You would be pretty peeved too if you had toYou know, I just noticed that your pic is of Tifa and Aerith with a very peeved Cloud.
a) Solve a family problem to get a dress.
b) Do a crunches contest to get a wig
c) Spy on an inn's lobby dispensers to get a tiara
d) Eat at a seedy dinner to get a pharmacy coupon to get a digestive to give to a woman with stomach problems to get perfume.
e) Got to a honey bee-themed brothel to get the girls in the dressing rooms to put make-up on you and get a thong from half a dozen sweaty male body builders who may or may not have molested you in a hot tub.
All to dress up like a girl to get invited to a fat mobster's "which girl am I going to bang tonight" game, actually get picked, and play along with his advances until your friends can come and save you before he tries for a feel and finds Captain Winky.