Frostlich1228 (Alt)
Well-Known Member
you know, with what Erin could do with fire magic, I'm terrified of what Terra would do if she did a similar experiment with her earth magic.
Ribbed for her pleasure?
you know, with what Erin could do with fire magic, I'm terrified of what Terra would do if she did a similar experiment with her earth magic.
I just hope they fix a lot of things. I dont want another andromeda. Also can we talk about the companions and about how Iron Bull and Varric were the best? I hated Sera though. She had no character other than woo look at me I am wacky and her voice was annoying and her skills were useless. Shit character. And ugly. All the other companions were meh. Favorite scene in the entire game is where if you sacrifice Hawke, (in 2 I romanced Merril, the shy blood mage elf) imagining the letter Varric wrote to her broke my heart cause I loved Hawke and her in 2 even if the game wasnt the bestYeah, I can agree with that. The Lulls and the side missions are a big complaint when it comes to the game.
And I do agree it could've been waay more dark. My favorite origins in DA:O were the Castless Dwarf and City Elf after all. The first where your own Mother tells you as a female that only thing useful about you is what's between your legs. And the other where you have a choice between, letting your cousin be raped or causing your home to be purged and your loved ones hunted.
Then again Inq has some of the hardest choices I've seen in the series... Fucking Adament...
It's a mixed bag for sure, but luckily the devs are on record saying that they plan to cut back on the grindy side content in DA: Tevinter
Two posts up to make up for nothing yesterday. A prelude to another with Dahl, and a partially nsfw one with Frost.
Been pretty depressed recently. Very... Very depressed. But working on it. I just spent 120 USD on sweat pants, new shoes, and a gym membership.
I hated Sera though. She had no character other than woo look at me I am wacky and her voice was annoying and her skills were useless. Shit character.
Don't worry. I'll post yours tomorrow. (Coughunlessyoucoughwanttocoughcoughpostitcoughcoughcough)Looks at all recent collabs since refresh... sees that all are either Zombie or Frost except one... realizes how anti social he is...
So... anyone up for a collab?
I mean... I've just seen her character type done much better before. And I found her potions useless because I could just have Varric spec it cause I didnt like his traps.I AM FUCKING TRIGGERED SHE IS ACTUALLY MY FAVORITE.
No character? Are you kidding me? Were we playing the same game? I am... MMMMM!
Fine, I can give it that her voice can be grating, but she's not only this wacky Elf Rogue. Like, her romance is one of the best in the game and her fears and hopes are all grounded and reasonable. She's meant to be the character grounded in reality. ALSO SHE MAKES YOU A CROSSBOW ARM AT THE END OF TRESSPASSER! She has fucking ZA WORLDO POTIONS. Omigash... Like, she's so cute and vulnerable when you become close to her, despite her attitude and tough girl persona. She has contacts all over Thedas, contacts which are in potentially every noble house willing to help you.
Let's agree to disagree... You butt...![]()
What about my Final Fantasy waifus?somethingsomethihgyourwaifuisshit
What about my Final Fantasy waifus?
I believe Lightning's sister, her friend (we all know they bang) and Lady LunafreyaTifa Tifa and Tifa.
Lightning's sister's friend? Uh... Noel? You know he's a guy, right?I believe Lightning's sister, her friend (we all know they bang) and Lady Lunafreya
Sorry, I was thinking of Fang and Neville. Never played the gamesLightning's sister's friend? Uh... Noel? You know he's a guy, right?
FFXIII out of context:Sorry, I was thinking of Fang and Neville. Never played the games