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Well-Known Member
Worst comes to worst, she can write Emily x Nika fanfiction and post it on the internet for ad revenue.

(Also, there are two fairly handsome single guys she lives with. Just sayin')
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Well-Known Member
Sorry for recent inactivity people, internet decided that now was not the time to be writing. Or doing anything. Phone also decided that no calls would be made. I have no idea what happened, but it seems fine now. We'll see if the gods of the internet smile upon me tomorrow.

Am I the only one thinking of poly-amorous lesbians as the only solution here?
To quote Engineer Kenneth Donnelly - "I'm just saying I'm feeling a wee bit threatened here. A lot of female energy, and I'm just one man."
Ignoring the implied meaning of that quote, the point remains valid. There's a lot of women on base this time around.

And the first one to ask "Dr. Shen?" isn't getting seconds at Thanksgiving!
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving over here. Your foreign holidays hold no power over me!

“So how’d that Van Der Akker case go? You manage to book that asshole?”
I had a giggle.

“They’ve been hitting urban centers pretty hard, and I don’t want to see you abducted, or worse. You can go back to Newfound-
Aaaaaaand cue communal "Aw hell naw".

In order of the sections
Inb4 last one is actually Alice.
"You start singing 'Daisy Bell' and I'm done!" - Joker

Alexia laughed. “W-well… yeah, of course I…” She frowned. “No… no, I don’t…”
Lee: "You know that there are no batteries in that thing?"
Carly: "Yeah, of course. I mean, I mean. Yeah. (pause) No."
Voice-over (I think it's one of Doug's lines?): "Jesus, are you F***ING KIDDING ME."
I love the Walking Urban. It brings a tear of joy to my eyes every time I watch it.

Before I head to sleep, I'm just going to point something out. This thread has been active for less than two months, and in that time we have used 85 pages, just in the Think Tank alone. Not sure if we should be proud or if we need new hobbies.
I know I'm proud.


Well-Known Member
We'll see how that goes. And frost, Tom says hi.

As for pixy, dont you even dare. When you made me think she would become a chryssalid in newfoundland I was about to find you...no, just no. You already killed off his whole family, ya bastard. Stop it with the weird fetishes of people being massacred by chryssalids and turning into them, guys. It hurts my heart. XD


Well-Known Member
Though, to be fair, if Ayame develops that interest somewhere else if things dont work out with Atka, thats great. One could argue I could match atka with tom, but I have a thing against matching my own characters in roleplays. I feel that it makes my stories too self contained. *gives Marine a blank Lily stare.*

There are just so few male characters...gr...


Game Master
Staff member
Though, to be fair, if Ayame develops that interest somewhere else if things dont work out with Atka, thats great. One could argue I could match atka with tom, but I have a thing against matching my own characters in roleplays. I feel that it makes my stories too self contained. *gives Marine a blank Lily stare.*

There are just so few male characters...gr...
Yeah, I know how you fell. Who the heck am I supposed to pair Brigid with?


Operator 21O
Staff member
Also Gemini, don't forget that *He who will not be named as of yet* will be coming soon. And I know 4 lonely ladies whose only male companions are clones and an mad man...


Well-Known Member
I'll have you know I did NOT see part 1 in advance, and its scary how correct Viktor and Elene's guesses about what the other had done/would do and had thought/would think were.
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