X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

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Well-Known Member
I would make a suggestion regarding the MEC nicknames, but... that would mean spoilers for Odd. Next season, though...
1. Under water mission

This is legit. Besides...

They already added it.


Active Member
Bumblebee would be cool, actually. I could have Ryan do some showings of all of the Transformer movies... on loops... while Lamarque is stuck in his hospital bed.... with his limbs just out of reach...


Well-Known Member
Lol. Isn't that Hawaii?

I can't make out what's circled in the back of the second picture.

Nah, Hawaii is a bit more north and west from there. Like, a couple thousand miles east.

Also, I think that's one of the bridge bunnies in the background on the second photo. Not sure though.

EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot to mention, they got the power back up over here.


In the game, Gorefest is from the Netherlands. And it would just be a joke that he's just a swede, maybe as a purposeful ignornace for humors sake. But there was a Muppet called "The Swedish Chef" See below.



Game Master
For people having trouble staying under the 10k characters limit, here is a little tip that could help you if you are willing to adapt your writing style.

The important thing to realize is that there are two ways of writing narration : the scene and the summary.
A scene is when you describe a series of detailed actions in real time (and only pause it for long descriptions). "Rebecca took a seat at the bar, poured herself a cup of juice, and took a sip."
A summary is when you describe a series of events in a general manner and over the course of a large span of time. "Rebecca spent some time at the bar to cool her head, then went straight to bed, and woke up at 8 am."

You can use one or a mix of both in the same journal as you want, but the more you use the scene, the more chance you have of going over the limit.
Scenes may seem cooler and more elaborate, but under a limit, they are actually much less efficient than the summaries when it comes to transmitting various and numerous information. A scene spends a lot of words to say only a few things in the end. A summary is much more quick and direct about what it tells about, and very flexible (you can easily jump from a topic to another, and even tell the events in an non-chronological order like I do sometimes). Under the character limit, what I do and recommend is to prioritize the summary, and only use the scene scarcely, for the action-packed mission reports, or very specific and short moments (including dialogues) you want to give a special focus to.


Normally Id have my post up by now but it's pending some interaction with the Doctor. Anyone has anyting they want to do with me send me a message and Ill see what I can work out.


Well-Known Member
In the game, Gorefest is from the Netherlands. And it would just be a joke that he's just a swede, maybe as a purposeful ignornace for humors sake. But there was a Muppet called "The Swedish Chef" See below.
I'm familiar with the Swedish Chef, but I really don't get the link from Dutch to Swedish.


To make the joke.

I've done it to a Norseman before. He thought it was hilarious because it was playing off of American ignorance as to the structure and difference between European countries.


Alright guys I accidentally saved page 1 as a pdf when I scanned it. I'll post it now and, if you can't see it, notify me in this forum immediately. I'll repost it as jpg. Tell me what you think so far. If you have any suggestions on what I should do with the story, tel me. I may take them into account. (Just so you know, it's read like a manga)


  • KIC Document.pdf
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Well-Known Member
Alright guys I accidentally saved page 1 as a pdf when I scanned it. I'll post it now and, if you can't see it, notify me in this forum immediately. I'll repost it as jpg. Tell me what you think so far. If you have any suggestions on what I should do with the story, tel me. I may take them into account. (Just so you know, it's read like a manga)

Nice been waiting for ever for this, and its nicely done too :D


Active Member
Bumblebee would be cool, actually. I could have Ryan do some showings of all of the Transformer movies... on loops... while Lamarque is stuck in his hospital bed.... with his limbs just out of reach...
Lamarque would've rather died than be forced to watch those terrible movies ;)

I've tried to get a new paint job for my MEC, neon yellow is not exactly the best camouflage, but I think its kinda moot point by now.

Going back to the topic of nicknames. It might be completely random, but I think a humorous one would be "The Boulder" which would refer to Lamarque's determination and will to survive. If you have never seen Avatar: The Last Airbender, the character is a parody of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.


Well-Known Member
Lamarque would've rather died than be forced to watch those terrible movies ;)

I've tried to get a new paint job for my MEC, neon yellow is not exactly the best camouflage, but I think its kinda moot point by now.

Going back to the topic of nicknames. It might be completely random, but I think a humorous one would be "The Boulder" which would refer to Lamarque's determination and will to survive. If you have never seen Avatar: The Last Airbender, the character is a parody of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

Never going to look at Lamarque the same way again xD
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