This one took me a bit, mostly because I wanted to incorporate Ammelia's blindness, but I thought of the perfect comparison; Princess Oboro of the Iga Tsubagakure clan from one of my favorite anime, Basilisk:Ooo Ooo! Do Ammelia!
( and sorry I haven't been very active this week, I've been a little busy :/ )

Basilisk is the story of two rival ninja clans who are manipulated into a competition of ten vs. ten, with the government official representing the surviving team gaining power. Both sides were sharing a very uneasy truce, and were all too eager for a chance to kill each other. All except for the two main characters, Oboro, the heir to the Iga clan, and Gennosuke, the heir to the Kouga clan. Although their engagement was only an attempt to bring the clans together, and was broken off by the competition, they were madly in loved, believing it was their karmatic destiny to be together (making this kinda like a Romeo and Juliet story with ninjas).
All of the characters of the series, in addition to their impressive fighting styles, had special powers, from a man who could manipulate his body to look like anyone else, to a woman who could suck another person's blood from their body simply by touching them, to a man who could use his body hair as a weapon, to a woman that breathed a poisonous miasma whenever she was sexually aroused.
The series is called Basilisk because, just like the mythological creature of the same name, the main two characters had powers involving their eyes. Gennosuke could hypnotize opponents, and reverse their homicidal intents, so he could force anyone who expressed hostility towards him to kill themselves. And while Oboro had very little in the way of combative skills, she had one of the most useful abilities of them all; the ability to neutralize the techniques and skills of any ninja that meets her gaze directly, halting whatever technique or skill they are using at the moment (even passive skills).
When she realizes what's happening, and she's going to be forced to use her powers to kill the man she loves and his entire clan, she purposely uses a special poison to temporarily seal her eyes shut, preventing the Iga clans second in command (and the series main antagonist) from manipulating her. What's more, in addition to this blindness, her gentle manner, unwillingness to let others push her around, even those stronger then her, and her passion to protect the ones she loves, reminds me of Ammelia in every way.
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