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  • Sarge, I found this on the ChristopherOdd discussion. I think Meeq is some sort of spammer.

    "Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts..."

    That has no place in that thread, and reading it, it sounds like some weird advertisement. We should probably remove that thread.

    Edit: I'll see if Zombie can take care of it.
    Got Zombie to remove it, and copied the text from the thread if you want to see it. I'll let you decide what to do with this Meeq.

    I saw it was removed and meeq was banned. I will look at the bot problem. There is another update coming soon to
    Hey Sarge. I play on the Space Engineers server. Do you know if its been updated? I keep getting a message that the server is not up to date
    its updated
    Sarge can you please unban MW2BSTGAMER/Insurgent pls. I dont know what i did
    Hey, random suggestion for the site. I've noticed hyperlinks are really stealthy. They're not a different color, bold-faced, or underlined at all. Is that intentional? I feel like they should stand out more, so people can recognize there's a link and not just plain text.
    Not sure if you saw my message on steam, but I finished the book icon for the general roleplay boards last night. Check the drop box.
    Hey there, I was wondering... With the post ratings, what's the difference between "informative" and "useful"? They seem fairly similar to me.
    Useful = able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways

    Informative = providing useful or interesting information.

    Useful could be anything beneficial. Informative specifically related to information.
    Some new icons are being added to nodes to spice things up
    I have to admit, I love the XCOM symbol for ours. Thank you, good sir.
    I'll get to the rest of the icons done tomorrow. For tonight, I was too busy drawing Derpsmond. :b
    The new board is titled 'Gaming Role Playing' right? Does that mean we can't do roleplays there that are not related to such? And if so, is there anywhere we could do something like that?
    I was considering to convert it to general role play
    That might be helpful. With how it is now, its a bit too specific. (And if we start to have issues with clutter for whatever reason, we can always move stuff around and add boards)
    Site will be going into maintenance mode soon to move the site to new server.
    Random server problems. We are not on the dedicated server yet. Sorry for problems. Once we are on our own box we will be rock solid.
    Make sure to use new rating system guys! its to your benefit to provide feedback to friends posts!
    By the way, Sarge, it might be helpful if you moved the "New Transition Boards" and "Help Me Make More Prefixes" to somewhere that fits them better, now that we have a dedicated subforum for our RP.
    I don't mind the rules, think tank, and the 3 (soon to be 4 with a dedicated bio thread since that's needed) RP threads being together. The two posts you had there were just suggestions during the transition, though.
    I understand but i need to place them in a actual board or something
    Community Discussion or the Updates board?
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