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  • Just a heads up, I found two typos, one for "goodbye" in the We Love Gaming panel thingy, and "Gamigon" in the About section.
    Whos ready for the new amazing website?! Because its going live shortly! It WILL BLOW YOU AWAY
    A major problem is it effected a LOT of Zombie's titles. And practically all of Zombie's mission overviews.
    Once i am done fixing a few things I will go though some of his threads and fix.
    Roger that. I'm not mad, really, I just don't to stress everyone out with having to fix all of that for posterity.
    Exciting news. Next week we relaunch the site! New name, new design, new logo. cant wait :)
    Just in case, Sarge, you might want to back up the site and its data or something in case everything goes horribly wrong. Its unlikely that it will, but if its possible to do that, there's nothing wrong with erring on the side of caution

    That said, I look forward to seeing the revamp. Soon...
    Hey dark, the website and everything backups automatically to dropbox every night :)
    That's incredibly reassuring. Thanks. ^_^
    Guys remember. I am always here to help resolve any issue you face! Be it technical or social on the site!
    Ok guys its time for a real proper site update and give Chris a proper place of honor :)
    what the hell has been going on. i will be on today to take care of all this.
    Site style is being updated. you Might notice some graphical glitches. They are being worked on as we speak.
    If your a NS2 Player, let us know good times for glg head to head matchs in ns2 boards!
    server going down today at 5:30est for upgrade guys. last downtime for a long time.
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