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Well-Known Member
Perhaps, covering important things. In my bio for Atka I mention ISIS being defeated so I suppose we need to get certain things straight. I have to go in about ten minutes so I'll be unavailable for an hour or two, anything addressed towards me will go unanswered until i return. I'll give my two cents on the timeline then, if we do one.


Well-Known Member
Remember the golden rule of Metal Gear Solid conflict: As long as you skip at least a couple years into the future, and pay attention to current trends, you can make up what ever shit you want.

Mary, who was born 23 months ago, was born in a monastery in Scotland where its secretive society implanted her with genes that allows her skin to constantly emit microbubbles of chemicals that absorb and neutralize small irradiated particles in a certain radius of her at all times. This ability only worked with very minute amounts of radiation, until her mother went on a quest to a clandestine Russian science facility underground in Norway, which used an experimental process to magnify this ability tenfold. Now Mary is capable of braving even the most irradiated regions with little to no consequences.

Bill, Mary's brother, who was born two years ago, is also immune to radiation because a wizard said so.


Well-Known Member
Basically, here's the two fictional operations I mentioned, and a bit of what happened.
-Operation Bulwark: (Freeing captives in the Toronto airport from ISIS sympathizers.)
Some civilians died when negotiations went sour, caused Canada to be more involved in the fight against ISIS.
-Operation Styx: (Helping Syrian refugees flee across the Syrian-Turkey border to safety.)
Some captured tanks dealt heavy damage to the soldiers helping the refugees and ended up fueling the war effort, partially contributing to their eventual defeat at some point afterwards.

(Might add something else to her bio unrelated to ISIS after I get more ideas.)


Game Master
Staff member
Okay, I mean I'm fine if we are in Europe just wanted to know how we decided that :D But thank you for the answer ^^
Sorry, I was preoccupied. We decided on Russia because it's great size means it would be hard to locate the base even if the aliens knew it was in Russia, and building it in a remote location like Sibera lends to secrecy, as there is little threat of locals wondering in and the soldiers on base could be left in the dark about the precise coordinates for the sake of security (Don't tell anyone, but there might be spies on base).


Game Master
Staff member
As far as timelines goes, if we need to set up something, we will, be lets worry more about that when bios are done and we check for any inconsistencies.


Game Master
Staff member
Sorry to spam messages (at work, gotta speak when I can), but does any mind if we treat the Outsiders like they did in Long War instead of EW.


Well-Known Member
My character's bio vaguely hints that tensions between the Koreas have gotten more violent. I don't think I made it so urgent that it absolutely must be added, but you could say that skirmishes are becoming common or they're in actual war if it was so pleased.

Zain Shah

Well-Known Member
Depending on how much people want to add to the timeline, I might make a doc of all of it and post it here.


Well-Known Member
My character's bio vaguely hints that tensions between the Koreas have gotten more violent. I don't think I made it so urgent that it absolutely must be added, but you could say that skirmishes are becoming common or they're in actual war if it was so pleased.
Interesting, I might have Atka be involved with some of that then Adramma.
Could you explain that better I didn't know they changed it
They made it so they didn't disappear as ship captains after the alien base is defeated. Rather, small ufos have 1-2 outsider pilots, medium have 3, and large have 5. Later on sectoid commanders and ethereals mix onto the larger ships. Plus, they regenerate over time and are generally a bit tougher.


Well-Known Member
I'm fine with the outsiders actually being a challenge, and Atka is finished. (Again.) Had her involved with an attempt to defend a south korean base that went somewhat sour and caused tensions to rise a bit more.

Now I have to do my other character. Damn, this is hard when I focus so much on two characters.


Game Master
Staff member
Interesting, I might have Atka be involved with some of that then Adramma.

They made it so they didn't disappear as ship captains after the alien base is defeated. Rather, small ufos have 1-2 outsider pilots, medium have 3, and large have 5. Later on sectoid commanders and ethereals mix onto the larger ships. Plus, they regenerate over time and are generally a bit tougher.
I find 'a bit tougher' to be an understatement. They act as mini bosses early on, with increased aim, 10 HP, and they regen 3 HP a turn.
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Well-Known Member
Well, I didn't mention the giant one in the large ufos that you can't beat in the first month. That's the real scary part besides the health regen.
(Nearly impossible to beat, rather, but not everyone is Beaglerush.)
I never actually got to giant sectopods...I think the only giants i fought were a seeker and a chyssalid.


Game Master
Staff member
I assume we're not doing gigantic regular aliens, but what about larger "Heavy" sectopods and mutated/queen chyssalids?
And stuff like that.
Haven't got to that point in Long War. Are they just larger, stronger versions of the originals? 'Cause a Chryssalid Queen sounds intreaging.


Well-Known Member
Haven't got to that point in Long War. Are they just larger, stronger versions of the originals? 'Cause a Chryssalid Queen sounds intreaging.
Yeah, they're stronger and larger, more hp, more abilities (passive abilites though, not attacks, but in our case we could give the super sectopods extra weapons @_@)


Well-Known Member
Haven't got to that point in Long War. Are they just larger, stronger versions of the originals? 'Cause a Chryssalid Queen sounds intreaging.

If we do the Cryssalid Queen thing, let me know, I did come up with it after all. :p

Also I need to check this site more often... I'm getting really behind :/


Well-Known Member

King Pod.jpg

Maybe not THAT big though, for the sectopod...


Operator 21O
Staff member
hey guys i have posted my bio/s in the stories of defiance thread that is where the stories and bios will be posted. and for confusion sake Patient 42 IS Desmond that was his name while he was at exalt
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