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  1. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    Now that he has a name, the Muton can be "the alien."
  2. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    It's in the opponents section, that's what I was looking at while I planning and writing it for the most part.
  3. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    Oh, there are two mission names. Some secretary's getting fired. :p
  4. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    My half of the missions is up, and it's a doozy.
  5. Adrammalech

    RP X-Com Role-Play Missions

    A flashing green light suddenly shot out from the yellow one, curling up into an arc and rapidly descending towards them. As it came closer to the platform, she realized what it was. Emily dashed towards Dallas and tackled him backwards as the alien grenade clattered across the platform...
  6. Adrammalech

    RP X-Com Role-Play Missions

    A group of sectoids rushed over, attracted by the noise and firing randomly much like the floaters did. Kris walked forwards with his Gatling Laser, a massive two handed gun bigger than a battering ram that fired an impossibly quick volley of beams towards them. The S.H.I.V.s joined in on the...
  7. Adrammalech

    RP X-Com Role-Play Missions

    They scanned around the area as they continued. Rivers of lava flowed and twisted in every direction, outlining several strips of sable land. Every time the land expanded to a large enough area, more of the glowing machines were placed near the lava flows. They ascended the massive volcano slope...
  8. Adrammalech

    RP X-Com Role-Play Missions

    Emily Fischer X-COM Headquarters – West Wing Siberia, Russian Federation 6:44 AM Emily pressed her face against the glass, looking in as much as she could. She didn’t want to get caught in a generator room again since Atka found her, but she was so curious about these usually empty rooms. The...
  9. Adrammalech

    Things are heating up for Emily.

    Things are heating up for Emily.
  10. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    They just replace organs like car parts over there.
  11. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    That's the alien base assault first, right?
  12. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    Oh. Yes, it was. :P
  13. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    Was what?
  14. Adrammalech

    Summaries and Catching Up

    Our stuff is kinda jumbled up, we started the RP in quite a whirlwind and didn't think much about post sequence as we made stuff up. Entering the RP: Post in the tank or message the GM to declare your intent to join. Create your character along the guidelines, and then post the biography in the...
  15. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    Emily's post has been up for a bit, it's fairly long and fragmented, but goes over quite a bit that has been hanging since her hospital stay. Also, happy thanksgiving to all my fellow Americans.
  16. Adrammalech

    You too. :)

    You too. :)
  17. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    They're pretty grim as is.
  18. Adrammalech

    RP XCOM: The Story of Defiance.

    It was quickly obvious as I looked over that the ship I was on was a container ship, the deck looking more like a maze of tall and metal crates rather than a wide open space. We hopped down from the lifeboat, suspended by pulleys and cords alongside half a dozen more just like it. A large square...
  19. Adrammalech

    RP XCOM: The Story of Defiance.

    Emily Fischer / Benjamin Ceymotch X-COM Headquarters – Common Area Siberia, Russian Federation 2:42 PM Emily sat at the bar with Dallas, drinking a glass of soda casually. She talked to him about the daily life on base, rumors and family chats becoming the “how’s the weather” of the underground...
  20. Adrammalech

    X-COM RP THINK TANK (part2)

    I don't know if he'd stand out that much, he just got on a plane and went to a large city. That happens a lot at airports, I think. Still, his profession isn't really a secret and he's generally a mean looking fellow, so I suppose it's plausible.