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Game Master
Staff member
Sven and Ben are single. :3
Very true.

There's an actual story reason the handmaidens and Elene are bisexual: the fact that they have two mothers and a balance of biological tendency towards men and 'example' tendency towards women. :rolleyes:
Yes, yes, I know, just teasing you a bit. All for the love of togetherness and happy days. I shall get back to the dark stuff that makes everyone give me odd looks soon enough. Until then, love is in the air. Can you feel the love tonight?


Operator 21O
Staff member
Hmm... let's look at our other choices, shall we? Albert: Married. Desmond: Getting married. Jake: devoted to Atka. And despite all of Mary's faults, I don't see her as a home-wrecker (past employment aside, of course). That leaves Ryan as a minor character that has seen little light of day, and Jean, but that would mean that Vee's sex-friend stole her mother's boyfriend, and that... would be awkward.
You forget Chief, Bull, Hawke, Fox (Though that one is a maybe), and about five new Asian guys. (Notice how I did not include Minato on this list of bachelors ;))


Operator 21O
Staff member
Desmond continues to be Emily's Senpai and some things get brought up. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Edit: Okay, just noticed the way I worded this and the title of the colab makes this sound really dirty...


Well-Known Member
Was Persona 3 the one where they had to shoot themselves in the head to use their abilities?
Essentially, yes. They use weapons called Evokers to call forth their personas, the reasons for which might be stated somewhat at the beginning, but it becomes more apparent as time goes on. (And I've seen a lot of interesting insights on it)


Game Master
Staff member
Hmm... I have considered changing mine for a while (mostly because I've come to realize I might be coming off as a crazy cat person).


Game Master
Staff member
I like the forth one, it goes with the name and Ayame.
Thank you. That is Saeko Busujima, my favorite character from Highschool of the Dead, the stoic, silent character, who acts as the groups strongest melee fighter, and by far the most reliable.


Damn it, that anime had such potential, and I personally loved it. It was just... SATURATED in fanservice.

I have no problem with a fanservicey show, except when you are trying for a series theme. That show had such potential, and I didn't mind the fanservice in non-serious situations, but not during a major fight.

I'd still recommend it, though, if not just for her alone, then because it has a fun and interesting story.

She does have a weird... quirk, though.

Zain Shah

Well-Known Member
Thank you. That is Saeko Busujima, my favorite character from Highschool of the Dead, the stoic, silent character, who acts as the groups strongest melee fighter, and by far the most reliable.


Damn it, that anime had such potential, and I personally loved it. It was just... SATURATED in fanservice.

I have no problem with a fanservicey show, except when you are trying for a series theme. That show had such potential, and I didn't mind the fanservice in non-serious situations, but not during a major fight.

I'd still recommend it, though, if not just for her alone, then because it has a fun and interesting story.

She does have a weird... quirk, though.
I tried to watch it but after a few episodes, I kinda lost interest. It's also very similar to Highschool Dxd which was a good anime but it had way too much fanservice to take itelf seriously.
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