XCOM Multiplayer Tournament


Well-Known Member
Speaking of matchs I have finished all of mine.

First there was the 2-1 loss vs Thenlar

First match was kind of due to me missing 4 75% shots.

Second was a win for my team that has yet to have won.

And the third was just bad positioning and me being forced to walk into 2 snipers.

Match pics : http://imgur.com/a/BoOYp

ps. sorry that one was late but stuff got in the way.

So on to my last match vs Wolfb that ended in a 2-0 win for me.

Match 1 was a massacre due to forced car explosion. (most of the time I don't like wasting 2 grenades to kill a guy next to a car but this time there were 4 so yeah that happened)

Match 2 was another blood bath with both teams loosing all but there snipers, witch turned into an overwatch fight that I won.

So here are the pic : http://imgur.com/a/twoE1


Also, I got a note from my ISP saying that they will be working on the lines where I live for about half a week. Therefore ill be trying to do matches all night tonight, from 8:30 (est) to midnight. I will drop everything and hopefully complete as many matches as possible before my internet gets buggered up tommorow.


Well you guys better be, because at 13 points you all need to do some leg work. Only a flawless season can beat my score and only a single 2-1 loss can tie me.

If my math is write that is.


Well you guys better be, because at 13 points you all need to do some leg work. Only a flawless season can beat my score and only a single 2-1 loss can tie me.

If my math is write that is.

::huffs up and crosses arms::

Well fuck you too, shortcake. (Sarcasm)


If anything, I am heartily looking forward to smack talk. Everyone been really quiet so far.


Well-Known Member
Me and Wolfb just had a match, unfortunately I almost rage-quited so we don't have a screenshot of the second match where he handily squished me. The first one was very close though, but in the end, he has won 2-0.



So if anybody wants to do some practice matches I am pretty much free tonight and all day tomorrow. (I also think I have caught a X-COM MP bug.)


Active Member
I've been pretty absent throughout this, I'm sorry. Whoever needs to still play me, if you wanna just take the wins, go ahead, or we can try to jam together a match ASAP.


Sarge Vs Thenlar

Round 1:
Can't we talk about this over a pint? (Bar)
Sarge's Heroes was raiding the local beer truck when they'd overheard a terrible Yo Mamma Joke being told from the other end of the parking lot. Totally offended at the lameness of associating someone's mother with a yoga ball, the Heroes decided to take action. Blasting through the bar, the Heroes assaulted a surprised foe, Thenlar's Rangers, with their wild pet Chrysalids running around, shitting on the booze. A few of the new "Super Bouncy Ball Grenades" that the MEC had loaded up, and the flying snipers and the threat to good humor they represented were quickly dispatched.

Sarge 1 - Thenlar 0

Round 2:
I'll take Two Alloy Cannon Shots, and make those West-Side-Sized, to-go please. (Fast Food Joint)
With the Heroes famished from the recent correction of terrible jokes in the world, they decided to stop at the local "Stop and Out" for some late night refreshments. Unfortunately, so did Thenlar's Rangers. What proceeded was reported by eyewitnesses to be "A Fight of West Side story proportions, with Snapping and Jazz hands made much more memorable by Aliens and MEC's managing to do it." Another Witness called it "Fantastic. Who knew a fight could have such Rhythm?"

Upon setting up, and destroying most of the walls in the restaurant, A Berserker appeared and started dancing to distract the Heroes from an Advanced Assault dropping off of the roof. The Sparkles and Jazz hands were not figured out to be a ruse until after two of the Heros had fallen. Several point blank shots later, some running around, and prissy little screaming by a Exalt Heavy with one health being punched to death (Not a part of the dance routine), the match was over and the lights dimmed to an applauding audience.

Sarge 2 - Thenlar 0

http://imgur.com/a/MuqWe <- PROOF


I do have a question though. Are we still going for a second half here, where we face each other again? And then a single elimination of the top 4? Also, what about changing the builds out at halftime?

Still a valid question. Bread, almighty ruler of the tournament, how shall we continue?!?

Also, anyone notice that the match between Pixie and Tau is 2 and 2 for victory points?

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Well-Known Member
Still a valid question. Bread, almighty ruler of the tournament, how shall we continue?!?

Also, anyone notice that the match between Pixie and Tau is 2 and 2 for victory points?


This thing seems to be taking it's sweet mercy time, so I'll just go with one Round Robin, and then see who sits on top. Winner plays Chris, and we end there. If we get enough people on for another "Season" then sure, we can do this again.

As for the second part, I am a merciful ruler, so i hath decided to award both sides points for the lulz. Honestly, I could have kept it at a 0-0 tie and there wouldn't have been a difference.


This thing seems to be taking it's sweet mercy time, so I'll just go with one Round Robin, and then see who sits on top. Winner plays Chris, and we end there. If we get enough people on for another "Season" then sure, we can do this again.

As for the second part, I am a merciful ruler, so i hath decided to award both sides points for the lulz. Honestly, I could have kept it at a 0-0 tie and there wouldn't have been a difference.
Sigh its hard being the first one finished now I am stuck waiting to see how everyone else scores. My top spot is far from a guarantied victory.

So I must wait observing the petty squabbles of the untested masses. Waiting for glorious victory or disappointment and despair.


Lol, that's why I suggested a second half. So everyone could improve on their mistakes.

That being said, with this season being over, I'll gladly sign up for another one. I've had a blast.