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Well-Known Member
Technically she doesn't. Desmond is still one of Morrigan's right hands and he could still kick her ass :p

Yes, Desmond being the only person that can take on Eva. But military wise, which is what Eva cares about she out ranks him which means. During missions if there together he would have to fallow her orders.

Eva: Desmond I order you to bring me some pudding, no even better. I order you to leave the base and treat Elizabeth to an actual dinner.


Operator 21O
Staff member
Yes, Desmond being the only person that can take on Eva. But military wise, which is what Eva cares about she out ranks him which means. During missions if there together he would have to fallow her orders.
Debatable...VERY debatable, though that last order he wouldn't mind, but unfortunately aliens hate fancy eaters and blew them all up.
Eva: Desmond I order you to bring me some pudding, no even better. I order you to leave the base and treat Elizabeth to an actual dinner.
Debateable, very debatable.


Well-Known Member
Nah, she's going to run into Emily on her way to cheat, and she's gonna kick Eve's ass.

In my secret alternate reality fanfic where everyone is happy all the time always


Well-Known Member
Nah, she's going to run into Emily on her way to cheat, and she's gonna kick Eve's ass.

In my secret alternate reality fanfic where everyone is happy all the time always

I hope Fox stands up for himself and leaves her then. If Eve wants to cheat, then she'll pay the price.


Well-Known Member

I liked the post and all. But I'm getting tired of all the attempted rape happening in the Rp... It's just... getting old and it just isn't interesting or even shocking anymore... Just... bleh...

The only reaction I have to it now is, "Oh, more rape? Okay whatever..."

Not trying to be mean to you zombs, I'm just trying to be honest about how I feel.


Well-Known Member
Poor Foxxy :( I tried to help, but how do you tell an adorable wittle fox who believes in miracles that the world actually sucks?
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