Scratch Brigid on the ship. Too dangerous for her. Morrigan will make it without her for now.
Screams silently. Alright, fixed.Scratch Brigid on the ship. Too dangerous for her. Morrigan will make it without her for now.
Oh, now I really want to know... aw, I'll use my imagination.Alright, just a quick little post to try and lighten the mood.![]()
Remember what Vee mentioned to Ayame?Oh, now I really want to know... aw, I'll use my imagination.
Oh? ...oh. Oooooooh! Hehhehheh.Remember what Vee mentioned to Ayame?
Desmond has his sword and two revolvers (Plus Atka's wolfNote that my characters were able to hold on to their personal presents. In addition, Morrigan grabbed Brigid's picture, Jake held onto Invidia's mask, passing it off as a storage container, Ayame obviously has her hand, Sunny grabbed her original storage device for Alice's A.I., as well as the SHIVs, Alice grabbed her extra body, dressed in the dress Luxuria gave her, and Jessica grabbed a harddrive with all of her personal notes, Cubbie, and a Chryssalid queen egg in stasis.
Note that my characters were able to hold on to their personal presents. In addition, Morrigan grabbed Brigid's picture, Jake held onto Invidia's mask, passing it off as a storage container, Ayame obviously has her hand, Sunny grabbed her original storage device for Alice's A.I., as well as the SHIVs, Alice grabbed her extra body, dressed in the dress Luxuria gave her, and Jessica grabbed a harddrive with all of her personal notes, Cubbie, and a Chryssalid queen egg in stasis.
"Yo Atka... Where's Taq?"
*Awkward Silence*
Would someone please explain to me, what the fuck did I miss.
Frostlich; Gemini (You know today's date)Also, I didn't agree with it![]()
But in all seriousness, drop it please. You're the one that said you wanted to.Also, I didn't agree with it![]()
But in all seriousness, drop it please. You're the one that said you wanted to.