Hey guys, I would like to hear your opinion on this, I played the original xcom a long time ago and I also played terror from the deep. Now what I would really want is if they would add that to the game, it would make the game that much more awesome and longer and exciting and interessting. I mean here are some points.
1. Under water mission
2. New Aliens about just as many as land aliens
3. Under water interceptors.
4. Underwater team and Ground team
5. New weapons (ground and water weapons mixed togehter even)
6. More gameplay (longer story)
7. Epic events (lochnes monster is like an alien boss) ok thats silly but stay with me here

8. New technology and design
9. Boat abductions
Man I would love this. Overcourse its a ton to ask for, I mean I'm kinda sad that a lot was taken out of the original like tha last mission on mars (what spoilers the game is over 20 years old now xD) or the base invasion which they made up for with the ONE in enemie within. But still having more bases is also tactical because you would need an entire squad to defend it and later on when they are good enough you would have them go to the nearest sight and fight. Man just thinging about it reminds me of all those coubtless hourse I spend on one game

All ib all what I guess I'm trying to say is.
If 2k could make a terror from the deep expansion I would be so happy