Well-Known Member
Evil Atka?
Well, if she hates Invidia she can't be that unreasonable.
Well, if she hates Invidia she can't be that unreasonable.
Hates Invidia and wants to torture Atka, pit her against Invidia, and then kill them both. Totally a nice person.Evil Atka?
Well, if she hates Invidia she can't be that unreasonable.![]()
Hates Invidia and wants to torture Atka, pit her against Invidia, and then imprison them both in the same body like some crazy evil merge-gone-wrong double-demon-possession-thing until they die from double-demon-torture.
Now, I... I might disappear for a bit. Hopefully no more then an hour or two. Home stuff, stuff that I don't need weighing on me, especially with the insurance I'm supposed to have in flux, preventing me from having the plethora of medication I'm supposed to have. One of those situations in which a person says or does something under the guise that they are trying to help you, but in reality they make things so much worse with their words/actions, there might not be any going back. There is a reason why, whenever one of you is upset about something, I proceed with caution, and I'm very, very careful how I respond. What I'm dealing with right now is that reason. So... just need a little bit. Sorry for any inconveniences or delays this might cause.
Just the usual brand of self loathing and feelings of worthlessness. Bought something for myself, first time I've indulged in a while, and I'm bombarded with accusations that I am doing nothing to help so that need my help. And despite the knowledge that I was probably in the right, I still have to do with the usual brand of depression, anxiety, paranoia, and guilt associated with my kind of depression.Forgive me for prying but... What exactly is going on?
Just the usual brand of self loathing and feelings of worthlessness. Bought something for myself, first time I've indulged in a while, and I'm bombarded with accusations that I am doing nothing to help so that need my help. And despite the knowledge that I was probably in the right, I still have to do with the usual brand of depression, anxiety, paranoia, and guilt associated with my kind of depression.
But don't worry about me. I'm nice and cozy, locked in the bathroom (because I currently don't have a bedroom of my own), got something to take the edge off (first time in 30 years I've had to drink to dull some pain, please never do it, hypocritical for me to say now, I know, but I don't do drugs, so this is all I have) got youtube open as a distraction, so hopefully I should be feeling better, if a little tipsy, in an hour or two. Not telling you to bring you down or insist on support, just a warning for why I might be slow to respond.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.Well you're no where near worthless to me and to us. I just wish I could be there to help you in person, I feel like words alone can only help so much. I want to let you know that my life would be a lot worse if I hadn't met you, you were one of my only friends during a time where I thought everyone was against me, and I want nothing but to be able to help you in the same way.
O... kay. Subplot out of the 'blue', if you get the pun. I don't know where you're going with this, if anywhere.
Or if you got approval to do this.
Okay, here's my problem. Where did you pull that Ethereal or whatever Lapis was from? How was she disguised in the form of a human? Why did you think imbuing could be 'felt' from clothing? (I can understand it maybe modifying the fabric but not giving off a psionic presence) Did you not realize psionics have resistance to mind control, which you contradicted? How in the world did Sarah awaken to her powers, when we've established there are only two known 'naturals'? *Atka and Desmond, Aya and Eve are special*Zombie wanted to see something from the sister's, so, I obliged.
Ramma, this is an issue of story integrity. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, I'm just flat out saying that what Frost wrote isn't in line with how the story should be. We didn't let Scarlet fight aliens where they weren't' and that's just one of the things I picked out of Frost's post that isn't okay.I hope you guys are ready to forget whatever you're talking about, because me and Marine did a THREE POST conversation between Emily and Fox, and it will make your very soul shit teardrops of cuteness.
Okay, here's my problem. Where did you pull that Ethereal or whatever Lapis was from? How was she disguised in the form of a human? Why did you think imbuing could be 'felt' from clothing? (I can understand it maybe modifying the fabric but not giving off a psionic presence) Did you not realize psionics have resistance to mind control, which you contradicted? How in the world did Sarah awaken to her powers, when we've established there are only two known 'naturals'? *Atka and Desmond, Aya and Eve are special*
Alright, alright. Hold on. No reason to panic. I can answer a few of those just based on intuition and reading between the lines. Human, association with the Ethereals, a very weak version of psionics that could be possible, a transfer of energy focusing on feelings, and a weak psion has less resistance if they have not been truly 'awaken' (i.e., Jake has psionics, but would still be effected by mind control).Okay, here's my problem. Where did you pull that Ethereal or whatever Lapis was from? How was she disguised in the form of a human? Why did you think imbuing could be 'felt' from clothing? (I can understand it maybe modifying the fabric but not giving off a psionic presence) Did you not realize psionics have resistance to mind control, which you contradicted? How in the world did Sarah awaken to her powers, when we've established there are only two known 'naturals'? *Atka and Desmond, Aya and Eve are special*
An underling of Invidia? Ahem, why?Lapis is an underling of Invidia. Not underling as in student, more like meat shield.
I originally wanted Lapis to be using her psionics to alter perception of her... But.... I might've forgotten that illusions are a yellow power... I guess I could explain by Lapis using her purple psionics to convince Fab and her to see what she wants them to see.
I thought It wouldn't exactly be a stretch to imbue clothing with the emotions of the wearer instead of just making it stronger.
Psions are resists to MC but not immune, this is an Ethereal, A purple one too.
Like Atka, Sarah sort of had just from a young age, and practiced it alot... She's still notparticularly good at it, but she can imbue things with feelings.
If you have such a problem, I've already sent something to zombs about it.