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  1. Taxor_the_First

    RP XCOM2: Liberation of Earth

    Taxor_the_First and DarkGemini24601 - Directed Dissolution, Part 1 Location Unknown October 13th, 2038 Rainy day once again. Perfect weather, in the Overseer’s mind. Gave her the space to be outside with those that worked for her, milling around the camp and through tents and makeshift cabins...
  2. Taxor_the_First

    OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)

    *obligatory friendly reminder not to go too overboard* That said, I wouldn't be averse to certain characters having some moments. I'm not without my own plans either...
  3. Taxor_the_First

    OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)

    Can we have a designated roasting squad? You know, elite operatives who just drop into conversations, unleash sick burns on the participants and rappel away?
  4. Taxor_the_First

    OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)

    Here. Have a collab, before I drown in my own nasal fluids. Fucking hayfever man. Jesus.
  5. Taxor_the_First

    RP XCOM2: Liberation of Earth

    Part 2 Samuel considered his response. "He... had a tendency to get a little distracted by his work," he admitted. "And to some people he might have come off as a little too realistic or morbid, even. But he was capable of caring. Open affection was never his thing, true. There was time when I...
  6. Taxor_the_First

    RP XCOM2: Liberation of Earth

    ZombieSplitter53 and Taxor the First; Familial Pride, Part 1 Aboard the Avenger, Engineering 3:20 PM, October 8th Lester rubbed his brow with two fingers, the persistence of the man speaking to him evidently getting on the Specialist's nerves. "I told you not to worry," he said again. "We were...
  7. Taxor_the_First

    OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)

    Heh, agreed. The word "dripping" is an appropriate descriptor for the level of sarcasm in that clap. It's fantastic.
  8. Taxor_the_First

    OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)

    Hmm? Yeah I'm fine. Just super soppy right now is all.
  9. Taxor_the_First

    OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)

    So today was an odd one for me. My parents have owned and worked in a pharmacy in my hometown for as long as I can remember. I know the place like the back of my hand, I've known most of the people working there all my life, and I myself have worked here for the past 4 or 5 years. But my...
  10. Taxor_the_First

    OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)

    something something tried being reasonable
  11. Taxor_the_First

    OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)

    Pfffffff "character development". Who needs character development, shits for pussies and scrubs, amiright? Right guys? Right? ... if I ever say that seriously, somebody shoot me please. I'll have sold my soul or something by then no doubt.
  12. Taxor_the_First

    OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)

    Plot progression hype
  13. Taxor_the_First

    OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)

    He's part viper! Get him!
  14. Taxor_the_First

    OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)

    I now interrupt something thickening to allow the plot to thicken also! ... I was talking about Luke, for reference. Not me. I swear.
  15. Taxor_the_First

    RP XCOM2: Liberation of Earth

    Part 2 The Arbiter fell silent. Behind his mask, Azazel suppressed a satisfied smirk. So she had read up on him. That merely makes you a coward, she condemned. But… I suppose it serves our purposes to have you remain alive. For now. You are, regardless of any personal grievances, a very useful...
  16. Taxor_the_First

    RP XCOM2: Liberation of Earth

    See Carolus Rise, Part 1 Arbiter’s Court, Location Unknown 3:30 PM, September 25th, 2038 Azazel exhaled, his lungs out of breath as he finished ascending the staircase leading to where the Arbiter typically held his audiences. Glancing behind him, the thought occurred that he could have just...
  17. Taxor_the_First

    OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)

    Oh no I've infected gem with my abbreviations
  18. Taxor_the_First

    OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)

    I considered it, but then thought it might be construed as Gen 3 favoritism