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Nika has very begrudgingly and reticently apologized. Emily really had to drag it out of her.
I can't help but wonder how an emotion tied to irrational behaviour and lack of focus such as anger can lead to more powerful attacks and for several reasons. Firstly, I have no idea when someone would be better at something when they are enraged compared to when they're being calm and focussed. You cannot punch harder when you're angry, if you could than an analytical and focussed person would be able to analyse the physical technique and effort needed to punch that hard and apply it in a more controlled environment, making the punch more effective when being calm and focussed. Anger makes you more likely to act hastily, leaving you open to attacks without throwing a well-aimed and powerful punch, but rather swinging wildly in uncontrolled weaker attacks.
Next, Psionics are a mental ability, making the idea of calm focus even more viable for the most potent use of psionic ability. Without the calm focus, because of anger for example, the psionics can barely be enacted upon, making any attempt at use in this state severely weaker. Like any mental exercise, no matter how talented you are, being calm and focussed makes you more effective at it. Therefore, anything psionics would be capable of would be most effective when the user is calm and focussed.
This leads me to my next point; physical manifestation of psionic powers. As psionic powers are one of mental state that can directly affect the environment, they do not need to physically manifest themselves to come into effect. Take Mind Fray, where the user affects the mind of a being with purely mental effects. Any physical manifestation of this psionic power would be a projection of the user as they attempt to attack the mind; in their mind they try to create a bridge and because of this mental image, the untrained user might project this into a physical manifestation (for instance tendrils appearing between user and target), eventhough it is not necessary to do so and forces the user to exert far more energy than necessary to perform a Mind Fray, whilst also exposing their mental gateway to practices psioncs users by projecting an image of their mental condition between themselves and the target.
I figured I connect it to this, because if mental state does affect the use of psionics, this seems like the way to go. If a user cannot find calm and focus whilst using psionics, they risk exposing themselves to hostile psionics quite visibly as they project their own mental conditions into physical manifestations. And eventhough they will still be capable of delivering powerful blows, they are weaker than they could be and expose themselves to less easily avoided harm. When I saw the drawings of the Mind Fray projections, I thought they were a cool way to show the characters mental state and would lead to the exposition that exposing your mental image in hostile territory was unwise.
Finally, I had hoped to see far greater scientific interest for the idea of psionics among the scientific staff. Sure, they've got a machine that defies Gödel's Theorem, but they don't seem to bothered by that either... Oh wait, they have a soldier who can see thanks to a device that translates matter-shifts into a digital pattern and translates that into optical signals, giving the potential to translate digital video into optical signals rather easily. Right, they don't seem too shocked by that either... Maybe they're just too caught up in Meld recombination. Thoughts? Ideas? I figure logic will go a long way.
Thank goodness...Nika has very begrudgingly and reticently apologized. Emily really had to drag it out of her.
Thank ModyaThank goodness...
I guess you could say Sunny's not the only one that's overworked, to make things more clear.Shadows: Something short, and admittedly, fairly dark and unsettling. Short for a style reason.
I'm actually wondering how Nika will feel when she learns about X-COM's tall guest in the alien containment facility. Or Emily, for that matter.Nika has very begrudgingly and reticently apologized. Emily really had to drag it out of her.
Maybe not, but news spreads fast when you're trapped in an underground base with no fresh air or Playstation.Would she learn about it? Neither of them have much reason to go into the labs.
Well, yeah. The technology necessary to make her see is naturally preceded by technology that allows for artificial eyes. Given that "(...) he used his company's Infrawave Technology to develop the SAaIDA (Sound Amplification and Infrawave Detection Apparatus) Prototype, This earpiece was surgically connected to the area of Ammelia's Brain associated with sight; it allowed Ammelia to finally "see" her surroundings by using Infrawaves to scan the Environment and Sound Waves to help identify targets at a distance (...)". Since it has to translate sound and infrawave signals into optical signals, it makes translating regular video representation into optical signals seem like child's play. You know, gotta invent human vision before you can have superhuman vision.Translate digital video to optical sight eh?
Well, if it is any consolation, I took into your consideration your ideas in nature by having psionics in each Tier that correspond with a different personality trait, so while they are all technically available to any one person, one of a certain nature will learn towards one or the other. So Desmond will likely be more inclined towards the less defensive, more destructive powers.Nice job. Some of those powers sound really cool and I wouldn't have thought of them. I do like the idea of psionic nature (differentiation of the power classes) so that while humans have these powers, instead of having one main nature humans have many different natures depending on a variety of factors. I would also be curious to see where Desmond's unique psionic move he developed would rank on that scale...
Well, if it is any consolation, I took into your consideration your ideas in nature by having psionics in each Tier that correspond with a different personality trait, so while they are all technically available to any one person, one of a certain nature will learn towards one or the other. So Desmond will likely be more inclined towards the less defensive, more destructive powers.
Yeah, I was thinking of sending Emily on this one, but that kind of won't work with her being injured. But she'll be on the next one, as long as she doesn't nearly die before it happens again.Whee, I get to be a secret agentI have so many plans, so many plans...mwahahahahaha...