X-COM Season 2 - Journals

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Well-Known Member
Name : Anna Stone

Non-Combat Log 19 :

This day was shaping up to be so good, Ayame just got out of the Med-bay and everything was going to go back to a day of calm!

But today we had a mission, to intercept a battleship and scramble is systems, they sent Scruffson, Kael, Momma Bear, A-Aribeth, and some damn rookie!
The mission did not go so well... they saw a new Alien, Big, Mean, and very Scary...it caused Scruffson to panic, I don't know why, he Is normally so level-headed, but that led to a horrifying chain of events, let's just skip to the part that pissed me off...
The squad was incredibly hurt and poisoned, Aribeth and Moro- Whatever his fucking name was.... were the most wounded, Commander Odd orders Aribeth to heal the Rookie instead of herself!
That led to her...Dying...later that night...

God...She was so happy... wherever she went she made everyone's lives better, I can't believe that she's gone...
That Rick Warren guy...Seems more Crushed than all of us combined...He was the first one at the memorial when the Skyranger came back.
I carved a Figurine for her memorial, Its three peace signs interlocking, I nailed it to the memorial above her picture...

I Guess she was right about that...
What she told me...That she acted so happy because she was sure that she wouldn't last very long...

I wonder how Ayame Is feeling after this, she just got out of the Med-bay...and one of her friends dies...

I am going to go and see how she's doing after this...

We also lost Kael during that mission, she didn't talk to us much, but she will still be missed...

Well we lost two of the three women here that have combat experience, in the same
I remember my first days here, I had Hated Aribeth so much, I went out of my way to ignore her and Kael's constant talking...But when I finally got to know her, Aribeth became a really good friend...

R.I.P Aribeth and Kael, We won't forget you...

*End of Recording*


Active Member
Name: Riki Maru
Current Rank: Rookie
Mission Name: N/A
Mission Objective: N/A
Kills This Mission: N/A
Total Kills since joining XCOM: N/A
Status: Healthy
Journal Entry:

When I woke up this morning I felt refreshed, pretty energetic. But I never really thought about what the consequences of a mission that didnt go as planned would be like. Which is kinda stupid considering I know what we're facing. The team picked by the commander was quite experienced, it consisted of Scruffson, Kessler, Mama Bear, Dusk, and the new rookie Morisato.

When they came back it was... quite unexpected. The team looked destroyed, instead of 5 men and women walking out I saw 2 body bags being dragged out and the rookie with black smoke coming out of his armor, what was left of it anyway. He was rushed to the the Med-Bay along with Mama Bear who was barely standing on her legs. The only one who didnt have a scratch on him was Scruffson, but he was shivering quite badly. I guess the aliens can do some damage to the mind aswell as the body it seems.

Later I went to check the wall to be sure those body bags werent just for aliens, and my suspicions were put to rest. Aribeth Dusk and Kael Kessler are no longer with us. I never knew Aribeth at all, wish I did but I doubt she would have had any interest in that, but Kessler, even tho I knew him as much as Aribeth, I will never forget our flank on my first mission.

Side by side, flanking the enemy. Thats probably the closest i've gotten to anyone in this base. Which is kinda sad now that I think about it, hopefully I can drown this sadness in alcohol before anyone notices.


Well-Known Member
Dear Space Diary,

It's done! The department of by-design intelligence has developed exactly the artificial intelligence we need. I must say that the delivery mechanism is quite ingenious. The fusion core will simple function as encasing, letting the actuators host the release mechanism, which will activate upon tampering. This fusion core is installed like any other on the battleship X.A.V. Hivemind, which is currently being guided through the Earth's atmosphere.

As I had suspected, the tech stolen by the Hootnams in the incident we've come to call "The Meatbag Heist", the battleship is being guided by the stolen guidance systems into the clutches of the Hootnams. They will think they outsmarted us; we fell into their little trap. Even more so, now that we are using a few mutons to 'protect' the ship from coming to harm. We did not tell them of our little 'Trojan Horse', as Hootnam literature would so nicely dub it, so they should put up a good fight trying to save that ship, trying to win my favour. Ha!

It has been a wonderful day, progress could not be better and this species shows a lot of promise. Still, the memories of the Thin Men recruitment are one I often hope to forget. They failed in so many ways, despite what promise they showed; agile, adaptive and incredibly obedient. But they failed to attain the Gift, and without it, they could never aspire to more than infiltrators and meat-shields that explode into clouds of poisonous gas upon expiration. But now is a time to feel good.
Base Journal
Name: William Aronus Davin
Status: Disappointed
[Audio log turns on and a few seconds of silence can be heard]
Commander showed up in the mess hall today, and announced who was getting sent on this mission. Scruffy, Kessler , Momma Bear, Aribeth, and Morisato all got chosen. I wish them luck and success. Apparently, this is an important mission that needs to be executed swiftly and without fail.
I'll have to say, at this point, I've accepted that I'm not getting out of this damned underground hive. I'll have to try those meditation techniques James showed me when I dropped by earlier. I don't care how much medication he believes I need to be on, I'm not going to take any. I've had too much in my lifetime. Guy's a good shrink. Read me like an open book. Back to hauling around cleaning chemicals, brushing up on my skills in the training school and heading to the range to keep my eye and reacts sharp. Not like I'll ever get to use it.
[Davin sighs heavily before the sound of a chair scraping the ground can be heard] Maybe I'll see if I can't schedule a time to teach my own classes in medical training. Burns, lacerations, broken bones, CPR, how to treat them, what to do, basic medical techniques. I might as well try to pass along some knowledge, seeing as I'm stuck here, just waiting for the day this war will be over. I'm listed as a soldier, but I'm nothing but a civilian. Except those journalists and whatever they are can actually leave. Come to think of it, I haven't seen that many civilians around base lately. Except this one tall guy in a suit and shades. He never talks and always walks around like he has somewhere to go. I always assumed he was just a bodyguard for one of the higher ups, but I'm not so sure anymore. The light's flickered on and off last night as I was coming back from Medbay. Shortly afterwards, I see Mr. Suit-and-Shades come around the corner at a brisk walk. Kinda makes a person wonder.
I guess I'll go to the range and come back when the mission log gets released for review.
[Audio Log cuts off]
Name: William Aronus Davin
Status: Stricken by Greif and Anger

From touchdown, the team had to move fast. Something about using transponders to screw with an alien's ship or something. I'm a little wary about Zheng. He just show's up out of the blue with tech that can screw up the alien's comms or something? Sound's a little too convenient. I'll keep my eye on him. Scruffy got ontop of the train almost immediately as Dusk broke a window on the train as she jumped through with Momma Bear right beside her. Kessler and Morisato moved as one to provide outside support. Momma Bear spotted three Thin Men....was that what the Techjunkies called them?......that retreated. Morisato dropped one of them as a huge guy got airdropped almost right on top of Momma Bear. Scruffy must've been freaked out by that thing's size as he offed it in two shots. I know I wouldn't like to see one of those fuckers. The aliens are getting serious. We can't afford to underestimate them. Aribeth took a burst to the arm it looked like, the log isn't clear, but she knows how to take care of herself. But Scruffy's panicking. Man's seen too much action in too little amount of time. What is the Commander thinking?! Of course Scruffson's gonna panic! Man's got a kid back at base and he's been on how many missions lately? He deserved to have a rest about three missions ago!
Momma Bear ran right up to the next big guy to get airdropped with the intention of capturing him, but I think something malfunctioned with the ArcThrower and Dusk was forced to be clean up crew with her busted shoulder. She couldn't even patch it up because Morisato got poisoned by one of those ThinMen. Bastards. How do we know that poison isn't more detrimental than we think? For all we know, it could be mutating out cells and causing our reflexes to become slower or something instead of killing us. Look at what happened to Kessler! She was aiming her rocket at a big guy that got airdropped on the roof but it went wide and Morisato got shellshocked into a coma! Kessler didn't even have time to react as she got blown to a bloody splotch by a ThinMan's grenade!

Booze ban won't be reinstated seeing as we lost soldiers unless Commander chooses to go back on his words. Dusk and Kessler both got killed on this mission. I'll have to pay my respects when Commander isn't there. Techjunkies reverse engineered a light plasma rifle and we can now start using their own weapons against the damned aliens. I swear, if I have to go AWOL and take the fight to these damned aliens for Huey, Dusk and Kessler, I will. Commander spoke for the fallen, and I almost got up and punched the fucker in the face in front of everyone!! I mean, what the hell type of send off was that? "Kessler, you were promising but I'm disappointed. You fired a rocket at a teammate when you were poisoned and blinded. You almost killed a teammate. I'm disappointed." And if that wasn't disrespectful, there was no remorse in his voice only contempt. I seriously would've punched his teeth out right then and there if I wasn't needed in medbay to pull out shrapnel from Morisato and patch up Commander's Mother. No sleep for me tonight. And no time for meditation either.


New Member
I don't think I'll bother with this journal, it'll be just plain old text, because this one is just to relax a bit on some things, so I'm sorry Commander Odd is this makes you a bit mad. Personally, I'm a bit angry. Angry and sad. Sad because 3 people died so far and angry because we loose the people that had potential. Scruffson, what was that last thing you pulled of?! We know it's hard to stand there, but we have to take orders. Commander Odd ordered you not to shoot and you do it. Well, you were scared. But still, he was almost dead, so there was nothing to be afraid of. Only you and Momma Bear got out of there. I think you should be thankful. I hope you are, at least. Commander Odd, this wasn't what I signed for. I signed for to make a difference, not to see teammates die. Yes, I know, some of them are going to die, but still... This is insane. I'm going to change my cause of staying to "Revenge". Fuck the "I want to make a difference", now I just want to avenge my teammates. My friends. Commander Odd, I know this'll make you mad at me, probably even take me off duty for some time, but I personally don't care. Take me off duty if you want to, this just had to get out. Scruffson, Momma Bear: I hope your causes are good enough to stay here, because I know mine are. This is just crazy. Watching friends die in a mission. I've seen death with my own eyes, if it wasn't for that grenade, I would be dead. That alien showed me what they are capable of. "Revenge solves nothing", eh? I think not. Revenge solves the worst problems. By the way, Commander Odd: we should have a talk some time. There are some things I need to talk to you with.


Well-Known Member
Name Alex Alcatraz
Statuspissed,depressed,wants alien blood

location x-com memorial

(Alex tearing up)

god did I do something to you to make me suffer like this,you all ready took my wife from me and know the ONE PERSON THE ONE PERSON TO GIVE ME A CHANCE ON GOD FORSAKEN BASE, AND YOU TAKE HER TO!sniff Aribeth. (alex showing tears) thank you for giving me a chance thank you for training me to be a doctor like you, and being nice to me even though I didn't deserve it thank you doc for every thing.


Active Member
Name:Trevor Conan
Current Rank:Squaddie
Mission Name:N/A
Kills This Mission:1
Total Kills since joining XCOM:1
Status: Healthy
Promotion: None
Journal Entry: April 10th 2015

Today here at X-Com R&D was done working on the tech from the triad mission and they can help out on today's mission for a battleship class UFO and sadly i did not go on the mission but i am OK with it and the team who was sent was Scruffy, Kessler , Momma Bear, Aribeth, and a rookie named Morisato.the tech from the info i got from the guys of R&D tells me they made a computer virus to mess up the battleships censers that what i got from them and they go of to save the world and safe bet things will go just fine.....
[Audio Log cuts off]

[Resuming recording]
So the team returned and the virus is in place inside a train but we lost Kessler & Aribeth dew to new alien got one with a greande and the other shot down Morisato should called himself lucky got hit by a rocket mistake but with a good patched up be back to try again in a different mission in 11 days don't know the damage with that rocket but they will do there best. Momma Bear too was in pain and she will have to be in medical to be patched up in 16 days but she did get a promotion and got Flush. i will have to say good job for bring
Morisato home. i guest i have to drink 2 times for our losses today.

[Audio Log cuts off]

[2 days later]
The virus worked and we are going to attack the battle ship and i want to be a part on the battleship raid with a lot of tech on broad it be a huge waste to be blown up so i am going to ask Odd to be part of the raid right now.....
[Audio Log cuts off]


Staff member
Name: Aribeth Dusk

Death Log:

As you near Aribeth's bunk, a camcorder flips on. Her face appears, slightly concerned, but with a smile on her face.

Oh boy. Looks like I'm dead. Well obviously. I rigged this baby to my heartbeat, and it's programmed to go off as soon as someone walks into my room.

Well. I'm not quite sure what to say. If you want a minute of silence take one now.


There we go. Now I don't know if i died solo, or if i died with someone else, but I hope we can turn the funeral services into a party.

Always look on the bright side of life.

Come on! Sing with me!

Always look on the light side of life.

I need that playing at the party.

Well, in my locker you should find a few things that could be of use to XCOM. Mainly medicine and natural remedies. But, I do have a picture I managed to take of Rick and I. Could you place that on the monument? That would be swell.

Now. Remember what my parents told me. Friends don't let friends be asswipes.

As, probably never again, Aribeth off.

OOC: Hey everyone! That was REALLY fun. I've enjoyed every bit of it along the way. Keep the stories rolling, and expect some more, short, pre-recorded death logs aimed at different characters. Oh well, I'm kind of sad I died, I had a lot of stories to write and character arcs to create. If you want to use some of them for your characters, just send me a PM.

Thank you to Gahlo, who helped me write some co-op RP.
Thank you to ZombieSlayer, who has now juggled the weight of multiple characters at a time.
Thank you everyone, because I don't know what to thank you for.

Most of all, thank you ChristopherOdd, for creating a great season 2. Hopefully I can do this again in season 3. (Season 3? PLEASE????)

Keep the stories rolling.

Meaningofbread, off.

Edit: Holy crud, I just realized my Aribeth looks almost exactly like me. 0.o

You did really well! I was disappointed when you died. I always enjoyed reading your journals.


Staff member
I don't think I'll bother with this journal, it'll be just plain old text, because this one is just to relax a bit on some things, so I'm sorry Commander Odd is this makes you a bit mad. Personally, I'm a bit angry. Angry and sad. Sad because 3 people died so far and angry because we loose the people that had potential. Scruffson, what was that last thing you pulled of?! We know it's hard to stand there, but we have to take orders. Commander Odd ordered you not to shoot and you do it. Well, you were scared. But still, he was almost dead, so there was nothing to be afraid of. Only you and Momma Bear got out of there. I think you should be thankful. I hope you are, at least. Commander Odd, this wasn't what I signed for. I signed for to make a difference, not to see teammates die. Yes, I know, some of them are going to die, but still... This is insane. I'm going to change my cause of staying to "Revenge". Fuck the "I want to make a difference", now I just want to avenge my teammates. My friends. Commander Odd, I know this'll make you mad at me, probably even take me off duty for some time, but I personally don't care. Take me off duty if you want to, this just had to get out. Scruffson, Momma Bear: I hope your causes are good enough to stay here, because I know mine are. This is just crazy. Watching friends die in a mission. I've seen death with my own eyes, if it wasn't for that grenade, I would be dead. That alien showed me what they are capable of. "Revenge solves nothing", eh? I think not. Revenge solves the worst problems. By the way, Commander Odd: we should have a talk some time. There are some things I need to talk to you with.

Cool your jets recruit. Send me an email with your concerns.


New Member
Where have I been? Jesús, stop asking questions. I haven't been outside and enjoyed some aire fresco against regulation or anything. No. Don't look at me like that. Why am I talking to myself? God I need to talk to someone other than Davin about going back out, anyway might go see the Parker guy, heard lot of people say that they feel better after letting things out. Sometimes I just wanna... I don't know... Detonate all my explosives in the middle of the ops room and see how Commander reacts. No, the aroma of my room is just too pleasant with a hint of gelignite I extracted form a couple of our rocket launchers. Back to the bar later, everyone seems to be mourning the two dead from that mission, pity I only found out today having just got back from, erm, excersise. MIERDA, LA PUERTA, I FORGOT TO HIDE THE DAMAGED DOOR WORKING. Erm... Gotta run....


Active Member
Activity Monitor 72
Name: Rick Warren

He was present at the landing. Concerned, but hopeful. Word had spread that things didn't go well. After the body bags were unloaded, he followed them as they were taken out of the room. With all do respect, the only fit description that can come to mind is that of a sad and confused stray, following whatever it could to find it's way home. Warren had to be forcefully removed from the morgue and relocated to the brig following the fight. Security suffered minor bruises and a broken nose. The maintenance crew has been notified to commence repairs to the doors to the morgue and nearby wall.


Well-Known Member
Name: Alex Alcatraz
Status: still pissed and depressed

Sigh ok I kinda calmed down since my last journal entry,i'm still depressed about my mentor Aribeth dying,but that comes with the territory, we all signed up for this and wither we like it or not were gonna lose friends, I mean we knew the risk but even when you now your gonna lose friends that doesn't make it easier to accept it.

but off topic I went to the situation room and not even a full day has past the console wants us to attack an alien battle ship A ALIEN BATTLE SHIP! have they lost there full bloody mind I mean we just deserved a new alien species that looks like a freken looks like a walking minny tank and they want us to attack a alien battle ship while it's still moving this is the definition of a suicide mission dumb ass politions.


Game Master
Staff member
[(OOC) Sorry about this, ChristopherOdd. I think you're doing a fine job, but I feel you made quite a few mistakes this time, and for the sake of remaining in character, this isn't going to be the most flattering post]

Name: Ayame Kasagi
Rank: Trainee
Status: More depressed then I've been in almost 300 years

Video Log, eighty-five minutes after Operation Crystal Pyre

(Ayame looks into her personal recorder, her face bright red and her eyes puffed up from continuous crying. She wears the solemn expression of despair)

I, um......ahem, I'm quickly making this recording while I have a break from my...weeping. I (weak chuckle) I've actually dehydrated myself so I can't cry anymore.....(Sits in silence for several minutes).....I remember.....I remember when I first met Aribeth. She thought I was a young boy and accused me of staring at her chest. I hated her at first, but after we gave each other a chance, I found that she was a good person. She had a great smile, and an optimistic attitude that was contagious.

.....ahem, the last battle.....I, he.....he really fucked it up, didn't he? There were minor mistakes at first, but everything went truly wrong when he ordered Kessler to fire that rocket. She tried to tell him that she didn't have the shot, that the poison was obscuring her vision, but he had her fire anyway, and she ended up taking down the rookie.

(OOC: This is based on the fact that the hit percentage said 0% when you fired)

Kessler was a good soldier, and I wish I could truly grieve for her, if only I had got to know her better, but Aribeth...

(Ayame starts crying again)

I guess I still have plenty of tears left for you. Why did the Commander let you die? I have nothing against the new guy, but why did the Commander order you to use your only medkit on him, a rookie, instead of yourself, a corporal with so much more experience. You were both injured. I know it makes me sound terrible, but why did he choose the rookie over you?! Then he ordered you to go out into the open with only a pistol to try and take out that Thin Man, and when you missed, instead of having the others cover you, he sacrificed you, sending Momma Bear to cover and having Scruffy ignore the Thin man that had an obvious bead on you in favor of shooting at that new, bulky alien. Kessler and the rookie were accidents, but you were thrown to the wolves so he could protect his star sniper and his mother. How could he do that to you?! We trust you with our lives, Commander! How can you just throw one of us away like we're just ..... disposable?!

(Ayame cries for several more minutes, then tries to collect herself, taking several deep breaths) I never thought I'd meet another person who would make me so depressed over their loss. Joseph went to the Memorial to pay his respects a while ago. I'll go myself, but...I need some time. I could use someone to talk to right now.

(Knock on the door, followed by a female voice saying "Ayame, are you in there?")

Well, speak of the Angel. Yeah Anna, please come in...

*End Recording*

Sir Aroun

Name: Presariov Astaeri
Current Rank: Recruit
Mission Name: N/A
Mission Objective: N/A
Kills This Mission: N/A
Total Kills since joining XCOM: 0
Status: Healthy
Promotion: N/A
>[continuing CMD.exe log]
>[connected to network "SoA"]
>"[So, 'Spear of Athena,']"
>"[How do I know you're]"
>"[Not a threat to X-Com?]"
>"[Everyone's talking about]"
>"[you like your dangerous.]"
Black box log:
> [ why would I be?]
> [ All I ever wished was to help]
> [ and because i can't 3 have died]
> [ do you know it is like to have one propose in life and not be able to do it?]


Well-Known Member
Name: Richard Foulke
Current Rank: Trainee
Mission Name: N/A
Mission Objective: N/A
Kills This Mission: N/A
Total Kills since joining XCOM: N/A
Status: Healthy
Promotion?: N/A
Journal Entry:

--April Tenth, Two Thousand and Fifteen--

‘Dark clouds are smouldering into red
While down the craters morning burns.
The dying soldier shifts his head
To watch the glory that returns;
He lifts his fingers toward the skies
Where holy brightness breaks in flame;
Radiance reflected in his eyes,
And on his lips a whispered name.’

Two people died today, and for that, I give them verse. Aribeth Dusk and Kael Kessler. I knew them not very well, as with many on the combat team, but their loss still affects those around me, so I shall give my condolences, my sympathies, and my wishes for their safe journey into whatever afterlife they believe in, while I pray that I am not called to fill their place, to be the next name on that wall, to be toasted and mourned and eventually forgotten. I am the last of the Foulke-Stammel line, it is in my nature to fear death, for death means that no one will carry stories of our line to the next generation. ‘Tis a shame they will be other’s children, rather than mine, but it is for the best.

But, today is not for mourning my personal losses to this war. Today is for resting, licking our personal wounds, and getting up, despite our losses, as humans are wont to do. After all, what are two soldiers to seven billion? What are any number of soldiers to such a number? Whether it be one, two, fifteen, a thousand, a million, it is a statistic. X number of people died fighting this war. Y perished in this peacekeeping action. Z casualties as part of this skirmish.

But, if we did not did not die when we warred, what would stop us? If one did not die for what they fought for, how would we know the strength of their belief? Why conquer death, when all it is is a method of stopping our arrogance from destroying everything?

--End recording.--

[A/N: Poetry is excerpt from “How to Die” by Siegfried Sassoon.]
Base Journal
Name: William Aronus Davin
Status: Walking ragdoll running on nothing but cups of coffee and fading adrenalin
[Davin sounds extremely weary, and somewhat relieved]
I thank whatever gods out there that Morisato didn't have more shrapnel in him. It's amazing the mans still alive at this point. I'm covered in about a cup and a half of blood and we pulled I don't know how many pieces of shrapnel out of his chest and ribcage alone! I swear we could've reconstructed about a fourth of the missile from what we pulled out! As of right now, meditation isn't going to happen. I just want a good shower, a good book, some cleaner clothes and some damn sleeping pills. Insomia's going to flare up like crazy because of recent......events. I can feel it getting started already. And not only am I covered in blood, but I inhaled so many cleaning chems as I was cleaning off the op table that I can't even smell anything anymore!
I'm guessing someone higher up saw my earlier log and thought I was right about the ThinMen's poison because medbay was assigned to study the effects of the poison and what it did to Kessler and Aribeth. I couldn't do it. I locked the bodies in their caskets and proceeded to get them shipped out for funeral. Then I destroyed the orders log. Go ahead and scold me or whatever, but there is no way in hell I am slicing open a fellow human that I've come to know and respect in these horrible times. What comes next if I did? Spiking someone with something in the name of science? And where would it end, if it even ends at all? Court-martial, Dishonorable Discharge, whatever. Do what you like to me. I'll keep my small remaining shred of humanity I have left. I've already murdered other living things in cold blood. Sure, it was us or them, but that still doesn't excuse the fact that it's another living thing that brutally got shot in cold blood!
[A few minutes silence is all that is heard, with the occasional deep breathe]
Anna's been in her room almost the whole time after the squad returned. I don't blame her. I heard her crying when I came back from the mess hall with some food for her. I wanted to comfort her in some way, but I figured she'd be best left to her thoughts. I heard a rumor that Anna, Ayame, and Aribeth were close. I don't really believe it, but whatever, to each their own. I don't know if she just threw it out or what, but everyone's going to need to have their bellies filled for the upcoming days. Healthy in body if not fully in mind. I did leave a short note explaining I dropped it off.
[A chair scraping across the floor is heard]
God, you can't imagine what it's like to take a hot shower after using up all of your energy. Shower, clean clothes, and I'm going to crack open that H.G.Wells collection an engineer let me borrow. Maybe I'll start with "The Time Machine"? I always loved "The Invisible Man" though......Choices, choices, choices.
[Running water can be briefly heard before davin comes back and shuts off the recording]


Security Recording: Laboratory; Complex F, Subject Alpha Operating Room. To be sent to Commander Odd ASAP on orders of Dr. Vahlen.


0:03 [Subject Alpha awakes on the table in the middle of the room, his awakening causing great disturbance among the scientist stationed around the room.]

2:05 [Dr. Vahlen enters the room, somewhat in a hurry. Her face a combination of excitement and worry]

2:10 She asks "How are you felling John?"

2:11 He looks around, confused "Is that my name?"

2:12 Dr. Vahlen's face grows more worried for a second, before its snaps to a well practiced neutral expression. "Yes, that is your name," Subject Alpha nods, looking thoughtful. "but you did not answer my question, how are you feeling?"

2:15 [Room is silent, Subject sits up and turns so that his legs hang off the table]

2:26 "Blank, I can't remember anything at all before I woke up."

2:28 Dr. Vahlen frowns, "Some memory loss was expected...

2:29 "Nothing at all, I probably couldn't even write down what I'm saying at this moment."

2:34 "That was certainly not supposed to happen, you have my deepest condolences and apologies."

2:34 Subject Alphas expression grows troubled, and he puts a friendly arm on the Doctors shoulder "Don't worry, I am sure that it was not you fault, Dr. Vahlen, most likely it was an unknowable factor that caused my memory lapse, not an mistake of you or your team."
[There had been no indication in Dr. Vahlen expression or body language that suggested worry.]

2:37 [Dr. Vahlen looks shocked, looking down to the area on her chest where her name tag normally is pinned, but which is not currently there, presumably having been forgotten]

2:40 "How did you know my name, you have claimed not to remember anything?"

2:47 "I didn't remember it, it just was...there, you told me it, didn't you?"

2:49 "I have not spoken my name to you"

2:52 "you didn't speak it, you uh... I can't think of any word for it....well, you did tell me it."
2:54 "Why are you so excited by that?"
[once again Dr. Vahlen had given no external sign of excitement

2:57 "Can you please describe how you are aware of my excitement?"

2:58 Subject looks confused at the question "It's obvious, isn't it? I... I can't seem to find the words though, no one is telling me them...

3:01 [Scientists in the room look uncomfortable as the implications of this set in. Dr. Valhen however starts to become visibly excited ]

3:03 "What do you mean by 'telling you the words" her voice has a edge of excitement

3:05 "You all have been giving me words to say, what they mean and such, of course..." Subject looks around in confusion, "Right?"
3:10 "This has something to do with the experiment, doesn't it?"

3:12 Dr. Vahlen points to a random scientist, "What is he feeling right now?"

3:13 Subject responds immediately, "An odd combination of fear and excitement, which can also sum up most of the feelings in this room," Subject turns back to Dr. Vahlen "Except you, Dr. Vahlen, you're just feeling excitement, which is currently growing. So judging from that, I can assume this is not normal, and that it was the hoped for result of this experiment.
3:16 Subject pauses, "So where am I exactly, and I have to ask, did I do this voluntarily"

3:17 "You are in the X-COM project facility, and yes, you volunteered for this."

3:18 "So who am I?"

3:19 Dr. Vahlen bits her lip, "I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to tell you."

3:20 "Why not?"

3:21 "Those are my orders, I was not given a reason."

3:22 Subject nods, thinking for a few seconds before asking, "Alright," his tone changes to one of curiosity, "So what did you do to me anyway?"

3:28 [Dr. Vahlen launches into a lengthy and in depth explanation of the procedure.]

5:39 [Subject interrupts her speech with a critique on one of her methods, Dr. Vahlen, seeming pleasantly surprised, responds in defense of her use of that method, and the two launch themselves into a debate that lasts for several minutes, despite their arguing both seem to be enjoying themselves.]

11:56 [The last scientist loses interest and leaves]

13:04 [Dr. Vahlen concedes, there is a small smile on her face. She suggests that the Subject should proceed to the mess hall to meet his fellow soldiers, he tells her to go a ahead. Dr. Vahlen leaves.]

{Note: All people who have watched this section describe the Subject feeling animosity, despite the fact that neither his body language or inflection can be distinguished because of the distortion}

13:07 [Subject looks up at the camera, the second he does so the screen and the audio distort.

13:08 Subject's words can be made out from the distortion, "So Councilor, I am curious about why your hiding myself from me, and why this upsets Vahlen so much... you'd better have a good reason, or I will not be happy.

13:12 [The screen is completely reduced to static] {Note: All people who have watched this recording react at this point as they would if they had just had a punch thrown at them.}

13:13 [static fades, revealing an exiting figure]


Dr. Vahlen personal note: I told you this would work Commander, I would request that you put him from any action for as long as possible, he is a massive breakthrough, I would love to study his capabilities, I do extremely regret having to give up my personal assistant, he was one of the best I ever had, and I had quite the personal liking to him as well, but I do realize that it was necessary. I wish I could tell him who he was, but I realize those orders are above your pay-grade to redact. It will probably be wise to inform the other soldiers of this restriction as well, just so we don't have any incidents.

Dr. Vahlen



(OOC): John can convey emotion through recording devices, which causes heavy distortion, and a distinct impression of that emotion received when the recording is played back, I will convey these emotions by white italics, often he is not even aware of doing it, but he can do it consciously.

Name: John, I still don't remember the last one
Current Rank: uh.... Experiment? I guess
Status: Thoughtful......Oh Physical Status, okay, uh... Hungry

Apparently, all soldiers, (Me a soldier, something about that seems off... and I don't remember why) have to record, write, tape, etc. themselves for journals... Why is beyond me... Though now I do know I wasn't a soldier here before, as their were no previous logs from me. Anyways I should probably start recounting my day...

The grief in this place is palpable, though I wasn't able to discern what was causing it until I had reached the mess hall, there it hit me like a 18 wheeler being pushed by a train, though oddly enough that wasn't where it was the most concentrated, that was by the brig for some reason...Hmm. Anyway I was quite literal knocked to my knees by it, and it took me an embarrassing long time to regain myself and stand. I noticed everyone looking at me, and the intangible swirl solidified enough for me to comprehend its parts,
[heavy audio distortion, Grief: dead, two; much loved, Aribeth; should have her know better, Kael. Tension: Commander, mistakes. Fury: foolishness; his apathy. Guilt: Should have gone; made better choices. Distortion ends]
As I got my lunch, some of their eyes continued to have followed me, mostly they were just curious, some were secretly judging me. I didn't really care to be honest, I had looked around for a place to sit, feeling distinctly uncomfortable. I found I had not wanted to sit with people right then, their emotions were occupied with something I didn't entirely understand, and grief is always hard to deal with, especially if its not even your own, so I sat alone, feeling distinctly foolish, and waving off anyone who tried to join me.

I had looked down at my lunch and nearly puked, I had managed to pick a bunch of foods I absolutely abhor, I doubt I could have even chocked down even one of anything on that plate, well at least I remember something, even if it is that I'm hyper-sensitive. Anyway, giving up on my chances of eating right then I had looked around to get some names. Directly in front of my lonely corner was where the top brass, Commander Odd, Dr. Vahlen, and an older man who was apparently Dr. Shen, they were talking quietly and I got the impression that they were talking about me. I had flicked my gaze one by one across the room, learning names, and the occasional little snippets of information about them, William, Trevor, Alex, Momma Bear? Riki, Richard, and A bunch of others I can't remember at the moment, until my eyes had reached the last table in my sweep of the room.

Three people sat there; a man and two woman, I don't know why but they feel important...I had focused at the man first, Joseph, nice, timid, inferiority complex, Maybe I'll talk with him later, he might make a good friend. The taller girl's name is Anna, she seen some hard things, and seems conflicted, I guess. And then there was that shorter girl, Ayame. I swear she looked about sixteen, but she did not feel like that at all, far older in fact, I hadn't focused on her for more than a couple seconds before she looked up started, before zeroing in on me. She had given me a very suspicious, and protective, look, and not knowing what else I could do, I gave her a small wave, before looking away respectfully, it was very obvious she was not someone to mess with. I wonder if she could have sensed me or if it was a coincidence. As she looked back at her table I felt her flash of adoration even without focusing.

Not much else happened that day, like I said before I visited the brig, on my tour of the base with Dr. Vahlen, not much else, its about dinner time, perhaps I might actually sit with some people, though I doubt their grief has lessened enough for that...


(OOC) ground rules for John ability: He is emphatic, not telepathic, he cannot communicate, or control or do anything but sense other's emotions with his mind, his method of doing this is not intrusive, and for most people cannot even feel any trace of it, its more like seeing with his mind than anything else. it is unconscious, and passive, so he cannot control it in other than focusing it on a specific person. Hope this helps y'all work with him better


Active Member
Name: Joseph Andrews
Rank: Trainee

Written Log, Post Operation Crystal Pyre

Sigh...Wait, did I just write that I sighted I was planning on contacting Jessica today, but I don't think that would be the best thing to do right now. I'm still distraught over the last mission, particularly the loss of Aribeth. She was just so much fun to be around, and now, poof, gone in a puff of plasma rifle smoke. I was going to tell Jessica that the Commander approved her transfer to X-COM base, but I know I wouldn't be able to hide how upset I am, and I'd hate to worry her when I'm supposed to be giving her good news. Its probably for the best anyway. The transfer may have been approved, but getting her here won't be easy, and I should probably wait until I have all the arrangements taken care of. A flight from Chicago to Tokyo would cost a grand on a normal day, and with the alien threat, I'll be lucky to find her a ticket for under $2500. And that doesn't solve the issue of her escort, because there is no way I'm crazy enough to expect a nine year old girl to travel to the other side of the planet by herself. What to do, what to do?

Ayame and Anna are doing better. They were both so devastated over Aribeth, I was really getting worried. They're still pretty upset, but it seems like they were able calm each other down. I envy them. They seem to have a knack for finding one another's problems and filling them in. They complete each other, in a manner of speaking.

We had lunch together a while ago. It was the first time in over a day that any of us were able to stomach anything, and we decided we better eat something before we collapsed. Speaking of collapsing, some new guy walked into the mess-hall and fell to his knees all of a sudden like he was punched in the gut, only to get up a few moments later and sheepishly walk over to get his food. You know, in retrospect, someone should have probably asked him if he was okay, including myself. Hm...

Note to self: if you see someone suddenly collapse nearby, get off your ass and check on them instead of ignoring them like a dick.

...anyway, he ended up sitting and eating by himself, picking at his food (I don't blame him, its about one step above gruel) and looking around the room at the other soldiers. He kind of reminded me of myself during my school days, looking around at the other students, wishing they'd let me sit with them. I'm not really sure what he was thinking, though. I'm usually good at reading peoples emotions, to the point where I feel the only one who could read them better would be some sort of empath, but I'm not sure about him. Is he lonely, or does he want to be alone? Did he sit there because he didn't want to talk to anyone, he didn't think anyone wanted to talk to him, or because he loves talking to people but just felt like being alone today? And why does he look so familiar? Does he have a brother working in the labs?

Then, just as I stop thinking about him when realized I was ignoring my friends, Ayame rose to her feet so suddenly, she made Anna and I jump. Anna asked her what was wrong, be she just stood there, slowly scanning the room. When she stopped looking around, I realized she was staring a hole into the new guy. He just smiled and waved before looking away. As she sat back down, I asked her if everything was okay. "Yeah," she said, "I just felt some kind of psychokinetic energy." Anna worriedly asked if another alien made it into the base, but Ayame said "no, its different. I didn't feel any animosity, but it still makes me uneasy." She didn't go into any more detail, so we dropped it, but I wonder if she thought the new guy was causing her uneasiness. She said it wasn't an alien, so unless the new guy is psychic or something, I doubt it was him. So what was she sensing?

.....confusion is abound, that's for sure.


Active Member
IM Window on Commander Odd's Terminal
x|Brig|X|Warden|x: Rk. Warren is requesting to be released and break the news to CPL. Dusk's parents. He seems to have cooled off in the time that he has been down here.
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