XCOM Role Play Season 4: Enemy Within [RECRUITMENT CENTRE]

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First Name: Leon
Last Name: Lystar

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 5ft6
Weight 120lbs
Hair: Black, Average Length
Appearance: Clean, Shaven, no visible tattoo's or scars.
Nationality: Born Brisbane, Australia.

Biographical Synopsis: Leon comes from a long history of aviation pilots and specialists, hailing from Australia, the land down under. Leon privately trained to be a pilot during his school years thanks to his family and come graduation had already earned his pilot license. He enlisted in the Royal Australian Airforce, and was not long before he was recognized as the rookie who was an ace pilot, never losing to the other recruits in simulation or mock dogfights.

When the Alien Invasion begun and the RAAF launched to intercept the enemy space crafts to little to no success, Leon was one of the very few survivors who managed to return back to base during this skirmish. Through his efforts before the invasion and his brave efforts was promoted to the rank of Wing Commander, since during the last skirmish his commander was shot down and killed.

In need of the best of the best, Leon was scouted as a potential pilot by his country when a proposal was brought forth to Australia about a unified task force of nations to deal with this new found threat, with nations all over the world participating, the task force code name was.... XCOM Project.

Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life. *and Pledges to himself quietly..* "And promise to avenge my fellow pilots who gave up their lives, in an effort to protect their countries...."
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New Member
Commensing Bioscan, please hold still...
Welcome Commander Odd...
Please enter password #041...
Password accepted...

Accessing Candidate files...


Name: Michael Fransicus Maria Voeten
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Date of Birth: 20th october 1984
Place of Birth: Den Haag, Zuid Holland, The Netherlands
Marital Status: Widower
Current Place of Residence: Hoorn, Terschelling - Friesland, The Netherlands

Physical profile:

Race: Caucasian
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 177 lbs
Hair- Blond
Eyes- Blue/Brown
Eyesight: 110, Nightvision
Hearing: 90/95 (Small genetic defect detected in both ears - hearing impairment: minimal)
Blood pressure: 110/90

Mental profile:

Psychiatric help due to emotional scarring during childhood - Therapy ended in 2001
Optimist, even more so in the face of adverse circumstances - presumed trigger mechanism developed during childhood.
Highly loyal to any cause the subject has strong ties to or owes alliagence to.
Stable and humble personality which, despite subject's history, is extrovert in nature.
Reduced survival instinct noted, presumed to psychiatric history, as well as social factors.

Military Background:

Date of Enlistment: 1st May 2002
Operationeel Ondersteunings Commando Land (Operational Support Commando Land) - Den Helder, The Netherlands - 2003
13th MechBrig - Oirschot, The Netherlands - 2003-2006
Nederlandse Korps Commando Troepen (Dutch Corp Commando Troops/Special Forces) - Undisclosed - 2006-2010
Opleiding/Trainings Commando (Education/Training Commando) - Breda, The Netherlands - 2010-2012
Nederlandse Korps Commando Troepen (Dutch Corp Commando Troops/Special Forces) - Undisclosed - 2012-current

Non-Combat Skills:

Languages: Dutch (Mother language), English (Excellent), German (Good), French (Average), Polish (Average), Russian (Average)

Bio Summary:

Born in 1984 to a catholic middle class family Michael had a difficulities during his childhood. Born with a lower than average physical form he was bullied by many. Inadvertedly this led to Michael's descision to improve his strength and stamina, as well as defend those in need. Due to his knowledge of several foreign languages and desire for 'adventure' he chose the military over local rescue services. After finishing his Gymnasium (High School with obligatory Latin and Ancient Greek classes) he enlisted in 2002. A good shot and agile mind caught the eye of the Dutch Special Forces, but not before he served as mechanic to the CV90-35NL-pantserrupsvoertuigen, Geneeskundige Compagnie, and Heavy Infantry - all within the 13th MechBrig. He accepted the position in the Dutch Special Forces in 2006. He performed various missions abroad in small strike teams of elite operatives. He served commendable and was decorated twice before retiring from active service in 2009 for a military career closer to home, training commando's rather than being one. The retirement came from the desire to care for his terminal ill wife. His wife passed away in 2011. Requesting his active duty due to his impressive record corp. Voeten rejoined the Special Forces in 2012.


I, have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.

Signed, [ corp. M. F. M. Voeten ]
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INCOMING TANSMISSION:... Subject 013-03W...
Awaiting Approval of the Commander...
Running Bio created by the Officer Trainingschool...

First Name
Middle Name: Michael
Last Name: Weaver
Nickname: Fatboy/Schwami
Gender: Male

Marital Status: Single
Height: 5f 10in
Weight: 280lb
Race: Caucasian
Hair Color: Red
Current place of residence: Esslingen a.N; Germany
Place called Home: Lebanon, Tennessee

Physical Appearence:

Though a Healthy Man in his early Twenties, he is not somebody that doesn't know how to move. Very agile and not impedet by his rather large appearence. With red Hair and green Eyes he isn't that hard to look at either. A person you have to meet to get the Idea behind his nice face and very friendly attitude.

Mental Synopsis:

Being the Target for many people, his own Mother included, his mind and Heart are left scarred and scared but not in a way that he is retreating from everybody and being a Lone Wolf. Although he has his moments where he likes to be by himself and sometimes has been seen to walking outside at night seemingly talking to himself. He actually does this to get a clear head and come up with plans, to impress others and sort out the people that really do have something against him. He is a gentle Person that would do everything for the People he Loves and cares about. Although it might take some time for him to adapt to new people, for he can never be sure not to get hurt like he did by his mother and many others before...
He is a very friendly, caring man who is very social but also very careful and doubting towards new people.

Biographical Synopsis:

Born in Esslingen in 1992, after a rather hard birth which almost cost him his life, he went on with a rather unusual style of living. Always having a affinity for Danger, he almost blew himself and his treehouse by playing with fire and testing things with Fireworks. Although a healthy Man of 280LB he is quite Agile, having no problems getting to places others can't reach and rather quiet doing so. He gathers information without being noticed and is equally as good at reading the small signs every Human sends out through Gestures, mimic and especially his eyes.
He is ingenious at reading in people's eyes and getting the Information he needs, without people noticing it or making it look or sounds suspicious.
Also he has a rare ability to judge the people he encounters. He knows right from first meeting someone if the person is trustworthy or not.

Being rather Social and very protective towards his friends and giving everything to others without a second thought, he impressed us with his knowledge of Chemicals and being fluend in 3 different languages and understanding several more. He studied Chemistry in Germany and left the School at the age of 20 with an all A Certificate.
D. Weaver is also a very skilled Shooter, learning from his Father G.Weaver and his Godfather S.Gaddy, he was trained in different Weapons from Bows over Pistols to Crossbows and Markmanrifles, he is capable of shooting an Apple with a bow up to 100 yards and shows great accuracy and understanding of different kinds of Weapons, we have tested with him.
Coming up a few point short to maximum points on almost all our tests he seems to be a very good choice for a Heavy or an Assault, seeing that he has a natural affinity for Fire and Explosions but also due to his agility and his favorite weapons Shotguns, we are certain that he would make a huge impact on your Team, Commander Odd.

We believe that his natural way of throwing himself toward Danger, protecting his Team and friends with his life, his knowledge of weapons and skillful handling of these, paired with his rather incredible Luck, would make an excellent choice in fighting of the Invaders, as he has no regrets whatever may happen to him.

He asked us if he was allowed to give you a personal Message, Commander, so we included it:
Commander Odd, whatever you may decide, I believe that your choices are correct and for the best of the Team and also this world. I trust few but you, you are one of them. My hopes for you are the highest and I wish you the best of Luck on your long and hard journey. Also I want you to know, that I came into this world Screaming, Kicking and covered in blood and I have no problems going the same way.
You have my word, Commander, I'm not letting this beautiful world fall into the wrong hands.


Pledge: I, David Michael Weaver. have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.

Approved by the XCOM Officer Trainingsschool
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New Member
First Name: Dylan
Last Name: Villerio (Vill-er-re-o)
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Race: Caucasian
Hair Color: Brown
Language: English
Biographical synopsis: Growing up in Arizona, Dylan grew accustomed to the desert climate of Southern Arizona. He never did very well in Math class but excelled in every other aspect of school. many Dylan's family had military background. This influenced his choice of career. Dylan participated in the high school JROTC program and later followed his fathers footsteps, joining the USMC. He has earned many ribbons and medals for his short time in the Corps. He is very disciplined, never disobeying his superiors, even when he disagrees with them or thinks he has a better idea. His family was killed during a plane crash and since then, Dylan has coped with his loss, accepting that his family will not be the only ones close to him that he loses.
Pledge:I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.


First Name: Michaelangelo
Last Name: Barbieto

Gender: Male
Age: 18
Biographical Synopsis: Finally, I'm out of High School and now I am finding somewhere to work at. I really don't feel like going to college though I'd like to find a job to fight for my country. It's time for me to leave the wonderful island of Oahu in Hawaii, I really want to see some snow and all that stuff I've never seen in my entire childhood. But it seems I've actually found some kind of little flyer talking about this so called "X-COM Project", seems interesting to see what it is. I wonder what it is though, well I'll try to apply for the project, hopefully I get in.
Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.

Martin Welsh

First name: Martin
Family name: Welsh
Operation call-sign (Nick Name): Aegis
Age: 27
Nationality: Australia
Gender: Male
Facial recognition: large cut around right wrist after being held captive in an operation went wrong.

Biographical Synopsis:
Graduated year 12 at Mount Maria College
Received Masters in Industrial Technology
Finished basic training in the Australian Army
raised to Gunnery Sergeant before being transferred the Tactical Urban Division where he received training in operational field hacking

P.S. can only hack small computers such as an enemy drone or sentry, and was daunted by the ultimate computer facilities of the XCOM project and as he signed the oath secretly promised never to endanger the facility from his own wrong doing.

Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in XCOM special forces. I am myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to confirm, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander Christopher Odd. I trust him with my life. by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems; My life.


First Name: Gabriel
Last Name: Torres
Gender: Male

Biographical Synopsis: Born in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Gabriel grew up in the favela: a slum wich appered to be a simple poor province on the outside, but housed all manner of criminals. Gabriel never met his parents, where they dead? Was he abandoned? No one knew. He sought education, but got little of it, only managing to barely finish high-school.

During his teens, Gabriel was looked after by Emanuel Pereira, a local ring leader who introduced him to the underground life in the favela. Gabriel showed exceptional skill in every "job" he was assingned: Drug runner, personnel manager and even as a dealer. Fighting became like second nature, and so he was assingned to be part of the "armed forces" of the favela, recieving rudimentary trainning with firearms.

However Gabriel soon came in contact with the most gruesome and brutal part of the underground life: Tortures, assassinations, huge firefights, war against the police and all manner of cruel acts of violence. Fearing for his life, he fled the favela, sewaring to never return to this life again and, if possible, fight against it.

Without a formal higher education, Gabriel found himself lost in the world. Eventually, he turned to his last option: The military. Enlisting With the brasillian army, Gabriel's previously aquired skills allowed him to quickly rise through the ranks, all the while honning his abilities to incredible levels, earning himself a position as leader in a special forces group wich specialised in combat against various criminal militias all over South America.

However, one day he recived an invitation. A global effort was being organised to combat a new threat, a threat that could potentially wipe out all of the civilised world, and they wanted Gabriel to join the fight.

And so Gabriel enlisted himself in the X-COM program.

Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.


New Member
First Name: Etienne (Born Steven)
Last Name: Renault ( Born Miller)
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Race: Caucasian
Hair Color: Brown

Biographical Synopsis: Born Steven Miller, on January 10, 1985 to a middle class family in Smithtown New York. At age ten his mother was killed in a car as she was commuting to work in New York City. After that day him and his father stated to draw further and further apart. He would graduate high school in 2003, with a 3.4 GPA. During his time in school he acquired a love for history. For four years he went to college hoping to become a history teacher, however after graduating he found difficulties in finding work. After three years of working dead end job, after dead end job, he had enough. He knew he had to leave his past behind. He remember from his studies of history, of the French Foreign Legion. Of the battles of Camaron, Bir Hakeim, and Dien Bien Phu. In 2010 he would join the French Foreign Legion under the name Etienne Renault, after training he would spend three years in Afghanistan, In his last year in Afghanistan he was awarded the Légion d'honneur after saving his wounded Officer that was under firer and rallied his fellow legionnaires to fight the enemy. He was wounded in the right arm during this action. During this time he would reach the rank of Sergeant and became a citizen of France. After this time he was sent back to France. As of late he as noticed he is being watched by someone, but who?

Knows, English, French, and some
expert in light machine guns.

Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.
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spencer pedersen

New Member
first name: Spencer
last name: Pedersen
gender: male

biographical synopsis:
weight-220 Lbs
height-5 10"
birth date-07/22/1995
occupation-game designer
educational status-associates, taking classes in advanced biology, theoretical biology, theoretical bio-mechanics.
further achievements- eagle scout award given from international scouting organization.
science awards ranging through many years, many superfluous, several considerable.
shows incredible intelligence IQ tests show incredibly low scores while practical science test results are record breaking on most sciences fields. geology and ecology are under standard.
does not appear to have desire to aspire to top of class all tests taken excluding previously mentioned are a plus perfect scores while average GPA is 3.0 when asked by under cover agent why this is he informs them he has nothing to push to, suggest immediate assignment to Xcom research department.
no military training beside voluntary simulations results positively attuned for bio-mechanical meld experimentation.
no close family
marital status-single
results conclude encouraging candidate for drafting.

Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.
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New Member
First Name: Creonto
Last Name: King
Gender: Male
Age: 20

Biographical Synopsis: My life wasn't a fair one. Playing soccer and running in Cross Country was fun, knowing I was great at both things... But. My friends in high school were addicted to drugs, but by the time I knew, I was blamed for taking the meth I didn't even take. My social life was ruined. My reputation? Worse. During the time I got out of that hell of a school, I enrolled in the University of Richmond, hoping everything was behind me. There I found the girl I liked and confessed to her, but recently I haven't heard a thing about her. Before I could find out what was going on, the Administrators of the University confronted my living quarters and kicked me from the school! Even though I was 20, I was only a freshman and was soon found out. I recently only got a letter, I don't know what it is, but I hope it's a college scholarship!

Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.


New Member
First Name: Novone
Last Name:
Gender: Male
Age: 25

Date of Birth: March 15, 1990
Sex: Male
Place of Birth: Rome; Italy.
Nationality: Italian
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair Color: Red
Hair Length: Medium
Eye Color: Amber
Immediate Family: Bella Marzo (Deceased) Mario Marzo (Deceased) (Both were reported dead during the alien attacks. It us unknown if Novone knows they're true cause of death)
Biographical Synopsis: Novone was born in Rome, but his parents moved to the united states soon after, on the coast Miami. His father worked on the docks, while his mother stayed home. Novone lived a mostly normal life as a child, except for the number of times he would get in fights in school. Always looking to prove himself, he got more detentions than another student, and was even transfered before he "calmed down" When he came of age, he joined the army, as a way to see the world while fighting for something more than his pride. He quickly took to the solder's life, loving the discipline and training. He served a tour in Iraq, and became one of the esteemed Army Rangers. But when he came home, he didn't know what to do. Knowing that he could make a living with his skills if he was willing to break the law, he turned to be a thug for the south american drug cartels. There, he got back in touch with his violent nature. Eventually, he found others like him, and made a team of soldiers of fortune called "I Cacciatori di Draghi", or "The Dragon Slayers" They mostly kept active in the south American reagon, But have been seen in Africa, and even the Middle East. Just a couple weeks ago, A letter came to Novone, telling his parents had died due to mysterious causes, and he was asked to join an operation called "The X-COM project" His team would be reciving a massive cash reward for there efforts, but the pledge that came with it scared off all the mercs except Novone, who wished to know what happened to his mother and father.
Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.


To: Commander ChristopherOdd

First Name: Extani
Last Name: Drako
Nickname: "Unique"
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Date-of-Birth: 4/28/1990
Place-of-Birth: Orange County , California, USA
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160 lbs
Date of Enlistment: 2/15/2010
Rank(Air Force): 1st lieutenant

Bio Summary:
Born in 1990 to a poor immigrant family in California. Extani Draco was always a joker. He got good grades in school and didn't like sports, was on track to going to college. He was always a fan of planes and he wanted to follow his brothers footsteps(Died 5 years ago in a plane crash, fighting in Iraq). He wanted to be able to give back to the nation. To live the words of his brother and be a man for others. On his eighteenth birthday he left the loving family life and joined the Air Force.participating in the taking out of Geranimo. After three years Draco was promoted to 1st lieutenant. After a Few Years his parents died for an unknown reason. Sometime after his parents death The XCOM Project came out... know knowing how his parents died he is out for revenge.
Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life. Recruitment Office finds this candidate qualified for conscription into the XCOM Project and awaits final approval from you, Commander Odd.


Documented Information

First Name: Monti

Last Name: Laguardia

Nickname: Tracuers

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Date-of-Birth: 06/21/1985

Place-of-Birth: Siena, Tuscany, Italy

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 172 lbs.

Date of Enlistment: 03/06/2003

Rank: Sergente Maggiore Capo (Chief Sergeant Major)

Marital Status: Single

Biographical Synopsis

Medical Reports


Overall health is outstanding however there does seem to be a few atrophic linear scars on his right arm, possibly from a knife or other sharp edged object. Previous physical records indicate no evidence of performance hindrance or deterioration of necessary field skills. Soldier will be watched for further inquiries. Aside from that, he is cleared for service. - Basic Training Medical Officer Nepi


Combat fitness test scores range with in the top 10% nationwide. Previous inquiries have been resolved and all prior injuries have been dismissed. With a proficiency in capturing and securing important objectives along with close quarters combat, this soldier shows true potential for future military endeavors as a paratrooper. –Basic Training Medical Officer Nepi


Post mission analysis dictates a severe amount of psychological trauma. Though not present in day to day activities, reports from fellow soldiers and other field operatives show an increase in ruthless behavior and emotional disconnection. I advise frequent meetings with a psychologist after the current tour, despite its effectiveness on the battlefield. –Field Officer Profeta

Combat Reports


Another day of patrol and I’m becoming more and more scared of my squad. Frost and Weasel are ok but Tracuer takes things to seriously. I know tomorrow we’re due for our second drop but I’m not sure if I want to. I mean Tracuer is cool and all but he’s a completely different guy when he suits up. –Caporale (Corporal) Julian “Scrap” Tivoli, 35 Uccello squad


Don’t know the back story of the new guy but he fits the profile of an experienced 18B. For now, I see no reason for alarm. –Maresciallo (Marshal) Vico Vescovi, Classified squad


Sometimes I question who I become when I enter the field but then I go blank. I remember the missions and what has happened but sometimes my thoughts and emotions aren’t as easy to retrieve. I’ve kept a recording of my last few missions and it helps but I can’t help but feel something is missing. I’m being shipped out in the morning and I know Vescovi doesn’t want me to be late but still… I’m a soldier fighting a war on two fronts and I can only win one… -Sergente Maggiore Capo Monti “Tracuer” Laguardia

Recruitment Reports


None of his current squad mates are able to provide any information providing his psychological, mental or emotional state. His previous records do show some kind of trouble but due to lack of documentation, as previously stated, nothing is concrete. We still believe he has potential but more investigations will have to take place in the coming years. –Recruitment Officer

Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.


First Name: Zachary
Last Name: Holden

Gender: Male
Biographical Synopsis:
Subject Zachary Is A Solider With Special Ops Training (Please Make A Sniper) And Has A Certain Aptitude With Machines. As Such He Is Often Found Fiddling With Small Parts Of Clocks And Watches. He Prefers To Stay Alone And Will Sacrifice Others In Order To Complete The Mission. The Solider Writes Books On A Regular Bases And Immerses In His Novels. Not Much Else Is None Of Him, Other Than The Fact That He Seems To Be Able To Lurk In The Shadows Very Efficiently, Without Being Spotted. The Subject Will Be Breifed Shortly
Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.

(Hey Commander Odd. *Salutes* Sorry About My Caps Typing. I Have A Case Of O.C.D. That Causes Me To Type Like This. Take Note That I Write Books From A First Person And Feel I'd Be Great For This!)



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First Name: Michael
Last Name: Madigan
Gender: Male
D.O.B: 10th of September 1986
Country of Birth: Australia

History of personnel: While Michael's childhood was, a bad experience. He has grown and evolved into the person that he is today. Michael has a great understanding of how most of the world works, and what is not known to Michael. Gives Michael the will go out and seek the knowledge to make sure that all bases are covered.

Michael has a great love for technology as well, there is very little tech that he has access to that Michael can not work with. Michael helps out a lot of his family with their computers and new phones. Growing up Michael has always been fascinated with robots and the sci-fi genre, growing up with some of the greats like transformers and voltron.

While Michael does not say much due to an incident, but he does not need to as his actions speak for him. Michael is a person that will protect, those around him very closely.

Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.
First Name:Joshua
Last Name: Yoon

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Biographical Synopsis: He just turned 18 once the very first alien invasion happened. He remembered it, watching the news, and seeing the aliens only really have one goal. Clear out the earth. He also remembered about how his dad went to investigate in 2015, saying, "It's a piece of cake honey." He never returned, and soon, his mother went paranoid, and killed herself.Joshua was barely making a living, scared, and angry at where the next alien invasion will be. If he ever met any aliens he would show them no mercy. Joshua also was tought, by his dad, how to shoot all the types of guns(sniper,LMG, assault rifle, and shotgun), although he enjoyed the rifle better, due to lower knock back. He does not have high will in some cases, i.e. confronting spiders, but he does have significant aim. He also likes to "be close and personal" so to say, and his favorite type of soldier is assault, because his dad was assigned to be an assault when he mysteriously disappeared. Since he had nothing to love anymore, he does not care if he dies, but he would rather go down fighting than go down as a civilian.
Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.


GENDER: Female
WEIGHT: Around 142lb
AGE: 26
Hair Color: Blond
Ethnic Group: Russian American
Country of Origin: America

BIOGRAPHICAL SYNOPSIS: After just turning 26 a short few months ago I found myself paced from room to room in deep thought while I read a shady letter with no address. With my mother never having claimed me and my father having died from the first attack that happened on the day of March 1st, I can't help but feel a little numb. There was no reason to go to college, I dont even know what I want to do, and the military academy I've gone to for the past 12 years was "temporarily" shut down last week (and with it my source of easy rent money)...so what am I to do? This is when my father would tell me "To go with what feels best", but what exactly is 'what feels best'? I don't feel anything...I couldn't stop thinking of such things while I read my mysterious shady letter that was encased in an express envelope that said "XCOM:Special Forces" and told me I was chosen as one of the 'best and the brightest'...and thats it. That and a request I join said 'XCOM' as an elite military soldier and make pledge involving I conform (give up my freedom) to my supreme commander, ChristopherOdd, (some guy I don't know and have never met before) and trust him with my life that I may or may not lose defending the planetary systems (What?). Definitely shady if you ask me...but its not like I have any plans, so losing my life not a big deal at the moment and it would be nice if I could go out with a bang like my father did in the military (I was the only student from America to graduate from Russia's specialized Bol'shaya 'n Zhestkim Military Academy within 12 years, so maybe I could stave off on the whole death thing)...Well I guess thats it, I had better head to the post office to mail this back then.

PLEDGE: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.


First name: Peter
nickname: "Raven"
Last name: Kovacks
Gender: male
Age: 45
DOB- 2/10/1969
Place of Birth- Wessex, England
Nationality- English
Height- 6'0
Weight- 210 pounds
Profession- Dishonorably discharged army Lieutenant/ unemployed
Hair Length- 6 inches below her shoulders
Hair Color- White (formerly brown)
Skin Color- Caucasian
Eye Color- Blue
Marital Status- Divorced
Place of Residence before X-COM- Miami, Florida
Siblings- Three (presumed dead)
Kids: Daughter (Rose)
Sexual Orientation- Heterosexual
Tattoos- the names of all his dead comrades on his back
Blood Type- O
also: hates robots
Back story: As a young child Peter was friendly, excitable, and charming. he showed great prowess both physically and mentally through high school. At the age of 17 he graduated High school and went on to West point academy, from witch he graduated with honors, and was immediately promoted to Sargent in the English military. during the in 1990 he shipped out with his unit to participate in The Gulf War or "Dessert Storm" (A term witch he claims to have coined). during his third mission a suicide bomber inside a car drove through his unit killing all but him and private Jason McLaughlin. being no ware near a base Peter carried McLaughlin for two miles before he realized his comrade had bleed out. After that day Peter never joked, never smiled, never showed affection witch eventually lead to his High school sweet hart and wife of three years filled divorce papers. he also started drinking something he'd never done before and he did it a lot, and enjoyed it.

Despite his aggression he was an effective and tough leader, but in 2010 he was found torturing an prisoner of war, and was Dishonorably discharged. he spent the next years coning his way to his next drink in Miami (he couldn't bear to show his Sisters what he had become) only occasionally seeing his daughter. In 2013 he got a call from EXALT asking for him to join there secret organization he told the to Fuck off and three days later was contacted by XCOM, despite the fact he hadn't fought in three years they needed his adaptability. Peter had never been good at keeping secrets, or taking orders but he'd do anything to protect his daughter and to feel the thrill of the kill once again.

Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.


First Name:Victor
Last Name:Batista
Code Name:Domkiller

Biographical Synopsis:Ex convict from Dominican Republic. Since the Aliens first came he started fighting for his home planet,doing his best to try to get to be recruited by the XCOM facilities.But lets go a little farther back. He has military roots,in 2007 he worked in the CIA for 3 years,then in 2010 he was the president's right hand for two more years,but he got unfairly accused for treason to his country. Now he is trying to recover his planet...or at least what is left.(preferly to be an assault)

From: XCOM Recruitment Office

Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.



Official Draft #12202877

Name: Craig Williams
Race: Caucasian
D.O.B: 4/16/96
P.O.B: Manchester, UK
Draft Report: Candidate Williams is a "Progedy" by Graduating Cambridge University at the age of 16 with a degree in theoretical physics, before Conscription into MI:6 where he initially serviced as a assistant to head MI:6 Research and development lead Dr. George Newland, before the "Pzenik" incident of May 7th, 2013 where he singlehandedly held off a rogue slovenian mercenary company CODENAME- Scarlett which were trying to steal technology in an attempt to dominate the mercenary industry. By using a neurotoxin in the building`s ventilation system (killing all staff but two) and cutting all broadband and telephone communication lines candidate Williams who at the time was in an air sealed room performing an experiment with Dr.Newland; noticed staff outside of the room collapsing, alerted his senior and was ordered by Dr.Newland to "follow safety protocol`s" putting emergency hazmat suits on and leaving the room to check on the status of their co-workers; upon realizing they were dead, both scientists proceeded to follow Protocol mandate and move to the nearest exit, where they found Lt.Pzenik (Commander of scarlett) extracting blueprints on [Redacted] as well as moving various experimental prototypes, upon this discovery Dr.Newland began gasping for air; discovering a puncture in his suit. Just before dying his last words to candidate williams were " Et protegam hortaris" (translation - reclaim and protect) with his last breath Dr.newland gave candidate Williams his keycard to section [redacted] where using what he learned off his time with Dr.Newland quickly created a crude but effective "pneumatic pressure shotgun" far exceeding weapon safety parameters. Using this, his knowledge of the building`s sub systems and a prototype "nerve dampener" he also developed, he filtered the ventilation system removing the toxin and began systematically neutralizing scarlett; in the end killing four including (Lt.Pzenik) and capturing five. Candidate Williams was awarded the Victoria cross for " Most conspicous bravery and valour" afterwards candidate Williams requested training and deployment as a international service agent stating "I have reclaimed something for my country, now I will protect her whether domestically or internationally) - Possible Pshycological attatchment? due to loss of mentor - Irrelevent, (benefit to cause)

Survivability, adaptation, patriotism, candidate Williams is perfect for the project commander let me know if you want him conscripted and ready to pledge to the project.

From: [Redacted]

#¿^«%^~«\\# (To whomever this "Commander" is I pledge myself to your cause so long as I defend my country, I will do anything asked of me... my hacking of this dossier should prove that, just know with me you get more than a man, you get someone with a cause...)^»»#¿9¿¡^^~»\
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