Game Master
A round of the applications of which authors asked for criticism. I should warn, I 'm a bit more severe than most people have been. I will also not repeat a criticism that has already been made if I agree with it (comments on spelling for example).
Brian / Alex Reese
- The character seems way too young for certain events (even if if he is a psychopath as the bio implies). It's hard to believe in a kid doing drugs at 6 (and where did he find the money?), and committing a murder at 8. The father abandoning him seems kind of absurd too. The way the bio is written implies he has lived by himself since he was 8, which is perfectly impossible. Even if we accepted the idea that he can hide his parents absence, he would need money and many legal things only a guardian can provide for him (example: what do you think is the first thing his school or the police will do after he has beaten up several of his comrades?). In conclusion, too many elements are unrealistic and make it difficult to believe in the story.
- The military battle also feels unrealistic and is simply too detailed when it's not necessary in order to tell the character's story. The important thing is that many of his friends died that day, how they did is not.
- Stating the character's age over and over before explaining what changed at that point is redundant. Find other markers, or be more vague, or diversify your sentences structure.
- How and why was the character accused of a murder he did not commit (and why torture him in his cell after he has been convicted)? This need an explanation.
- Writing the dialogue in direct speech seems unnecessary. Knowing the exact words doesn't seem to add anything to the character or his story (Quazer Flame's Michael Angel application is a good example of useful direct speech dialogue. He use it to show the concept of his character in practice and it makes the reader empathizes with him.)
MrPegasus / Maximum Ryder
- The character is said to be a silent kid, but then he suddenly has a childhood friend when he is an adult. Not exactly a problem, but it would make more sense to mention that friend sooner.
- The character's description is kind of contradictory. Dude has a pent-up rage that made him kill tons of gang members for revenge, and XCOM doesn't want of a psychopath on the front lines, but they still recruit him?
Summerjuliet / Mathilda Becker
- The character is likable. How she deals with racism is interesting and her personality and body language seem amusing.
Dragonivon / Shaojie Zhang
- A very well written scene, which doesn't go for too long and explain Zhang motivations (and make him look like a badass) in a effective and interesting manner.
Riqe / Richard Morgan
- There is a lot about the military career of the character, but not much about who he is exactly (personality, origins, etc...). I think it would need a better balance between the two, because military stuff alone gets boring quite fast.
Vlakvark / Koenraad Vermaak
- If everything is in bold, then nothing is.
- Same criticism than for Riqe's character, just above (the character's origins are fairly original though).
JuliaMaluca / Abigail Black
- To have the character be found by XCOM operatives while she is killing aliens is kind of a cliché among applications (revenge desire against aliens is also one), and it probably violates the "no alien" rule.
Whiplash779 / Micheal Eaton
- Does no social service exist in the US or what?
More seriously, the parts about the character having no identity seem a bit exaggerated to me. How can the military sees that the character is skilled when he can't sign up to begin with? Is the death of his adoptive family really necessary (it's a bit cliché)?
- Personally, I like the style you used for the presentation.
UnevenRanger / Jayson Davis
- A simple but effective character I guess.
Grelite / Tarrmis Gorefest
- I wonder if writing a scene instead of a summary was the best choice since we don't learn a lot from it, and there is not many hint given either. In some ways, it's more of a memory log than a character presentation.
- On the subject of improvising a character, there is not much I can say, my style is the exact opposite. I have a Word document with a list of ideas on how my character acts and why, and on how I intend to make her entertaining or interesting (some ideas are not definitive, the point is for my character to never become flat because I'm starting to lack ideas). There is already a lot of things that will have to be improvised to correspond with the flow of the game, so I don't want to leave too much to chance.
Now, if someone want to return the favour, or is simply interested, my own application is open to comments and criticism \o/
Brian / Alex Reese
- The character seems way too young for certain events (even if if he is a psychopath as the bio implies). It's hard to believe in a kid doing drugs at 6 (and where did he find the money?), and committing a murder at 8. The father abandoning him seems kind of absurd too. The way the bio is written implies he has lived by himself since he was 8, which is perfectly impossible. Even if we accepted the idea that he can hide his parents absence, he would need money and many legal things only a guardian can provide for him (example: what do you think is the first thing his school or the police will do after he has beaten up several of his comrades?). In conclusion, too many elements are unrealistic and make it difficult to believe in the story.
- The military battle also feels unrealistic and is simply too detailed when it's not necessary in order to tell the character's story. The important thing is that many of his friends died that day, how they did is not.
- Stating the character's age over and over before explaining what changed at that point is redundant. Find other markers, or be more vague, or diversify your sentences structure.
- How and why was the character accused of a murder he did not commit (and why torture him in his cell after he has been convicted)? This need an explanation.
- Writing the dialogue in direct speech seems unnecessary. Knowing the exact words doesn't seem to add anything to the character or his story (Quazer Flame's Michael Angel application is a good example of useful direct speech dialogue. He use it to show the concept of his character in practice and it makes the reader empathizes with him.)
MrPegasus / Maximum Ryder
- The character is said to be a silent kid, but then he suddenly has a childhood friend when he is an adult. Not exactly a problem, but it would make more sense to mention that friend sooner.
- The character's description is kind of contradictory. Dude has a pent-up rage that made him kill tons of gang members for revenge, and XCOM doesn't want of a psychopath on the front lines, but they still recruit him?
Summerjuliet / Mathilda Becker
- The character is likable. How she deals with racism is interesting and her personality and body language seem amusing.
Dragonivon / Shaojie Zhang
- A very well written scene, which doesn't go for too long and explain Zhang motivations (and make him look like a badass) in a effective and interesting manner.
Riqe / Richard Morgan
- There is a lot about the military career of the character, but not much about who he is exactly (personality, origins, etc...). I think it would need a better balance between the two, because military stuff alone gets boring quite fast.
Vlakvark / Koenraad Vermaak
- If everything is in bold, then nothing is.
- Same criticism than for Riqe's character, just above (the character's origins are fairly original though).
JuliaMaluca / Abigail Black
- To have the character be found by XCOM operatives while she is killing aliens is kind of a cliché among applications (revenge desire against aliens is also one), and it probably violates the "no alien" rule.
Whiplash779 / Micheal Eaton
- Does no social service exist in the US or what?
- Personally, I like the style you used for the presentation.
UnevenRanger / Jayson Davis
- A simple but effective character I guess.
Grelite / Tarrmis Gorefest
- I wonder if writing a scene instead of a summary was the best choice since we don't learn a lot from it, and there is not many hint given either. In some ways, it's more of a memory log than a character presentation.
- On the subject of improvising a character, there is not much I can say, my style is the exact opposite. I have a Word document with a list of ideas on how my character acts and why, and on how I intend to make her entertaining or interesting (some ideas are not definitive, the point is for my character to never become flat because I'm starting to lack ideas). There is already a lot of things that will have to be improvised to correspond with the flow of the game, so I don't want to leave too much to chance.
Now, if someone want to return the favour, or is simply interested, my own application is open to comments and criticism \o/