hair, grey eye color. This is her.” Said the first Soldier.
“Guten Tag mein Fraulein.” Greeted the Second Soldier.
“We are here to call you to arms, you are to report to Hitlers Youth of the League of German Girls camp in NAME.”
YOU BET IT MOTHERFUCKERTHANK YOU! I was thinking that the whole time I was posting.
Edit: Gem is going to hate us.
I NOTICED THIS BUT KEPT MY MOUTH SHUT. @Sarge yoy realize people, anyone, can delete ratings right? I think you accidentaly gave us all an admin function.My guess, deleting the post that got a negative rating.
I am a Gamigon junky by merit of being the keeper of the peace, pretty much everyfew minutes unless I'm eating, sleeping, or otherwise preoccupied. Im sad, I know.Starting to see what Gem meant by being away for a while...
Is this a real person? Cuz I did not base Nika Orlov off that...that's just weird...
Lorewise in AC, WW2 was all staged, so that would be appropriate. Pretty sure that idea is the only reason why the whole "this was made by a multicultural team" is on the beginning of every game...
I refresh every 30 minutes or so all day, unless I'm actively doing something like Dota or homework.
That reminds me of last night. I went into my bathroom to find a huge moth about 5 times the size of a regualr moth and I just went "I think I'l go without brushing my teeth tonight"I am a Gamigon junky by merit of being the keeper of the peace, pretty much everyfew minutes unless I'm eating, sleeping, or otherwise preoccupied. Im sad, I know.
Also, guys, this was a weird ass morning for me. Had an awesome dream that resulted in me having part of an entire continent in my head to use for an existing or new fantasy story, complete with a character or three.
Wake up with that burning in my mind, reach over to draw the map while I still can... And out of my suitcase comes a MOTHERF***ing spider!!
Managed to use my adrenaline to leap back, get my shoe, and send him to the gates of hell, and draw my map. But damn, it woulda crawled on me if I hadnt had that dream...
Well, finish them and you're done or nearly done for the year, right? And I am home in 3 more days counting today.Well everybody, wish me luck. Got two consecutive state tests to do for both Math and Science and each are three hours long of sitting in a hot gym and having a half hour in between the tests to actually eat and relax. Not excited.
Yep, don't see the exploit anymore. Well done.I think I fix the rating problem @DarkGemini24601 was talking about.
I wear my singular "dumb" rating in pride. I obtained it after posting I had no idea what the symbol for it was supposed to be, ironically. Thanks Marine.So I'm the only one here who accepted my two negative votes? YEEEEEAH!!!![]()
I wear my singular "dumb" rating in pride. I obtained it after posting I had no idea what the symbol for it was supposed to be, ironically. Thanks Marine.
Eh, criticism is needed sometimes.I for once would love to know what is dumb about thinking that a certain scence remind me of death note, care to explain Gemi?!
Or what is old about finding Zombie's signature amusing?
I for once want to start a revolution to remove these negatives ratings xD
Eh, criticism is needed sometimes.