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Shuffle is a slice-of-life anime with a super-natural twist. In a sense, it is harem anime, though one of the better ones. In it, a teenage boy's life is turned upside down when the lord of the realm of gods and the lord of the realm of demons move into the houses next to his, and both declare that the main character will marry their respective daughters.
The main character, Rin, lives in the home of his childhood friend Kaede, which he has done since the death of his parents and the death of her mother when they were young. When I first watched it with a friend, he informed me that in the visual novel the anime was based on, Kaede was the default girl, or in other words, the girl you ended up with if none of the other girls liked you. I thought this was confusing, considering how devoted she was to Rin in the anime. Always willing to do whatever he asks, obviously head-over-heals in love with Rin, and so willing to help others, she nearly dies when she doesn't tell anyone how sick she is. Why was she the default choice?
Then we see this face:
Turns out she's a little crazy, by which I mean really crazy, and a bit too devoted to Rin. Near the end of the series, we find out that, when her mother died, she had a psychological breakdown, and fell into a sort of waking coma. To snap her out of it, Rin told her that the reason her mother and his parents were coming home early, leading to the car accident, was because he begged them to come home because he missed them too much. Not only did she immediately spring to life, nearly choking him to death, she spent the next five or so years torturing him when no one was looking (for example, she dropped something down some stairs, told him to pick it up, and when he went to do so, she dropped an open box cutter on him, almost costing him an eye).
Then, one day, she broke into his room and destroyed his favorite model ship, only to find a postcard hidden in it. Before Rin could stop her, she read it, finding out that the reason her mother had come home early was because she had been incredibly sick, and she was actually the one who had begged them to come home early, meaning it was 'her fault' (not really her fault, she was a child, but the point is she had been torturing Rin for something he said he had done when it was really her who did it)
Rin was able to stop her from going completely crazy, but her only source of metal stability came from serving Rin in an attempt to make up for all she'd done to him. The crazy comes back out, however, when he starts getting all this attention from other girls. I love the scene where she is talking to Primala about how much she loves Rin and will never leave him, all while 'cooking' dinner, when in reality she is stirring an empty pot.
And incidentally, I hope you aren't saying Scarlet is like Shion, the girl featured in that scene, because she later brutally tortures and mutilates a ten year old girl. Not the best image for Scarlet. If you were going to go with someone from Higurashi, you're best bet is Rena. She goes crazy too, but at least the only ones she kills is a gold-digger targeting her father and her pimp.
You no what, Great pick for Scarlet zombie your pick fit's Scarlet exactly.