Well-Known Member
Commander Odd,
I am requesting clearance to send the following email to my family currently with in Canada:
Dear Martriese,
I hope things are going well because thing certainly are here. We won our first two encounters. I cant go into to much detail about them specfically things are locked down tighter here then they were in commando training. I damn near lost my voice last night with all the prayer i did for you and our special little gift . Then i prayed some more for my fellow soldiers the men and women who are keeping this world safe for you safe for humanity. Today im headed to the gym with my longsword. I have not used this in a long time i feel rusty. Ha rusty get it
. Please read revelations i know its dark in the start but by the end you will cry tears of joy. WE WILL BRING VICTORY i swear it to you!
Your most heartfelt love,
Aaron Bryant Newly appointed rookie
P.S. we have to wear pink until we are assigned a combat job
Commander Odd,
I would also like a chance to talk to Central Officer Bradford I believe i was trained by his father and i would like to know if it was his father who got me inserted into the X-Com project.
Your soldier in waiting
RK. Aaron Bryant
I am requesting clearance to send the following email to my family currently with in Canada:
Dear Martriese,
I hope things are going well because thing certainly are here. We won our first two encounters. I cant go into to much detail about them specfically things are locked down tighter here then they were in commando training. I damn near lost my voice last night with all the prayer i did for you and our special little gift . Then i prayed some more for my fellow soldiers the men and women who are keeping this world safe for you safe for humanity. Today im headed to the gym with my longsword. I have not used this in a long time i feel rusty. Ha rusty get it
Your most heartfelt love,
Aaron Bryant Newly appointed rookie
P.S. we have to wear pink until we are assigned a combat job
Commander Odd,
I would also like a chance to talk to Central Officer Bradford I believe i was trained by his father and i would like to know if it was his father who got me inserted into the X-Com project.
Your soldier in waiting
RK. Aaron Bryant