Terra Dolor: OOC Discussion & Think Tank


Game Master
Staff member
So I'll be working on that multi-person mission soon. Have three days on a row off of work soon. As some parts of it will be individualized, I will work on those first, going to one person at a time. Then put those together, do something short with everyone, then do things individually again, then come together once more.


Well-Known Member
So I'll be working on that multi-person mission soon. Have three days on a row off of work soon. As some parts of it will be individualized, I will work on those first, going to one person at a time. Then put those together, do something short with everyone, then do things individually again, then come together once more.

Wow, this sounds exciting. I can't wait.


Active Member

goddamn you two with the feels :p P.S. Betty's not going to be the only one pissed about this... Zulik's also had time to bond with our favorite Demon child.


Game Master
Staff member
So, um... anyone up for some light reading... heh... heh.

Ahem... sorry about the post dump of four collabs at once. Um... enjoy?


Game Master
Staff member
Good to have multiple practice partners. Also helps to have a Van Dam willing to teach you in a way that doesn't involve punching you in the face, eh Dahl? ;)

Huh... that would be an interesting encounter. Scarlet tries to train Melinda. Scarlet gets impatient, calls her weak, and punches Melinda in the face. Melinda snaps, grabs her with a shadow tendril and throws Scarlet across the room. The two fight it out, Scarlet with alien weapons, Melinda with dark magic.

...whole thing results in the Manor being destroyed in the cross fire...:eek:


Well-Known Member
Good to have multiple practice partners. Also helps to have a Van Dam willing to teach you in a way that doesn't involve punching you in the face, eh Dahl? ;)

Huh... that would be an interesting encounter. Scarlet tries to train Melinda. Scarlet gets impatient, calls her weak, and punches Melinda in the face. Melinda snaps, grabs her with a shadow tendril and throws Scarlet across the room. The two fight it out, Scarlet with alien weapons, Melinda with dark magic.

...whole thing results in the Manor being destroyed in the cross fire...:eek:

Heh heh, you make that sound so bad.


Well-Known Member
This is probable a good time to mention this, but my seclude has changed. So now i'm off monday, today and friday.


Game Master
Staff member
Read the last post. It was very good. Sad, obviously. Aspects of Jay that tug at those heart strings. Painful and soul crushing. But out of it, the possibility that two rivals, who once hated each other enough to try and kill one another, can reach an accord, and maybe even be friends someday.


Game Master
Staff member
So there is a bit of a... delay on the continuation of the mission. I just wanted to remind you guys that you can still post while it is on going. It isn't until it starts to go up that you need to pause posting.


Game Master
Staff member
Great post, Marine and Exo. Zulik using his own strife to help others is cool, and I liked Lyr's angry motivational speech. I also find it amusing that the objectively two most odd looking people in the guild didn't comment on each other's appearance. :p