X-COM Enemy Unknown - Season 3 - JOURNALS

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Surveillance Video #245-12586

X-COM Firing Range

(Joel stands at the range methodically disassembling an assault rifle. After a part is removed he thoroughly inspects it and then lays it down on the table. Once the gun is completely broken down he takes one final sweep and begins sliding the weapon back together. Ayame Kasagi opens the door, but stops when she sees Joel. She hesitates for a second and then turns to leave. Joel notices her.)

[JF] I won't bother you. (Ayame turns towards him.)

[AK] I...I don't...

[JF] Besides, I have no interest in talking. Take as much space as you need. (Ayame's fists clench and she gives Joel a violent look.) Right... bad choice of words. Sorry.

(Ayame shakes her head and moves to a spot on the range. She unholsters a handgun, flicks the safety off, and readies the weapon. Joel turns to watch her fire. She squeezes off two shots that hit the target in the center of the forehead. Joel laughs.)

[AK] What?

[JF] Nothing, it's just... most the guys think you can't hit the broad side of a barn. I don't know where they're getting their information from; that looked pretty good to me.

(The start of a grin appears on Ayame's face as she turns back to the target and fires her remaining rounds. They all enter the same hole. Ayame nods, satisfied, and sets her gun on the counter. Joel has completely reassembled his weapon and slides a clip into it. He puts a bullet in the chamber, aims, and fires. Two 3-shot bursts exit the weapon and hit, dead center of the target's chest.)

[AK] Why you not aim for head?

[JF] Smaller target.

[AK] Deadlier to hit there.

[JF] Harder to hit there.

[AK] Think you will miss?

(Joel shakes his head, raises the weapon, and fires 3 shots towards the target. They all hit the face. He smiles.)

[AK] Mine better.

(Joel shrugs and sets his rifle down.)

[JF] Rangers taught me to shoot at center mass; that's where I shoot. Who taught you?

[AK] Someone who says shoot for head.

(Joel waits to hear more but receives nothing.)

[JF] Fair enough.

(He lifts his weapon and holds it out to Ayame.)

[JF] Think you can handle that?

[AK] You think I small, so I can't handle it?

[JF] I think you might be watching my back one day, so I would like to know what you're capable of.

(Ayame shakes her head, retrieves her pistol, and heads for the door.)

[JF] I don't think I caught your name.

[AK] I didn't say.

[JF] I'm Joel.

(Ayame pauses, hesitant.)

[AK] ...Ayame. (She turns to leave.)

[JF] Goodbye, Ayame.

(She looks back for a second, takes a breath, and then walks out. Joel lifts his weapon and opens fire.)

*End Recording*


Well-Known Member
Name Axton Van Dam

Memory/bounty log 1

So this is something I just fell like doing,because when X-COM recruited me I didn't tell them ever thin about me,so this is a project that i'm doing were I am saying who I am and what iv done for most of my life,so here we go.

I was born in Alaska "land of the midnight sun",I have one sister and two parents a mom and a dad.so lets fast forward four years my first time going hunting,so my dad is caring me on his shoulders taking me to this hunting ground that my family been through for years,and my dad takes me off his shoulders and gives me a bow and arrow, and my dad is telling me Axton this is not a gun you do not pull the trigger for this weapon,what you do for this weapon is that you is you put the arrow on peace of string and you pull the arrow back and then let it go,so after a fer hours of practicing and missing my targets I caught a break,a small fox digging for food under neath the snow I pulled my arrow back let it go and got him right in his neck, and my dad was so happy that I killed something and passed my first test as a hunter,so were walking home i'm singing I killed it I killed it I killed a fox the entire way home felling good and happy, until we get about half way there and I see some puppies in the woods.Now in Alaska dogs in the woods nine times out of ten there wolves,so i'm walking towards them wanting to pet them and my dad tells me to get away form them.Now i'm four years old I don't know that there wolves I think there baby dog lost in the forest and I wanted to take them home withe me.And sure fuck enough here comes mom she jumps out of the bushes with her teeth showing ready to rip out my insides and serve them to her kids.So my dad pulles out his rifle and says Axton backup slowly,and I don't here him because i'm looking into the soul of this wolf and I can feel it waiting for me to move so it can charge me,and what do I do I start moving towards is,dad is yelling his head off telling me to get back get away form it,again I don't hear i'm looking into this things and I can since that its hungry,so I get to a reasonable reach of it,I drop my fox that I killed I drop it on the ground and slowly step back,and she takes my offer and runs off into the woods.And pretty safe to say that I got beat that night for terrifying my dad,but that same night he gave me the nickname "wolf boy" because the fact that I just started walking towards the wolf withe no fear that took some guts and my dad was proud that I stood my ground in the face of death and for killing that fox earlier so it was a good day all around.


Well-Known Member
Name : Anna Stone
Status : Okay

Non-Combat Log 4

Well lets recap the last few days or so...

When the skyranger came back after the last mission they hauled this corpse out...
It was the same creature from my dreams! It was so beautiful... Ayame was next to me when they took it out of this large wooden shipping crate, and I just felt... Compelled to look at it... I could hear it... In the back of my mind... Screaming for help... They took it down to the Science Labs... I followed them... Making sure Ayame didn't see me... I didn't want her to worry... This invasion is enough to worry about... I don't want her to be concerned about whatever's happening to me... Anyway, I followed them down to the Labs... I tried to get in, but I didn't have proper access, so they wouldn't let me near the scientists while they were working... I am glad they did... I am not sure what I would've done if they had let me get close to that thing's body...
I felt better a few hours after that... Must've been stress or something... I don't know...


The English lessons have been going better and better, I hope that she will be able to talk like I can by next month... We'll see...

She is still having trouble controlling her temper though... Some American idiot decided it would be a good idea to challenge Ayame to a Duel... with swords... let's just say Ayame got a little carried away and almost killed the guy... Thank god I showed up when I did...
he acted like he was sorry, but he probably wasn't... Most of the Americans I've met like to lie about how " Sorry " they actually are...
If he was truly sorry he would've come and checked on her after that, but of course, not a sign of him anywhere... Typical...
Anyway he asked if she was going to be ok... I just nodded and said yes... I don't think he believed me though... I guess if he did, that would explain why he didn't come and check on her... Hmm...

I am glad that all the men here aren't Americans, I met this really nice guy... He reminded me of my Father ( Does that sound weird? ).
I was at the shooting range, practicing my shot just in case Commander Odd actually needs me to do something other than Build Stuff. Every shot I took at the dummy was a miss... At least I know how to reload well, I mean it is basically taking a piece of the gun off and replacing it...
I think I am getting off track...
There was this guy... he grabbed my gun and moved it a little higher up... something about the bullet drop when it travels... after he did that I landed shot after shot... we talked for a little... then he asked me if I had any family back home, I told him the truth, that the only family I really have is my Cousin Marx... he replied saying that he had a Wife and Daughter back home... When he said that I got a little flashback of my father in my head... I told him that he should go and see his Family if he gets the chance, that it's not easy living with only one parent... Weather or not he will take my advice... I don't know... I really hope he will though...

I also saw that we have a new soldier... some guy called Zhang... I saw him sleeping on the couch in the Rec Room.
Apparently he was part of some kind of criminal organization called the Traids, As long as they didn't do any kind of Human Trafficking or Slave trade ( Wait are those the same thing? ) then I am okay with him.
He is kind of Cute though... I don't know why but I kinda have a thing for scars... I wonder if his Hair is Dyed white or he is just Old...
Heh... look at me talking about romance when the world is at stake... I have more important things to do with my time than to get into a relationship...
Relationship or not, I'll try and talk with him If I get the chance.

Oh Dr. Shen is calling me to Engineering... something about an Alien Containment Chamber or something...

*End of Recording*


Game Master
Staff member
From the Personal Recording Device of -Ayame Kasagi-

[Translated from Russian]

Ayame sits at her desk, tapping her index finger rapidly. For several minutes, she stares at the camera, occasionally looking as though she is going to say something, but then only letting out a long sigh. Anna walks in, wearing sweats with a towel around her neck, her hair matted.

Ayame flashes her a half-smile, saying "Hey Anna, did you have a nice work out?", her voice lacking enthusiasm.

"Yeah, they have some great machines here." Anna wipes some of the sweat from her hair. "Obviously, I need to hit the showers. You want to join me so you don't have to go alone today?"


"Whats wrong, Ayame? Did you have another bad day?" Anna grabs a bottle of water and starts drinking from it.

"Anna...am I...am I a bitch?"

Anna spits out a stream of water, and starts chocking. Ayame rushes over to her, gently patting her on the back. "What!" Anna exclaims, coughing loudly. "No! Why would you even ask that? Did someone tell you that?!"

"No one did, and that's the problem."

"What are you talking about? Ayame, where is this coming from? You've never been one to question yourself like this."

Ayame paces around the room for a few moments, a worried look on her face. "I've had a few encounters with some men, and while most have acted as I expected, some are different, and I'm wondering if I've been far more...I don't know, rude then is called for. First there was that guy in the cafeteria, and then in the shooting range."

"You talked to him again in the shooting range?" Anna asks.

"No," Ayame says, stopping to look at Anna, "I did see him again when I returned his camera, but the guy at the shooting range was named Joel. He complimented me in a way that didn't sound like he was patronizing me, and that's new for me.....except for you, of course. He didn't seem to look down on me, and if he was hitting on me, it wasn't obvious."

"Why would you look down on yourself because of this? Are you sure he didn't imply something?"

Ayame thinks for a moment, then shakes her head. "No, I was just thinking that I've been a little harsh, like an irritable child. I've been fairly mean to a number of people. At what point does my distrust for men turn into misandry?"

Anna is quiet for a few seconds, then walks over to Ayame, placing one hand on her shoulder and lifting her chin with the other. "Lets get one thing straight. You are not misandrous, you are not an "irritable child", and you are certainly not a bitch. And I don't ever want to hear you talk about yourself like that again, do you understand?" Ayame smiles and nods. "And as far as the men go, you have your reasons to have reservations, though it'll be a little hard to find a nice guy if you never give anyone a chance."

Anna chuckles, not noticing Ayame's smile falter slightly. "At any rate," Anna continues, walking over to a large metal case and pulling out some fresh clothes, "If you're still upset, you could try apologizing to one of the guys you think you were rude to, like those idiots from the other day. Personally, I think it was more their fault then yours, and you shouldn't give them the time of day, but what's important is taking some of that burden off of you shoulders. Now come on, grab some clothes, and we'll check and see if the showers don't have too many perverts in them."

Ayame nods, grabbing some clothes as Anna stands by the door. She joins her, but quickly runs back to the camera when she realizes it is still on.

*End Recording*


Staff member
["Rocketbottle, post: 3416, member: 653"](OOC) I have a question how does the xcom timeline works do we follow the xcom ingame clock or we follow the " real world clock " because I thought ChirstopherOdd said to follow xcom timeline but in people's journals days pass where in xcom timeline were still on the same day just wondering.[/quote]

Should be xcom clock. Please post ooc stuff in the think tank.


Well-Known Member
X-Com Classified file:
Recruitment file#20
Name: Aaron Justin Bryant
Gender: Male
Blood type: A+
Active rank: Rookie
Skill set: Stealth, mid-short range combat, excellent in swordsmanship, and hand to hand.
Physical attributes: 6ft 2in, 265.5 lbs, 12% body fat, body type endomorph, Brown hair, brown eyes, caucasian.
Secondary skill/Hobby: Blacksmithing, Chess, Video games, Reads.
Doctrine: Non-Denominational Christian
Location: Chicago
Mission: Training mission withered snake

The sewers are quiet with the slight hum of water coming in from all around the city. A dark figure drops in from where a shaft of light breaks through the foul retched darkness. "boots are on the ground" the figure emits sound that seems slightly choked from the disgusting conditions " ugh and now the boots are wet". The figure stands silent for a time one hand held against the small communicator in its ear. "Rodger" the silence is broken once more and now added to the ambience of the water sloshing through is the soft thump of boots.

" Target ahead" the young shadow says creeping quietly now, the hum of the water covers all noise. The shadow though large is soft of foot and creeps behind the first individual. The shadow grabs him around the throat locking the two in the most intimate embrace that can ever be shared. With a mothers tenderness the shadow gently places the man in the foul water and lets the mans gun and gear sink him down. The shadow moves on giving each person it meets along the way, to his destination, its cold steel embrace. The shadow silently prays for each in turn and for itself. Soon there are only two left, the shadow, and the target.

The shadow puts one boot forward then the next and continues until it missed its step. The Target hearing the noise draws his gun Click click goes the safety and the rounds popped in shk shk goes the barrel he pulls back to load the gun chk goes the hammer he pulls back to hit the bullet. The shadow pulls its own gun but it was already prepared its long black nose points to the target and coughs. The target falls he is crying his ruby tears now, weeping at all the time he lost because he was the target and the shadow was simply better.

"target down" says the shadow while it kneels before the target. The shadow pulls out his cross and began praying glad that this part of his training was over.


Well-Known Member
Name: Axton Van Dam
Status: felling stupid

Man, ever since I came back from seeing my family I got a bit if a wake up call.I forgot the family rule never underestimate any one,any one and what did I do a few days a go I met this chick named Ayame at the shooting range and I saw her shooting her guns,and ill admit she is a pretty wicked shot with a pistol, but I didn't see her use any other weapon,so I decided to help here with some of the other guns.and now that I think about it she probable thinks I did it because I thought she was small,and that is not true and also thinking about it she had to be military at some point because she is here, so she has to be good with other weapons,and I thought about it this and I fell dumb just thinking about it,and I ow her an apology so the next time I see her I will giver an apology.


Game Master
Staff member
Name: Ayame Kasagi
Rank: Trainee
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Place of Birth: Central China
Nationality: Chinese/Japanese
Height: 150 cm (4 ft, 11in)
Weight: 42 kg (94.5 lbs)
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: To the small of her back
Eye Color: Heterochromia (One Dark Brown, One Hazel)
Known Relatives: None (All Deceased)
Place of Residence before joining X-COM: None

Memory Log #1

I was born to a poor farmer and his poor wife in the poorest part of China. They met when my father fled Japan after he racked up too much debt gambling for him to handle, and my mother found him, half dead from starvation. She saw good in him where others saw only a loser, and begged her father to take him in. He proved to be a devoted worker and a loving man, and my grandfather gave my father his blessing to marry his only daughter.

I was the youngest of five children. Such large families are common for poor farmers , as help is needed on the farm, and child mortality rates are high. If anything, our family was small. The harvests weren't the best, and my father often had difficulties with dealers not wanting to trade with a foreigner, but we got by. I helped as much as I could, though I was never pushed, and my sister, who was six years my senior, always tried to do my work for me, much to my protest.

My father was so loving. It is not uncommon for farming families, especially in China, to be completely patriarchal and male orientated, and for a man to treat his wife like little more then an object. My father? He cherished the ground my mother walked on, and treated my sister and I as good as he treated my brothers. They would have their fights, of course, what married couple doesn't, but they would always make up, and he never raised a hand to her.

My mother had a smile that could turn the darkest soul pure. I remember when I would hurt myself playing, or when my brothers would push me around, she would hold me in her arms, stroke my hair, and tell me everything would be okay. She would then sing to me in that beautiful voice of hers. I would sit there, wrapped in her loving embrace, lost in paradise. My brothers said she spoiled me, and they were probably right.

Naturally, I got along the best with my sister, Guì yīng (obviously, she had a traditional Chinese name while I was given a Japanese name from my father). She spoiled me almost as much as my mother, and I loved her for it. We would spend almost all the time we had off from farm work together, gathering flowers, playing with our straw dolls (simple by toy store standards, but I loved them, so shut up), and singing the various songs we learned from mother.0

It was the best childhood one could ask for. In a way, I wish it hadn't been, because that only made it harder when it was over, a mere seven years into my life.


Well-Known Member
Name: Shaojie Zhang
Log ID: 170320154001
Though I am not unfamiliar with an empty dojo, I figured the morning was my best chance to run into anyone doing exercises similar to mine. Unfortunately everyone who did go for an early round of exercise took it to the jointed gym. I have been given little opportunity to interact with the other soldiers, I would almost consider the lack of interaction as one of avoidance. Perhaps I will have more luck at lunch, otherwise the forced interaction with me as their CO will be quite an awkward one. It seems the people who run this place have taken every effort to set me apart from the others.

When I walked into the showers I was met with the piercing looks of two women which, even when I looked away to tend to my own business, I could feel prying my way as if condemning me for being in the same place as they. Not that they stared, though I did not turn to look, it was my presence that triggered their whispers. It became clear how alike we thought, however, when all three of us had hurried to finish cleaning up quickly as to avoid the awkward confrontation, only to extend it by our simultaneous attempt at leaving. Ultimately I simply ignored the strangeness of the situation and got out, dried off, put on my clothes and left for the common rooms.

Yet, I cannot help myself from putting myself down for what occurred back there. Perhaps with all of us clothed over lunch, the encounters with people should go much smoother. Though, even then, they will likely still look upon me as though I were a criminal and I cannot blame them.


Well-Known Member
OOC: Got this from last season and really liked it so I decided to try it myself, also ZombieSplitter53 suggested doing it, hope this is good :D

The Age means how old Colin was during that Time
(Colin is 41 since 2015, born on December 25 1974 in Berlin Germany)
The Year means which the memory took place.

Name: Colin Weger
Age: 21
Year: 1995

Memory Log 1 :

(Justin was one of Colin's best friends in the early years of his life, he was like a brother to him, they grew up together and went to the same school)

-Translated from German- (The stealing :O I'm sorry)

*Arrow hits the target dead center*

Colin: "Another one right into the center! Nice shot Justin!"

Justin: "Yeah you know me, always aiming for perfection"

Both laugh

Colin: "So since school is over, do you know what you want to do yet?"

Justin: "Well let's hope so, didn't want to go to school for 13 years of my life for nothing hahaha, kidding aside, I want to see if I can go to America and make something there out of my life."

Colin: "Oh... quess that means we wont be seeing each other"

Justin: "Yeah...But I was thinking, why dont you come with me, after all we are like brothers we stick together. We do everthing together, just like we started archery together."

Colin: "I wish I could Justin, but I enlisted myself in the Wehrmacht, I'm leaving tommorow for the Barracks and with my education they promised me an Officer rank if I pass the exam, its an oportunity I dont want to pass out on."

Justin: "I see, well fighting was never my stlye, putting my life into the hands of other people, having my life taken from me in seconds by a bullet, no thank you. I would trust you with my life, but people that I dont know. Just no!"

Colin: "I dont like it either, but its for the good of the people. Dieing for out country and all. I feel like its something I have to life up to!"

Justin: "Colin this isnt the medival ages anymore, there is no honour in dieing for your country anymore, and I dont think there will be a war anytime soon. The world has had enough of that for one century."

Colin: "That is where you are wrong, there is always honour to be found for those who die to safe others, and a war could always happen at anytime. War is a part of life, there is no point in history where there wasnt atleast one war going on between Humans."

Justin: "Hm, maybe you are right, I wish you good luck on your exam brother. I have to go now...Well I quess this is where we part ways..."

Colin: "Indeed, but no matter what Justin, you will always be a brother to me."

Justin: "As will you."

Colin takes a shot and hits center

Justin: "Nice shot, keep it up I'm sure you will be a great Sniper one day. Well... I will visit you one day, until then goodbye my brother."

Colin: " You better visit me, You have to be my groomsman when I get married"

Justin: "That is if you ever get married hahahah"

Colin: "You're the one talking here virgin hahaha"

Justin: "Alright and you will be mine when I get married"

Colin: "Then its a deal, goodbye Justin"

Justin: "Bye Colin"

Justin hugs Colin and leaves.

*Colin stays for a couple more minutes and then decides to leave too, he puts down his bow, and left his hobby, the last day he saw his best friend.*

*On the way home it started raining, Colin noticed a young beatiful blond Woman walking on the Highway, he stopes the car beside her and opens the door*

Colin: "Hello good Lady, can I take you for a ride into the city, I dont want you to get a cold out here in the rain."

Mysterious Woman: "Thank you for the offer but I dont know you, so I aint sure if I can trust you."

Colin: "That is a good reason, but I can't leave you out here in the rain, so you will just have to trust a kind stranger like me for once.

Mysterious Woman: " Alright, you seem like a nice guy, noone else had the decency yet to stop and invite me in yet."

Colin: "Good to hear you changed your mind"

*The Woman got into the car*

Colin: "I'm sorry about asking, but I didnt catch your name, and I'm also curious about what you were doing out on the highway alone while it was raining?"

Mysterious Woman: "Oh I'm sorry but that is really none of you business, but since you asked kindly I will tell you my name. Its Laura"

Colin: "Beautiful name, so Laura where should I drop you off?"

Laura: "Acctualy I have no place to stay, so if you could just drop me off in the city, that would be nice.

Colin: "No place to stay? You can stay at my place tonight, I wont be sleeping anyway since I have to pack, leaving for the barrack's tommorow."

Laura: "You would take me to your place? You are a weird guy, so nice, its unusual for me to meet someone like you."

Colin: "Thank you, soooo is that a yes?"

Laura: "Yes"

Colin: "Great to hear that, I hope you dont mind me packing, I have an apartment near the barrack where I will life on Saturday's and Sunday's and I still have to get the everthing over there before Monday."

Laura: "It's alrigh...Wait! Ok I'm sorry for asking, but can I come with you, and life in your apartmant? I can take care of it for you from monday to friday. No pay needed. Please"

Colin: "Woah umm, I'm not sure Laura, I'm nice enought to invite you to my place for the night, but living with me, I'm not sure."

Laura: "Please Colin, I have nowhere to life and nothing to lose. We could go out on a date sometime maybe and get to know each other better."

Colin: "Are you asking me out on a date?"

Laura: "What? No! well Yes! but..."

Colin: "Okokok calm down, fine I will take you with me tommorow. Its a long car ride to the Barrack's so we can get to know each other on the way"

Laura: "Thank you Colin, you dont know how much this means to me, I'm glad you stopped by to pick me up"

*Laura leans in and kisses Colin on the cheek*


Well-Known Member
Name: Anja Kjaer

Base log 2

I feel the eve of war is upon us. Things have been quiet on the front, giving us some time to prepare. Unfortunately, I fear this time is almost up. I hope the commander has prepared accordingly.

It feels like an eternity since I wrote to Hans and Pia back home. I hope they took my advice and moved somewhere discreet. I would hate to see them on a mission, but luckily our extra terrestrial friends seem to be ignoring large urban centres. Then again, it would be even worse to see them trapped under whatever ungodly terrors that green webbing is. I think I saw a body twitch once. I hope we can save the poor souls trapped like that.

The base still seems underdeveloped. I went on a small walk around the area, and saw many people from around the world. Half of these are people look like mercenaries. How many have actual military training? I think that is for me to find out.

My helmet request is still being processed. I would be nice to have one. But then again I would probably vandalize it with my pocket knife.

Many more things need to be said. But this journal only has so many pages.

I now end my second log of the XCOM operations.


Name: Joel Freeman
Current Rank: Recruit
Total kills since joining X-COM: 0
Status: Unsure


"I ran into somebody while I was at the range: Ayame. She's an interesting personality. I don't know quite what to make of her yet, but compared to some of the other people I've seen in here... she's alright. Not sure if she feels the same about me. She doesn't seem to take much of a likeness to men, much less Americans. She gave me her name, though. That seems like a good start to me."

"Things have been pretty quiet around the base lately. No alarms, no casualties, no violent outbursts within the ranks. I don't like it. It's too... easy. Maybe this is just the calm before the storm."

"Maya hasn't sent me a letter back, not that I expected her to. I don't know why I still think she would want to talk to me. Stupid. I can't keep holding to onto the past like this. Gotta clear my mind before I fight, or I could get myself killed."


Well-Known Member
Surveillance Video Footage # 652-729324867

Project X-COM Bunker grouping B-3

*Aaron walks out of room shoulders rising and falling breathing quickly*

Aaron: "God damnit!" * Aaron begins repeatedly punching the walls his knuckles standing no chance he looks up* "is this some freaking joke? Or did u just put a bunch of rejects in a trash bin and forget to delete because i dont see the punch line" *Aaron sits on the floor leaning against the wall* "Im just unable to get this there is nothing in the book that says anything about this" *he sits looking up mad lost and confused* "fine you use to always be able to answer me i guess they just kinda take up your time yea?" *Aaron walks back into the bunk slamming the door*


Well-Known Member
Reply From: Martriese,


I dont even know where to start with you. You abandoned me. I cant believe you thought you would be better protecting us where ever you are than with us. I honeslty Cant believe you. Ohh and fuck your sweet little email you can be sweet when your here with us. Im sorry i dont mean to be so harsh but i just miss you so much. I hope your ok Because i know this alien thing is messing with your head really bad. Have a good day sweetheart.


*Aaron has tears trying to break the shackle that holds them back trying to knock down the walls of his ego. He blinks them back and closses the laptop holding it close because of the warmth it still radiates from its use. His breath coming out in short ragged gasps*


Well-Known Member
Name: Aaron Bryant Rank: Rookie
Status: Healthy
Total Kills since joining XCOM: 0
Total Outings:0

*Aaron steps out into the hall way*
Computer open audio diary file 6 begin recording

"I just saw the latest combat logs they were pretty intense and i hope that Freeman makes it out of the hospital pretty soon" *a deep sigh is heard* "I had lunch with a superior officer today it was pretty cool he is a good guy" * mumbling is heard along with a groan* " i keep forgetting what im doing here i think it might be because i havent seen any action and the training is a pretty loose schedule i heard they are starting the autopsy of the sectoid today. Im gunna watch that i have some un answered questions and seeing his guts every where might help resolve them" *Footsteps are heard* " Paladin out ha"

Computer end audio diary file 6


Active Member
Name:Booker Conan
Current Rank:Sergeant
Mission Name: Dying Savior
Mission Objective:
  • Sweep the abduction site and identify threats
  • Neutralize all hostile targets
Kills This Mission:0
Total Kills since joining XCOM:7 Dead
Status: Healthy
Promotion: None

Audio Missions Logs
Dying Savior Log:


Active Member
Name: Derick "Voodoo 37" Lee
Current Rank: God of the Skies

So it turns out the Geeksquad has been making satellite targeting systems for the Ravens. Don't know whether I should be grateful for the R&D time or insulted. I haven't missed a shot while in X-COM. I've got better aim than the grays!

Rumor has it the little Asian is causing trouble. Does nobody screen these people? Whatever, I got a poker game to get to. Need to do something with this gonk.

Jhon Markith

Active Member
Journal Entry 6
Name: Stevie Steve
Location: X-COM
Action: None

Another mission has gone down, and one came back hurt, that puts it nurfed, he was fucked up.

Commander Odd has built an officer training school, so there is now a new place to hang out, and a place to learn.

Me and Aaron took a walk to talk about Ayame, and it kind of went all around

Aaron said that he wanted to go for a walk, so I said sure.

When we get in the hall he tells me he would like to discus Ayame. He did not think that she was mad at him and I didn't either. I told him that she did not have the greatest history with men. He said she was strong, hell even stronger that him, and said he would hate to have her as a foe. I told him X-COM has had a toll on her, and he replied that it has taken a toll on all of us. He than stopped and told me that we should say sorry, and I asked why the sudden change of heart. He told me time can only do so much, and the other day was not the right time, I said I knew it wasn't and something about my x-wife popped up, he asked I had a wife and we went back to our bunks.

The next mourning the strangest thing happened, when I say strange I don't mean creepy or anything like that, but something you would not expect in a million years. It started with me and Aaron was gearing up to spar when Ayame came in, I saw her and debated to say sorry but I just continued to gear up, afraid that it was to early. She told us sorry and I was shocked and I said we should be the ones saying sorry, Aaron holds out his hand as a friendship offering, and I said if there is anything you need I'm here.



Well-Known Member
Name: Aaron Bryant
Rank: Rookie
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Place of Birth: Southern U.S., Florida, Miami
Nationality: English/irish
Height: 6ft 2in
Weight: 265.5 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Length: 5 inch
Eye Color: Brown
Known Relatives: Dianne Bryant (mother, deceased) James Cook (father, living, location unknown) Martriese Morant ( Fiance, Living, Location Canada)
Place of Residence before joining X-COM: Chicago

Memory Log #1 "First day feels like im in fricking school again" Aaron let out a sigh and turned to his girlfriend " Thank god your beautiful or i might actually go insane." She laughs and pulls him in kissing him gently and stroking his freshly cut hair Whispering "your going to do great sweet heart they would not have picked you if they didnt see something in you, and like me they probably just want you for your body!" Martriese laughs loudly. " You are so mean to me you know that" Aaron jokingly pushes her and looks out the window "Ill see you soon ok?". " Alright soldier boy now get out of my car before the C.O. gets mad i dont want them ruining the money maker there" She jokes gently slapping his face. " I love you" Aaron utters as he opens the door to the car "i know" She winks at him and drives off. Aaron walked down the hall way showing his I.D. to all the appropriate Secruity. I just got Han Soloed by my girlfriend haha thats amazing Aaron thought to himself. Aaron finally reached his bunk and began unpacking. Other Commando trainees are spread about and begin approaching him, Aaron pulls out his bible, his dnd books, his sword and his clothing. " Hey Newb pleasure to meet you" Aaron turns around and sees a group of five trainees standing around oh god this is fucking middleschool again seriously? " Hello pleasure to meet you" Aaron extends a hand to shake. The leader punches his shoulder and says " dont be dumb who shakes hands any more" its ok Aaron they are idiots just remember they are stupid!!!!!. " I would appreciate it if you didnt hit me outside of the training hall" Aaron stares the leader straight in the eye. "Ok chill bro just a little hazzing weve been here for a while thought we would give the newb a hard time" The leader puts his arm around Aarons neck " My name is Darick." Aaron sighs and turns to him so that Daricks arm falls off of him "Its a pleasure to meet you Darick i gotta go meet my C.O. now" Aaron puts his bible under his pillow and he places both his dnd and sword in his foot locker. 8 hours later Aaron comes back to his bunk his eyes black and bruised along with about 75% of his body from the beating he got from his C.O. in sparring. SGT. Bradford is one tough basterd ha ow that hurt a lot ok time to say my prayers and go unconscious for a few days i mean hours. Aaron slide gingerly onto his bed and reached under his pillow his hand finding purchase on thin air. WHAT?!?! chill your probably put it in the foot locker. Aaron got up and walked over opening his foot locker and seeing nothing not even clothes he heard a slight laugh from behind him. He felt the heat rise in him the unquenchable fire that burned in his soul was a raging volcano. Had they takin his clothes he would have been upset but fine, had they taken his dnd books he would have been mad but the situation salvagable, his sword he probably would have beat them but it wouldnt have been to bad. They took the word of god from him, his rock amongst the crashing storm of anger that he had inside of him. He had written in the spaces of this bible his hopes and dreams and what he would have been in an earlier time. He was so fascinated with medieval times that his biggest fantasy was being a paladin. He wrote this time and time again in his bible. He turned around to face the one who had made the fire with in him grow so large.

"Hey there does the paladin want to take his things baaugggug" Darick spluttered about in pain as Aaron crushed in his nose and then beat his nose in a few more times making sure it was pretty much powder. He took his things back in his bag walked up to SGT. Bradford and said " Im going to need a new bunk please also there is a man who is bleeding profusely in my previous bunk it may be best to get him medical attention right away." This is nothing like middle school here im going to fight back. OOC: I used Zombies memory log idea so credit to zombie :)


New Member
Ainm (name): Peadar Mac Lochlainn
Stadás (status): Oltá (drunk))
Damnaigh. Damnaigh é. My life is ruined. It cannot be. This is the worst day of my life. damnaigh damnaighdamnaighdamnaigh. no. nononono. [baackground noise: and another goal for Derry! That's the final whistle; Derry have won the Sam Maguire!] NO!!! DONEGAL CANNOT LOSE! NOT TO F**KING DERRY! HOW DO YOU LOSE TO DOIRE?
[calms a little] How... how can this be? *sobs* oh dia, no. This is not happening. THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!
[minutes pass, calms a little more] As you can see, journal, someone gets more agitated by the peile than is good for him.
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