Dahlexpert ZombieSplitter53 Dahlexpert wrote on ZombieSplitter53's profile. Feb 14, 2019 Zombie were did you find that profile pic?
ShadowHounder Feb 13, 2019 People think I laugh too much. The fools... don't they know that I bleed humor? Comedy is in my veins! (my head still hurts from slapstick practice)
People think I laugh too much. The fools... don't they know that I bleed humor? Comedy is in my veins! (my head still hurts from slapstick practice)
DarkGemini24601 Feb 8, 2019 Power is a tool. At times, it may have a will of its own. But what matters is how you wield it.
ShadowHounder Feb 6, 2019 "You were a good boy Maxwell... a shame you turned out to be a shit man." Alexander Anderson, Hellsing Ultimate Abridged Episode 8
"You were a good boy Maxwell... a shame you turned out to be a shit man." Alexander Anderson, Hellsing Ultimate Abridged Episode 8
ShadowHounder ZombieSplitter53 ShadowHounder wrote on ZombieSplitter53's profile. Feb 6, 2019 Ah Zamasu, the great genocide you'll soon grow up to become
Black0ut Dahlexpert Black0ut wrote on Dahlexpert's profile. Feb 3, 2019 Nice pic... And a great game.
ShadowHounder Jan 26, 2019 *When you wanna watch anime on Crunchyroll, but everything is subbed* I cri erityme
ShadowHounder Jan 15, 2019 "Why did you shoot me dammit?" "Because you wanted shots to be fired." "I DIDN'T MEAN LITERALLY!!!!!!"
"Why did you shoot me dammit?" "Because you wanted shots to be fired." "I DIDN'T MEAN LITERALLY!!!!!!"
Dahlexpert Frostlich1228 (Alt) Dahlexpert wrote on Frostlich1228 (Alt)'s profile. Jan 4, 2019 I hope you feel better frost.
Dahlexpert divinelyjinxed Dahlexpert wrote on divinelyjinxed's profile. Jan 2, 2019 You know you could introduce yourself in the roleplay think tank.
divinelyjinxed Jan 2, 2019 We never saw a thing until it came for you and me, and dragging us into the dark, with everything now broke apart.
We never saw a thing until it came for you and me, and dragging us into the dark, with everything now broke apart.
Dahlexpert ShadowHounder Dahlexpert wrote on ShadowHounder's profile. Dec 30, 2018 You know, shadow if you wanna introduce yourself to the others just go to the think tank.