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Game Master
Staff member
Oh yeah, Happy Birthday, since I didn't wish you best wishes before! May you find another year of finding dollar bills in the street and bumping into interesting strangers.

Side note: this is why we need a giant scrolling banner somewhere for whenever a member of the site has a birthday. This fact was literally mentioned three days ago, and my poor brain already forgot. Such shame I bring upon myself.
Don't worry about it (I sure don't). And thank you.


Well-Known Member
I celebrated my last birthday on the cruise I went on earlier, and I caught my mom telling the waiter to do their malfeasance. The shitgiving was ripe for that year.


Game Master
Staff member
I celebrated my last birthday on the cruise I went on earlier, and I caught my mom telling the waiter to do their malfeasance. The shitgiving was ripe for that year.
What is that word you are using that I am not familiar with?

What is this... crue-se? Is it some kind of donut? How do you have a birthday on a donut?


Well-Known Member
I celebrated my last birthday on the cruise I went on earlier, and I caught my mom telling the waiter to do their malfeasance. The shitgiving was ripe for that year.

I remember my first cruse. My mom and my brother got sea sick, and my dad got attacked by some random birds. It was was funny as hell when it happened and it's still funny now.


Well-Known Member
What is that word you are using that I am not familiar with?

What is this... crue-se? Is it some kind of donut? How do you have a birthday on a donut?

It's when you go on a boat and travel to third-world countries and try not to think about how poor they are.

I remember my first cruse. My mom and my brother got sea sick, and my dad got attacked by some random birds. It was was funny as hell when it happened and it's still funny now.

Sounds highly successful :p

Zain Shah

Well-Known Member
Some people are on a trip so I've been doing hardly anything in lessons besides preparing for my german test.


Operator 21O
Staff member
So just started playing a new game I got called Hexyz Force and my god is it a hidden gem. It is a turn based JRPG on the PSP and it is a very well written game, the battle mechanics are a little hard to grasp but once you get the hang of it it gets really simple to understand. It doesn't have just one story, it ha two. One is a more light hearted one and the other has a more darker feel to it. Each storyline has a vast array of cast and even has multiple endings. Once you finish the two stories it unlocks a Game Mode Plus where it gives you even more content. Oh, did I mention it was made by the same company who did the Persona series? Yeah...it is just badass with the Atlas title alone.


Well-Known Member
After the Terror Mini from Zombie, here's a mini mission that's a joint operation between XCOM and Legion. Relevant to Adrammalech and MarineAvenger. (Make sure to check back if you just read it, since I had to fix the soldiers involved a few times to get it how I wanted)
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