What about torches?I'm having a sale on pitchforks just today, actually. Buy five at their discounted price of 50% off and I'll even throw in a barrel of tar and a bag of feathers!
Fresh out. I do have matchbooks for the low low price of only $100 apiece!What about torches?
You may need to ready the pitchforks. This week has been so busy I haven't had any time to create something for this season. I will aim for next Sunday. I should be able to do the soldier video sometime this week. Maybe Xmas day![]()
Give it to me naow.Plz.I'm having a sale on pitchforks just today, actually. Buy five at their discounted price of 50% off and I'll even throw in a barrel of tar and a bag of feathers!
I have a tuning fork, but it's probably the wrong pitch. =[
"We're mad as hell, and we're not going to bother ChristopherOdd about it though because it's a busy time during the holidays and whatnot, but we MIGHT EVENTUALLY do something crazy and destructive!"![]()
Hmmm... perhaps we are just in need of a slogan.
Watchout we got a badass over here..."We're mad as hell, and we're not going to bother ChristopherOdd about it though because it's a busy time during the holidays and whatnot, but we MIGHT EVENTUALLY do something crazy and destructive!"
*knocks over trash can*
I have a tuning fork, but it's probably the wrong pitch. =[
"We're mad as hell, and we're not going to bother ChristopherOdd about it though because it's a busy time during the holidays and whatnot, but we MIGHT EVENTUALLY do something crazy and destructive!"
*knocks over trash can*
"We're mad as hell, and we're not going to bother ChristopherOdd about it though because it's a busy time during the holidays and whatnot, but we MIGHT EVENTUALLY do something crazy and destructive!"
*knocks over trash can*
As much as I hate to use common sense, your right :/Well, we aren't really that put out honestly. It's not like he promised us a basket full of materia and then stabbed us in the back like Sephiroth turning Aeris into a shishkabob... oh, right... spoilers. And it is the holiday season and we all have a fair bit on our plates with last minute shopping, relatives of questionable motives coming over and wanting to talk to you about your future, and of course chasing off carolers before they actually can start singing. So, while we may be slightly annoyed at the delay of CommanderOdd's roster of sacrificial lambs to the digital gods of turn based gaming, we aren't actually proposing doing anything with our various torches and pitchforks other than perhaps moving hay and setting it on fire for warmth.
It is a bit chilly out.