Were you... fired?So, do to what happened at my job yesterday. I'm off today.
Were you... fired?So, do to what happened at my job yesterday. I'm off today.
Were you... fired?
*Overseer narrows eyes* "Is that a small army crossing the Siberian border? ....nahhh, probably just a flock of geese."I am sure by the time the Overseer even knew about it, it would be too late.
When did the Overseer become Soundwave? XD*Overseer narrows eyes* "Is that a small army crossing the Siberian border? ....nahhh, probably just a flock of geese."
Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa...whoa! What is Death's name again!? Hahahahahahaha...hhhhhhuuuuuhhhh...haaaaaaaaa. Say that name really fast and you will see the reason for my laughter.
It sounds like genitalia. Call me childish but come on! This stuff writes itself
Edit: Saw part 2...damn you Mary...
Aside from Marine's... ugh... gotta put another one up...
Aside from... that... I meant for the name, Jan’tiala (Jan-'ti-ala), to be pronounced ʒan-tee-ah-la.
ʒ is prounced pronounced like the si in vision (vɪʒən), so the first part (Jan) would be pronounced like the name Jeanne.
The 'ti' is pronounced like tea.
The 'ala' is pronounce like 'impala', 'valhalla', or 'Lord Ilpalazzo".
By god I found it...besides BlueBead's drawing...I found Desmond!
(Instant Profile pic!)
What I do with Grumpy Cat--------->