X-COM Enemy Unknown - Season 3 - JOURNALS

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Well-Known Member
Name: Axton Van Dam

Status: Crazed

Axton walks out the shower,covers him self up walks to a mirror and sees a weird figure replacing his reflection.

"Hello my blood vessel, you seem to be making friends around here pretty quickly"

"What do you want"

"I'm questioning why we haven't killed any thing yet,that Ayame chick seems like worthy pray,or maybe that Aaron boy no he is not worth our time.

"SHUT UP!,I will not feed your your lust for blood that is not how we work that is not how I work".

"WRONG!, that is what we do that is what you are,you feel it every day and night the lust for blood you crave it you need it,you want thick rich crimson BLOOD,and you cant deni it.

"See that is were your wrong,every night I see the death of my ancestors all ten million of them and how they died,and yes some time I do crave blood from my enemy,I will not let it consume me and change me."

"Relay you will not let me feed on the aliens".

"You can kill as much of the alien threat as you want,but the second you kill an innocent person or any one here,I will end our life with a simple cut to the neck and it will end us,just like we did to that senator back in the u.s,remember".


"I'll take that as a yes,so I ever see you again demon or if kill some one here I will destroy us.

"You will lower your guard eventually little wolf,and when that happens i'll be there feeding on your life less corpse".

the strange figure started to fade away.

Axton release a big sigh,"Goddess of hunters why did you give me this curse.


Well-Known Member
[The same message as previous logs applies here.]

Limited Biographical Information In Use. To change this, go to the Options menu!
Name: Leon Ensslin
Internal X-COM Rank: Trainee
Age: 39
Height: 1.91m (6' 3”)
Weight: 90 kg (198 lb)
Nationality: German

Past Memories #2

My Onkel, once he received me, took utmost care in raising me in the ‘proper German manner’, as he called it. He taught me how to speak when spoken to, how to write effectively, how to thrive where others just merely survive, and, most importantly, our history. How not a little more than a hundred years ago, being German was something to be proud of. How the Scourges brought us to our knees. How they will continue to do so, until we rise up under a new Kaiser. But my Onkel, he knew that that was not all to life. He taught me poetry, the beauty of the world, and how to hope.

Such talk makes me recall my thirteenth birthday. On the morning of the day, I woke up and found myself lying on the ground. Confused, I pushed myself up, and looked around. I was in a wooded area, later revealed to be in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and my Onkel was setting up a camp. I inquired into what was happening, and he said that he wanted to show me a piece of the world, but to first set up camp. I helped him with that task, putting down a few snares for rabbits and building a fire-pit for later. Once such chores were finished, he handed me a small pack, and we went hiking. Three hours of going up and down hills followed, following some trail that only Onkel could see. Finally, we reached our destination, the peak of a mountain. I thought we were only pausing for a rest, so I took a drink of some water, and leaned against a tree. Onkel called me over, which I reluctantly did, and told me to look. I did so, and the sight is still engraved in my memory. Chalk cliffs and rolling waters dotted the horizon, while birds flew over a backdrop of vibrant green trees. One of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Onkel’s words still reverberate to this day.

“This is our land, Leon,” he said, “Not the Democrats’ land, not the Communists’ land, not the National Socialists’ land. This is German land, the Kaiser’s land. Remember this, for this is what we fight for. This is what men like me shall die for, so children like you can live for it. And that is my gift to you.” After that, we returned to our camp, feasted on rabbit, then slept. When I awoke the next day, I was home, with only the soreness in my legs to let me know that what happened wasn’t a dream. It was the last birthday I would celebrate with Onkel. After all, the next day was July Eighteenth, 1989.

--End Recording.--


Well-Known Member
Name: Anja Kjaer

Base Log: 04

I must write a letter to Hans soon. I worry for his soul. Already one of our soldiers have had a loss in their family. This Aaron man, I have not come to know him yet, but he seemed to be incredibly distraught over his loss. I mourn for the pain he has endured.

I suspect that things like this will end up being weekly occurrences. News from home, coming in, more people dying as our mysterious and puzzling foe ramp up the scale of their attacks. For all I know, my only correspondents from the home front are dead. Or worse, captured by one of those pods that land on the ground.

There is a slight beacon of hope, in this tangled mess that is the operation. Zhang, our top level operative has begun to train our sergeants in combat and leadership skills. Thank the lord that he has pulled something out of our old archives and has manged to scrap together a leadership manual. I do not think I will be able to take part in these courses, as I am a no-name squaddie, doing the CO's will.

One last thing before the top ink runs dry. If I have done my counting correctly there seems to be another 3 women besides Dr. Vahlen. I must make contact with one of these 3, if I am to gain any sort of social life or reputation.

One must not give up hope, but victory has not been assured.


Well-Known Member
Commander Odd,

I as a proffesional do not want the minds of our soldiers deteriorating. I have noticed one in particular who needs immediate pyschological evaluation. Aaron Bryant has experiencd an extreme loss that would strip any one of there sanity. I would proceed with pyschological evaluation and weekly check-ups I.E. therapy. Only with your approval of course.

Dr. Elliza Faye


New Member
Name: Colum Campbell
Rank: Squadie
Status: Temp off duty

Sorry for the lack of diary entries, this damn was broken and I had to wait for the engineers to fix it (I was on holiday) But it happened to be on the same day that shit came down in India where commander Odd and the high officers are debating the true nature of the aliens apparently. But what I do know is that, for once, we've brought more back than we left, excluding that Chinese gangster, which I think is a sign that we're improving.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention; I went on my first mission whilst this thing was broken, and Commander Odd even promoted me! I mean, it's not much, I'm just a squaddie, cannon fodder, but he recognised my ability of shooting things and has equipped me to be an assault just like my friend Juice who's been getting tons of action. I also haven't received my helmet yet but I hope I do soon because every little bit of armor help when you come face-to-face to the barrel of a gun.

In other news, nobody has died or has been injured for a long time. I guess the commander has final completed "the art of war" by a Japanese general (true fact), I think I shouldn't have disrespected him but I think it was more the fear I guess. Also, I've been hearing strange noises coming from Axton's room lately, screams and such whilst I've been walking-by at night, perhaps he has night terrors or something?.

Anyway I'll be going now, goodbye... (sorry for the shortness but I haven't had time to roleplay with anyone since I got back so I kinda improvised)


Well-Known Member
Ayame Kasagi was the first of the two to be called up to Zhang's office. The Captain sat behind the ever-covered desk and as any soldier would see upon entry, he was writing upon Ayame's entry. As soon as he noticed her presence, he requested she sit down in the seat across from him.

Ayame nervously sat down. "H-how can I help you," she asked. "Am I in trouble for something?"

"No," he said with his usual stern look, "you aren't in trouble." Zhang took a moment to collect his thoughts and find a way to formulate what he wanted to say properly. "This is about a report filed against Rookie Persephone Brown. She assaulted a scientist she claims you had encountered as well." His brow furrows as he prepares to break the news. "She also claims he assaulted you sexually and that he approached her in the same way, which is why she attacked him."

The seat of his chair creaks as he leans forward. "This could change everything that would happen to Rookie Brown otherwise, it is of the utmost importance that you tell the truth and if you have evidence... Please, do not hold this back." He pauses for a moment, seeming to realize something. "I... understand if this is difficult to discuss, but this is vital."

Ayame's face turned pale. She started to rub her wrist as she rocked back and forth slightly. "I...I-I...he...I didn't mean, he wanted to, I didn't know, he was going to get, I'm...so stupid, should have said something, too...embarrassed, I didn't...didn't want that, I just, wanted to get her a...I...couldn't...stupid, stupid, so stupid..." Tears started to fall from her eyes as she started hyperventilating.

"Whoa, easy now." Zhang quickly grabs a paper bag and walks over to Ayame, holding it out for her. "Take your time, calm down. Would you rather talk to someone else?" It was clear he was not used to dealing with this sort of thing and for the first time seemed like he was not at ease.

Ayame took the bag, and rapidly breathed in and out of it. After a couple of minutes, she calmed down enough to talk. "Is she okay? Did he hurt her? Oh god, not another one! I should have said something!"

"She's fine." He said, now more calmly. "Now, if you think you are up for it, could you please calmly explain what happened between you, him and Rookie Colin Weger?" Zhang had crouched down beside her, figuring it would be less intimidating.

"I...I went to the labs to see if I could get a look at the aliens. The guy...M-Mac...he said he could get me in. I did not trust him, but then he said he knew Anna, and that she wanted a piece of Crysallid armor but was too embarrassed to ask. He said he could get it for me, a-and all I would have t-to do is help him with...something." Ayame shamefully looked at the ground.

"This complicates things." He walks back to his seat and starts writing down some things before speaking up again. "And what role did Colin Weger have in this? Brown said he was with you during this."

"When I realised what he wanted...me to do, I tried to leave, but he got angry. He squeezed my wrist, said I had to take responsibility for getting him excited. Colin told him to let me go. I-If he hadn't been there...I...I don't..." Ayame started to hyperventilate again, breathing deeply into the bag.

"I see... Take your time." For a moment the only sounds in the room are those of Ayame's breathing into the paper bag and the writing on paper Zhang did. "I am inclined to believe you and someone like that should not be to remain here", he says a moment later, "However, it will take an effort to make that happen, there is no true evidence here. I am afraid the only way to do this is for you and the other two soldiers involved to make a testimony to Command. Would you be up to this?"

"I-If," Ayame said, with a scared but determined look on her face, "if it will prevent this from happening to someone else, if it will help Persephone, then...I-I will do whatever I need to do."

"If we get enough support it should get him out instead of Rookie Brown", Zhang replies.

"Then...just tell w-what to do."

All soldiers involved in this incident need to co-operate on this, which includes you. What you have to do is file a report to Command detailing what happened to you. I will also be sending a report to Command based on my impressions, after having spoken to all of you. It is likely that we will all need to be questioned by Command after this and with any luck, our testimonies will be enough."

Ayame gives a determined nod. "I understand. I will send my report immediately. "

Zhang stands up. "Thank you and good luck." He salutes. Ayame returns his salute and takes her leave.


Ayame had only just left when Colin Weger arrived at Zhang's office. He too, would see the Captain busy writing as he entered. As he usually did when he noticed someone had entered, Zhang requested Colin sit down in the seat across from him, while putting down his pen and leaning back in his seat.

Colin has a serious face on him. "Is something wrong Captain?"

"It seems so, Rookie," Zhang started in a serious tone, "I have three soldiers going where they shouldn't and two of them have accused a scientist of sexual harassment. Do you know what I am talking about?"

Colin takes a seat. "Whoa, if I'm one of those three soldiers then you got something wrong, I was waiting outside the Lab to speak to the teacher Selena, you can even ask her, that I requested for her. But none the less I know exactly what you are talking about."

Colin gets an angry look on his face. "What kind of scientist is here to go around trying to rape the people who want to safe this planet? This Mac guy is up to something and I believe something should be done about it. I don't know who told you of this, but I promised I wouldn't tell anyone, so I would be pleased if you could tell me who you got the information from, Captain."

"A Rookie named Persephone Brown claims you and Ayame Kasagi had an encounter with this scientist and claims that the result of this is part of the reason she assaulted him. A report was filed by the guards who had to pull her off of him. This is a serious matter and any form of assault or harassment should have been reported immediately. If this is true, then this 'Mac' should indeed be persecuted and withholding information counteracts that very thing."

"Persephone? She is the room-mate from Anna and Ayame right? What reason does she have to assault him? Either way it serves Mac right after what he did, not surprised if he tried to seduce her too. I say you should check the video footage, I mean what other reason do we have cameras for anyway. Do you still have any other question's for me?"

"Surveillance cameras do not record sound, as of now there is no evidence of sexual harassment other than two testimonies of two soldiers who had to be sent out of the labs, one of who assaulted the guy. If you could give a detailed report, it might make the case against Mac stronger."

"Alright, so I was as I already said, waiting for the Teacher outside the Lab, then I noticed Ayame walking with this Mac guy. I never met the guy and did not know him, but I knew Ayame and knew she does not trust men easily, which got me confused, so I decided to follow them. When they arrived at Mac's Room I stopped them and talked to Ayame privately, warning her that this guy was up to no good. She took my advice and turned down Mac, Mac on the other hand decided to let his anger get the better of him and took hold of Ayame's hand forcefully, I stepped in to make sure he wouldn't harm her. I also made sure to settle it all in a peaceful manner."

Colin takes a second to catch his breath. "Ayame did nothing wrong, she was curious and Mac promised her entrance to the lab, which we all know that he has no authorities to make such decision. On the other hand, I was not there when Persephone met the guy, but I would believe her over this Mac guy."

"And you did not think to advise her to report this, or do that yourself? How long ago was this?"

"I did want to tell the Commander it, but I promised Ayame not to tell anyone, which does not matter now since you already know, it was a couple of days ago, Captain."

Zhang lets out a long sigh, rubbing his temples. "Look, I believe you guys, but you have to understand the circumstance is not in your favour. I'd love nothing more than to have this Mac guy removed, but it will be a tough case." He leaned toward Colin, a stern look in his eyes. "If I am to do this, I will need the full co-operation of all soldiers involved in this, which includes you. You will have to file a report on the incident to Command, as will the others. I will report my impressions on this case and hopefully it will be enough to penetrate the layers of bureaucracy to get our case to point."

"If it means that Ayame and Persephone will be no harm done in the end then you will have my full co-operation."

"I am doing my best to keep Rookie Brown from being kicked from this base for assaulting a member of the science team."

"I understand that and I can't thank you enough. Now is there anything else you need me to do?"

"That will be enough for now. Command will likely want to question you after you have sent the report. Now please, I have a lot of paperwork and I'm sure you have other things to attend to." Zhang stands up and salutes the Rookie.

"Alright, Captain." Colin stands up and salutes and leaves shortly after.


Well-Known Member
Name: Axton Van Dam

Status: Still crazed

Must.....keep....mind...in....check,must resist blood lust.

"Why are you resisting,you no you want to kill,you want to skin people alive,burn them to a crisp,and drown the world in blood,just relies me and all your troubles will wash away."

Axton headbutts a mirror and his forehead started to bleed.

Sigh now that he is salience for now I can finally talk.So today we had this weird mission it was called a terror mission,and of course Zhang and Booker went lemon also went,and so did rex and kjaer,yea the women that the aliens targeted on the very first mission,and I got to say there were some improvement on the line,Lemon,with his new shotgun was a beast on this mission and probley saved Booker ,from a cryssalid thank god he saved him we cant afford to lose a captain,and the mission it self was a success,we lost half of the cevilens but the other half is some place safe and again there were no casualties.

the commander seems to be doing an admirable job as of late,I think this is the first month we had with no casualties,so were getting better,and I think the aliens promoted X-COM,from pitta full resistance to mild annoyance,I think the aliens are ready to take us seriously now,that is probable a bad thing.

Axton grabs his head and looks down on the ground

he's cumming again. Axton turns off his camera.


//Letter Intercepted From Maya Teja//


It took me a while to decide whether or not I was going to send this to you, but, after must deliberation, I figured you have the right to know. I'm done with this life. Ever since your brother's death, I felt like my soul was slowly deteriorating. I hate the people I used to call friends and everywhere I go I feel as if the world is out to get me. I thought it would just be a phase; I thought that after a while I would come to terms with what happened to Alex, that I would be able to move on with my life... I can't. This world is a cruel place, Joel. You of all people should understand that, and I don't want to be a part of it anymore. I'm not going to say I'm sorry, but I hope you can forgive me.

Sincerely, your late friend, Maya Teja.

P.S. I'll let Alex know you said hello.


Game Master
Staff member
To: Project X-COM Authoritative Command
From: Charles F. McAfree, Laboratory Technician #14-7, Primary Laboratories, X-COM Base

The following report is in regards to accusations made towards me by X-COM soldiers Kasagi, Ayame, Weger, Colin, and Brown, Persephone. I am outraged that, mere days after to savagely and needlessly assaulted by one of the soldiers that have been hired here to defend us, I am now find myself having to defend my integrity against the same soldier and her friends.

As stated in my incident report regarding Brown, I only approached in the hopes of offering a helping hand to a colleague that seemed upset, only for her to immediately turn hostile and throw slanderous accusations at me. When I calmly but firmly instructed her to watch her anger, she attacked me, leaving me with two black eyes, minor nasal fracturing, and a sprained neck. Her insistence that this was brought on by sexual harassment is pure fiction.

What's more, I never mentioned my encounter with Kasagi or Weger with Brown. In regards to them, in the night in question, Ms. Kasagi requested access to the labs in exchange for sexual favors. I informed her that this was not, in any way shape or form, possible. She insisted on having sex with me, stating that she would be able to "change my mind", and while I again informed her that this would not happen, she said that she would be the judge of that, and if she was wrong, at least we would have a good time together.

I am ashamed to admit that I agreed to sleep with her, but I am only human, and I have few options to release my human urges while trapped underground. However, the entire thing was her idea, and she insisted all the way over to my room. Once we arrived however, Weger arrived to stop us. I know not what their relationship is, but by the way they acted, I would say that she is sleeping with him as well and he got jealous. In the end, I decided I did not want to get involved, and when Kasagi grabbed my wrist and insisted that she needed me to, and these are her words, "f%#k me as hard as you can, to make me forget about this limp-d%#k," Weger became angry and threaten to assault me, prompting me to retreat into my room.

Honestly, I find the amount of discipline for these to be insulting, and I hope this incident can be settled quickly before I find the need to report any more grievances to the Council then I already plan to.

Charles McAfree


Name: Jorn ´Juice´ Lemonade
Current Rank: Lt.
Total Kills since joining XCOM: 9
Total missions in XCOM: 6

Audio Log #8:
Jorn starts his audiolog but talks a bit different slower than usual "Well hello, nice yournal thingy! I think it's time to update again. So last time was pretty rough, being called to the Commanders office, pretty scary because, he is the commander and scary, we talked for a bit and he eventualy gave me the shotgun, but I really had to make progress or the consequences would be pretty devastating for me. So I trained a lot after that. No more chess, no more things, no more goofing around and no more stuff and stuff. Just going for tunnel vision and training. And it all payed off! YES I'm so happy!"

"That terror mission what something different, fire everywere and it was chaos, it was pretty nasty, but I earned my stripes back. I got a stunner the mission after that, still haven't used it but I hope that thing works, it better work because if it doesn't then I will make sure the people who made that thing don't work anymore. Just kidding I'm very funny. or no. I'm not drunk but a bit euhm.... eazy.
Anyway I was very happy I got my stripes back that I decited to drink to celibrate. All my firends were pretty happy I saw Ayame who isn't really a friend but more like someone I know a bit still cool still cool, and Daniel who was next to me on the field, and Colin ofcource, the old guy" Jorn laughs "Speaking of Daniel, that guy is pretty good on the field and he got a promotion, he became a sniper, well I'm glad for him. Just like Big Farmer, I'm also glad for him."

"I'm a Luitenant now, but that also means more responsibilities, I may get a own office like Zhang that would be pretty sweet. But I think I have to ask him what my responsibilities are now. I'l ask him tomorrow, but I think I'm going to bed now. Jorn Lemonade Out"
--] End of log


Well-Known Member
Science Lab Exterior Surveillance Camera Recording

Date: Apr 21
Time: 11:49

The Camera shows Anna Stone leaning on the wall next to a Window looking into the Science Labs, Anna crosses her arms and looks into the Window, she lets out a long sigh and pulls out a Carving Knife and a Block of Wood, she cuts the soft wood slowly taking off the corners before carving small grooves into the sides.

Around her are two Guards near the door to the science labs, their Assault Rifles and Ammo Clips, leaning on the wall behind them, the guards make idle conversation about this and that, one of the guards glances and Anna once and awhile as if expecting her to pull a gun at any moment.

In the corner of the cameras view you see a cart being rolled in, on it is a Cryssalid filled with bullet holes, the Cryssalid is partially covered by a large white cloth, the two scientists pushing it, one Male one Female, have pushed the cart to the center of the camera's view when all of the sudden of the cart's wheels snaps off and rolls around before falling over.

Anna stops carving and looks at the Cryssalid, she places the Knife and Block of wood against the wall and slowly walks up to it, the Male scientist looks down at the wheel and crosses his arms. "God dammit we were almost at the lab too..."

The Female scientist looks at him and says. "I wish these carts weren't so damn Shotty, we couldn't even get this thing to the Labs without it breaking."

The Male Scientist responds "Yeah... I wish we had more money to spend on keeping these things in Tip-Top shape."

"Don't we all" The Female scientist replies.

Anna is now standing next to the cart, she looks at the Scientists and says "I could try and fix the cart for you."

The Male Scientists turns to her "Really? That's a relief, I wasn't going to carry this disgusting thing down to Vahlen."

Anna smiles at them. "It's not like a have anything better to do."

The Male Scientist smirks "Thank God for downtime am I right?"

Anna lets out a sigh.

Anna takes a screwdriver out of her back pocket, grabs the wheel, and starts screwing it back it place.

The Female Scientist looks down at her. "Are you one of the engineers?"

"No... No I'm not..."

"Ah I see.... One of the soldiers I take it?"

Anna looks up at her and nods.

A few minutes go by and Anna fixes the cart. "There we are..."

The male scientist smiles "Wonderful now we can get this thing to Vahlen."

"Wait!" Anna quickly replies "This may sound odd but... Can I touch it?"

The Female Scientist gives her a strange look. "I'm not sure why you'd want to... But go ahead..."

Anna Slowly lifts up the Cloth covering and places it to the side, she then slowly moves her to touch it when one of the Cryssalid's Legs violently Twitches making Anna Jump backwards in surprise.

"Creepy isn't it? Sometimes these things do that when you are handling them, sometimes even weeks after its death" Replies the Male Scientist.

Anna approaches the Cryssalid again and places her hand on one of its legs.

"Wow... it feels so alive..."

"Yes, some of the Alien Cadavers have that characteristic."

The Female Scientist looks at him. "Yes but... The last Cryssalid we brought in wasn't warm like that..."

Anna looks up at them. "What do you mean... Are we sure its d-"

Her sentence is interrupted by the Cryssalid Flailing its arms its arms wildly around, one of its arms slashes Anna's chest and sends her flying back into the window behind her.

Blood starts gushing out of Anna's chest as the Guards and Scientists realize what is happening. "Bloody Hell! The Thing is Still Alive!!"

The Guards grab their Assault Rifles and fumble around trying to put the Ammo Clips in the Gun as the Cryssalid jumps off the table and runs lightning fast over to Anna, The Cryssalid Slobbers some sort of strange goop into Anna's wound before the Soldiers were able to reload their weapons and fill it with bullets.

The Male Scientist looks at the soldiers and yells. "What the Bollocks are you two standing around for! Get her to Med-Bay Now!"

The Guards grab the Rapidly Fading Anna and Carry her to the Med Bay as fast as they can.

The Female Scientist covers her mouth shocked by what she just witnessed. "Oh my god... What do we do!?"

The Male Scientist Replies with a frantic tone. "We go upstairs and tell every damn person with a Badge to tell Commander Odd what just happened! That's what we do!"

The two rush out of the camera's view before the footage ends.

*End of Footage*


Well-Known Member
(OOC: I did something wrong with how old my family is suppose to be at what time, for now Elise was 8 in 2003 which means that Colin and Laura had her in 1995 which makes no sense since they got married in 1998 but only meet in 1995 and did not have a kid then, which means Elise can't be born on 1995 or Colin meet Laura sooner and married her sooner which I will still all have to decided how that will work, so sorry about the confusion if anyone noticed them :p. I will go back and change some of that,but for now just know that Elise is 20 and still lifes with her parent's.)

Name: Colin Weger
Rank: Rookie
Total Kills since joining XCOM: 0
Status: Much to do

Journal Entry #5
"There is alot going on in base at the moment, it all went from pure nothing to pure action in a matter of day's. First there is the problem with Ayame and Persephone, and that Mac guy, still have to write a report on that to command. Then there is School ofcourse, and I recently meet a nummber of Soldier's from the base and got to know them a little more. Last mission Jorn finnaly got his shotgun back, I knew he would rock with it, he sure did not thing twice about showing us which gun is better."

"There is also Anna, she seems to be bored because she has nothing to do, maybe she is interessted in School or something that would keep her busy for a while, the last thing I would want is her to get in more trouble because of that. But I can not blame her, I too find it unfiar that we do not get to go into the labs or workshop."

"I recently got word from my wife, they are alright and feeling healthy. The Barracks took them in and are keeping them safe. Elise is even still able to go and continue school at the Barrack, which makes me happy, I mean she isnt a little girl anymore, soon she will be going out into the big world out there on her own. She is making me proud everyday. It's hard to belive that my daughter is 20 already, and for some reason I seek the relationship to my daughter from Anna and even Ayame. I guess it must be a father's thing."

"Aaron lost his family recently, I know it must be hard for him at the moment, I could not imagine losing my family or if I could even still be sane if that would happen. I just hope it never will happen. But none the less I still have to help Aaron get through this hard time, he does still have to fight those creatures either way. He is a really agreesive one but I can not blame him everybody is special in there own way."

"Alright I still have lots to do so I better get on that."

Zain Shah

Well-Known Member
Lieutenant Zain Shah
Missions- 6
Kills- 12

I didn't go on the terror mission but I'm alright with that cos Anja and Rex are a little behind and I think that the Commander was looking at the long term benefit by taking them out. For the first time, the plane journey back was kinda fun; the new rookies are sure cheerful but its always nice to have optimism on the team but they were both made snipers which worries me in that our only heavy Zhang and while he may be able to handle the job well, no one really knows about the future. I did go back home to London which was pretty cool but the aliens have definitely changed the atmosphere, I wanted to visit my family but I was denied permission but I guess a job is a job. I also need to talk to the commander about making my role on the team more agressive because us supports usually deal out the least damage so its harder for us to get kills and get promoted.

Zain Shah

Well-Known Member
From- ZainS@XCOMHQ.net
To- ChristopherO@XCOMHQ.net

Hello Commander, I know that you must get tons of advice on how to do your job and I know I shouldn't question your judgement but I was just thinking that you could maybe use your supports more aggressively because supports usually have the weakest weapons so can you please consider this on your next mission.
Name: Toni
Rank: Skyranger Pilot
Mission log: Terror attack. Bangalore, India.

Terror attacks? Terror attacks!! So the alien started killing rather then abducting. What the fuck man! I don't know what is worse... Taken away, or just killing out right... Damn.... It's getting though this war.

So India is where they hit. We are to rescue civilians. But as the commander said, soldiers over civs. If we die, who are to save the earth?
The guys ran right for the first civilian we saw. And saved him. But people started to die. It's tough, knowing that what we fight for is getting killed right outside the window... I wanted to go out there, but I know our guys need me to pull them out should the heat gets to high...

Man.. I don't know... This shit is getting harsh...

First blood to Juice! I heard a rumour that he worked hard have the shotgun out on the field. Pretty solid weapon he got himself there.

Those Jetpack aliens, I do not remember the name... They just seemed to be all over the place, killing of the civilians. A few of the Crysa.. Something. The four legged ones. They also showed themselves. I do not know what is worse.. The four legged basted, or the.. Thin man. That one still gives me the creeps...

I'll have to give it to Rex, or Dino, he was a beast out there. Not in the killing, but he did a good job on saving the civilians. A lot more would have died if he had not put his ass on the line...
One of the four legged jump on one of the guys.. But Lemonade.. I never seen run that fast. He just flew up and blasted the beast! Nice one.

Well.. Mission is off.. But...
I don't know, this is not for a mission log, but I'll say it anyway. I'm... Well, I do not see much to the soldiers apart from being their pilot. But I have picked up some chatter. And I'm getting pretty nervous about the mental health of some of our guys...

Anyway, Toni out.

Name: Toni
Rank: Skyranger Pilot
Audio Log.

I don't know why one of the engineers looked at me like that today. I where just in the hanger, washing Skyranger, been a few days since I last did her a good rubbing, and she enjoyed it. Maybe it was the singing?

Ahh well...

But she needed it, all those aliens corpses.. The smell like... Well... Dead aliens.


Name: Toni
Rank: Skyranger Pilot
Mission: Abductions. London, UK.

So Commander Odd pulls out a mixed unit for this. Two Majors and two recruits? Out whit the Brass to teach the Greens? Or should that be Pinks? Ahh well..

5.32, landing in capital of the UK, London! Well, now we know for whom the bell toil! Death to the aliens! Wait.. did the guys just do a congo line behind the car? Eh.. Yeah...

*Audio goes into static noise*

… of crap thing.. Oh, it's on again? Well, I'm not going to retell it all. Lets hope it worked out.



New Member
Ainm (name): Peadar Mac Lochlainn
Stadás (status): Scanraithe (terrified)
In a previous journal entry I was talking about how maybe our attacks on the aliens were not as wholly justified as they seemed. Then came the "terror attack". Cac Naofa, when I saw that footage, I was more scared than I have ever been. These innocent civilians, dying. There screams still echo in my ears. Now, the problem is not with whether the aliens are evil; it's with whether the commander is. Quote on quote, he said, "The lives of my recruits over the lives of civilians.". That's all fine and dandy, until you realise, the civilians should not be caught up in this war. They are not in any army, they do not deserve the fate they received, they are not prepared for death. If the aliens are targeting them, then the people WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PROTECTING EARTH AND ALL ITS INHABITANTS, should save them at any cost. Soldiers should be prepared for death. Saving innocent civilians, even at the expense of people prepared for death, should be a priority. New soldiers can be recruited, but nine dead innocents cannot be brought back to life. If the point of XCOM is to save the earth, then there is no excuse to value any life on earth over any other, they should all be protected equally. Slán.



Active Member
INT. Hallway​
Ayame seems somewhat shaken after her questioning with Zhang, and having had to tell him about her encounter with Mac.​
Hoping she would have some time alone to herself Ayame stops outside the door of room 44-6 to the sound of someone crying.​
Ayame pulls the door ajar ever so slightly and peers inside. Sure enough Persephone is sitting in her bunk with her head in her hands.​
INT. Barracks​
Ayame enters.​
Persephone gasps and turns her attention to Ayame​
Are you okay?​
PERSEPHONE (Slightly embarrassed)​
Oh... Yeah I'm fine.​
You don't look fine!​
Ayame sighs and takes a seat on her bunk.​
You heard about what happened, didn't you?​
I just spent the last few hours being interrogated by Zhang, so yeah I know.​
Both of them stay quiet for half a minute before Persephone finally speaks.​
How could I do this? How could I do something so god awfully unprofessional. It's not like he could have actually hurt me, I could've out run him. Hell I could've made a break for Zhang's office if I really tried.​
Normally I'd agree with you but I would have done the exact same thing had I actually known what he wanted from me.​
It's people like him that are the reason I find it difficult to trust men!​
Ayame looks worried.​
Did... something happen to you.​
Persephone doesn't respond.​
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said...​
No! It's fine! In fact I feel I haven't been fully honest with myself these past three years.​
Honest about what?​
Persephone sighs.​
Have you ever heard of a suppressed memory?​
Remember me telling you how amazing of a soldier Rose was? Truth is she was lucky to have even been hired!​
Tears begin to swell in Persephone's eyes but she refrains from crying.​
That's not even the least of it, she never won the metal of honor, hell she never even won any purple hearts. When I heard she was actually decommissioned from the military and planned on moving back in with my folks I was excited at the idea of getting to see her again, but when she came back it's almost as if she wasn't the same person. She started distancing herself from my family and I to the point she didn't even want anything to do with us. Everyday she would leave the house and none of us had a clue what she was doing, I just assumed she was out working. As months went by she began to sicklier and sicklier, eventually my mother began to notice that money was disappearing from her bank account, and rather then doing anything productive about the problem she just threatened to have her locked up in a mental institution if her self destructive behavior continued. By the time I was told the real reason she was decommissioned she had already died of an overdose.​
Holy shit!​
When McAfree admitted what he had tried to do to you, that's when I lost it with him! I just didn't want history to repeat itself, I didn't want you or anyone else here ending up like her!​
Persephone pauses for a moment.​
I turned her into a false idol, hoping against hope that I could convince myself that the year leading up to her death never happened, I wanted to live with the false sense of hope that she died the way she would have wanted to.
Ayame is at a loss for words. She can't think of any way to respond to that without sounding cliche.​
Ayame climbs up on to Persephone's bunk.​
Hey. I tried this with Anna the other night and it seemed to help.​
Persephone looks at Ayame with a confused look on her face.​
Just sit next to me and place your head against mine.​
Trust me, my mother and I used to do this all the time.​
Persephone and Ayame put there heads together.​
Just try to think happy thoughts.​

After a brief minute Persephone wraps her arm around Ayame's shoulder and Ayame does the exact same thing.

The two of them continue to sit together in silence.


Well-Known Member
Medical Report

Patient Name : Anna Stone
Doctor Name : Dr. Rick Mier PHD

Anna Stone was admitted into the Med-Bay yesterday, apparently one of the Cryssalid Cadavers we brought back was not actually dead... This led to some... Complications...

But back to the point the Creature Slashed her Diagonally Across her chest From her Left Shoulder to her Right Hip, Luckily for her the Cryssalid was not directly targeting her and only accidently hit her while flailing is limbs around in panic, so the slash didn't do too much damage to her internal organs. However after the creature regained its senses it jumped onto Mrs. Stone for a Second Blow, Fortunately, The soldiers were able to kill it before it was able to deliver that second blow...
But while the creature was over her it Drooled some type of strange slime into her wound... I called the Lab Boys in to tell me what this slime is and they gave me a lengthy discussion about the creature and what the slime actually does.

Apparently the Slime is some sort of Embryo that the Cryssalid Injects into its target, the person injected then becomes a Zombie like Creature and then a Cryssalid mere minutes later...
They told me that there was an Oddity about this attack however... apparently the Cryssalid was panicked and did not try to Inject the Embryo into the victim's Throat like normal, instead the creature drooled it into her chest cavity...
Normally the Victim would've become a zombie by now, but she hasn't, the Lab Boys have plenty of theories as to why this happened, but they said that they need more time to finish their autopsies before they can give me a definitive answer, as for now they said that we should keep her stable and constantly monitor her condition for the next two days or so, That means no visitors whatsoever...
Word is spreading around the barracks fast so I suspect her friends will want to see her, unfortunately I will have to tell them no, she is in no condition to be seen and we are keeping her unconscious to avoid her going into shock from the pain.

*End Report*


Well-Known Member
The following was made in collaboration between Dahlexper & Zombiesplitter 53

Ayame is fervently pounding on a heavy bag with her bare hands, a pained look on her face. As people walk by, the ask "whats with the angry little Chinese chick", but she ignores them, attempting to pound out all of her sorrow.

Axton walks in to the gym and sees Ayame beating the hell out of an punching bag.

ou good shes good and pissed this may work after all.

Do you relay think small child will stop me.

only one way to find out.

Axton walks to Ayame

She continues to hit the bag, ignoring Axton as he approaches. When she sees he isn't leaving, she stops, turns to her, and yells, "What do you want?!" She immediately regrets being so harsh, and give Axton an apologetic look.

"Wow what happen to you"

"I...I..." Ayame's turns away, Axton briefly seeing a shamed look on her face. "It is...complicated. Someone did something, and because I was too embarrassed, too proud to tell someone, he might get away with it, and if he does, a friend of mine will suffer."

"Damn do you need help with your problem"

Ayame lets out a frustrated sigh. "No, no, what can be done has been done, thanks to Captain Zhang. I...just feel so...stupid." She clenches her fists. "I know, I'm weak, I have no place here, right?"


Axton calms down a little and lets out a long sigh" look Ayamy,Axton puts his hand on ayame shoulder."You need to here this i'm pretty sure Anna told you this but I'm gonna say it differently, You are an honorable warrior,from what i'v see of you you are the second toughest chick I have ever met,you are tough your full of energy and your a wicked shot,you make family and your ancestors proud every day that you here fighting and any one tells you different,or if you doubt your self ever again,remember this I respect you as a warrior and as a women so don't ever ,EVER say that again."

Ayame gives Axton an awkward look for a moment, but finally cracks a smile, saying, "Thank you. That is very kind of you...who, uh...who is the toughest, um, chick you have ever met?"

"My sister,I rember when I remember when I was four years old and she was twelve she all ready killed four grizzly bears by her self, and lasted three months in the Alaskan wilderness with nothing but a knife and a hunting rifle,I relay looked up to her,and pray to the goddess of hunters that she is still alive and taking care of her newly born child".

"Heh, yeah, nothings better then a strong, supportive...older.....sis...ahem, so, um, h-how can I help you? You looked like you wanted to ask me something."

"yea this is gonna sound pretty weird,and I no that I just gave you that great speech but I need you to fracture my skull or draw my blood,"

Ayame laughs, forcing herself not to snort. "That is funny. Heh heh, but really, how can help you?"

"By fracturing my skull or drawing my blood".

Ayame's laughter trails off, and she gives Axton a confused look. "Shénme tā mā de nǐ zài shuō shénme? Why? I...I don't understand?"

"You no that I speak Chinese right,and yes I no i'm insane for asking you that but there is a reason why i'm asking you this."

"Um...okay...this better be a damn good reason..."

"OK this is gonna sound pretty weird,I have a demon locked in my brain,a blood thirsty maiming,amputating demon that only wants to see me give it an ocean of blood."

"Do you...have any idea...how crazy that sounds?"

"Yes I no this sound insane, and its more like I have a split personalty that has gone craze but this is the truth.

"Um...alright, and what does this have to do with fracturing your skull or drawing blood?"

Axton fells his other half ripping through his skin.

"Ou damn it,your about to see why in a minute."

Axton grabs his head in agony and is insanely laughing the lintier time.

"Okay! Gāisǐ de! I-If it will help you calm down, I will...rough...you up? Is that how it is said?"

"Axton looks at Ayame and grabs her by the neck,and pens her to a wall

"You stupid little girl,you should have refused his offer now i'm gonna spend the next few minutes tearing your flesh from your body and eating your spine.

Ayame's eyes flash terror for a moment before her instincts kick in. She lands a solid punch to Axton's throat, causing him to drop her. As he stumbles back, Ayame grabs her neck, struggling to catch her breath. "Axton (cough) what are doing?" As Axton springs forward, Ayame rolls out of the way, and takes a defensive stance.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,I see why he went to you now,but you cant stop me".

Axton charges Ayame and blocks her kick,HA HA, Axton again grabs ayame by the through and slams her to the ground and begins to punch her face rapidly.

Ayame takes advantage of their size difference to connect with a solid knee to Axton's chest. He barely flinches, and winds back for another punch. Ayame quickly brings her hands up and boxes his ears, disorientating him long enough to pull his hand off her throat and roll away. As she strugles to get her barings, she mutters, "A-Axton, I am warning you...I...(cough) I am not going hold back anymore! Stop this, now!"

HOLD BACK,HOLD BACK you still think your talking to my blood vessel he is gone and he is not coming".


Axton has small control of his body,"Ayame while I have time,her me now your fighting stile may not work on me,I spent four years practicing martial arts,and on top of that i'm a gladiator so your gonna be in the biggest fight of your life,so don't you dare hold back because if you do your dead."

"AWWW he rewed the surprise ou well,so what are you gonna do with that information little girl."

Ayame takes a deep breath, momentarily seeming to be perfectly relaxed. She then leaps forward and swings a predictable left hook. Axton chuckles as he moves to block it, when Ayame suddenly does a split and delivers a solid right jab to Axton's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. As he bends over in pain, Ayame grabs his head and drives her knee into his forehead.

As Axton stumbles back, Ayame gives him a serious but relaxed look. "Listen to me, I do not know who you are, but know that I will not hold back any longer. Despite my size, I have practice martial arts thirteen years, and I have black belts in five different practices. I do not want to hurt you, but if you will not release Axton, then I will have choice but to DRIVE YOUR BLOODY FACE INTO THE GROUND AND MAKE YOU RELEASE HIM!"

HA HA HA HA,I see why he puts you in the same cat agony as his sister, Axton gets back up but if you think i'm gonna give up with out seeing what you can do you are so wrong,now came at me with all your ANGER AND RAGE AND TRY TO TAKE ME DOWN LITTLE ONE".
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