X-COM THINK TANK (Out of Character Discussion about X-COM and the Series)

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Well-Known Member
Guess what everyone...There will be a lot of XCOM this week ...and next week.

In addition to more Season 3 episodes (every few days), I'll be starting a playthrough of the "Long War" mod that changes a BUNCH of the XCOM Enemy Unknown stuff.


I Don't really think that you should rush to finish Season 3 just because Enemy within is coming out soon... but that's just my opinion :/
Going to mark my responses to these facts with colored text.

Some pretty crucial info about long war:

  • When soldiers become a squaddie, they are given the choice between 2 classes. Their first ability as a squaddie will affect their class eg a sniper/scout squaddie will have the option between lightning reflexes (making the soldier a scout) or squad sight (making the soldier a sniper) That seems pretty epic, choosing the class instead of just becoming it.
  • More classes will use the rifles as the special weapons will be reserved for 3 classes. A good example is the gunner/rocketeer; if you choose rocketeer, they will use rockets and a rifle or the gunner will use an LMG and a pistol. This is not as cool, I liked it when different classes had different special weapons. Assuming I undestrood everything correct.
  • After a mission, soldier's will be tired for 5 days even if they are not injured. If you take out a tired soldier, their stats will be greatly decreased. 5 days? I mean I admit, its a bit realistic to be tired for a bit but 5 days seems like an overkill to me. In regular wars soldiers are lucky to get couple of days for rest, yet they can't let it affect them in battle.
  • Explosive damage has a range so it can fluctuate. Seems good.
  • You will start with a squad of 6 and build it to 8. Thats interesting enough.
  • I know you don't like using SHIVs but they will be crucial in the Long War I would love if they were not, more soldiers on the field, more experience for each.
  • New abilities for the new classes Nice.
  • Your interceptors will level up like your soldiers when they take down alien ships. They really need to level up?
  • Countries that have withdrawn from X-COM can be won back if you go to the alien base in their country and destroy it. Thats a really good one.
  • Improved air combat. Perhaps more for our pilots?
  • Base management will become harder. In what way "Harder?"
  • Wound times increased. This is just not good, with soldiers getting tired AND injuring, chris will have like 2/3 of the people active either in the sick bay or then tired as shit.
Hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
Hay everybody this may be my last X-com enemy with in video but it might be the most important.

so this one shows how much mec really cost and if how much gene mods cost. so enjoy.



Well-Known Member
Could people please keep their signatures under 200px tall? Even when I'm not on my netbook or phone looking at these pages, the signatures still take up a large portion of the screen. It's a simple request and I'd be very happy to see this happen.
I'd like to reiterate this. It doesn't seem unreasonable to me.


Well-Known Member
Now that you've started Ironman Impossible, you might want to check out BeagleRush's excellent Ironman Impossible game. He goes through in-depth tactics and battlefield knowledge, and is worth a serious look if you haven't checked it out yet.


New Member
Now that you've started Ironman Impossible, you might want to check out BeagleRush's excellent Ironman Impossible game. He goes through in-depth tactics and battlefield knowledge, and is worth a serious look if you haven't checked it out yet.
The irony being that, as of episode 2, Beagle Rush is actually a soldier IN the squad...so I would assume that Chris has actually looked into at least some of his videos...(probably a lot judging by his comments...)


Well-Known Member
Hay everybody Dhalexpert here,and for the past five days i'v been playing X-COM enemy with in, and I gotta say I LOVE IT.now i'm a lot further then Christopher odd,and I can say this the aliens in enemy with in are a lot tougher and smarter then they were in enemy unknown,now when I said i'm a lot farther then Christopher odd I mean I took the alien base and had my base attacked, and I will say this me defending the X-COM base was the toughest mission I ever done and it may be the down fall of the next season.

Now let me give you guys some helpful hints on enemy with in. first the sectopod is a lot harder to kill then they were in enemy unknown,because in enemy unknown you can take you heave and shoot a sectopod for twenty damage and take it down in one turn. Yea they fixed that now that twenty damage is now seven five if your unlucky and ten or twelve if your lucky,next and this also important,your mecs can be mind controlled,and I now this because a sectoid commander mind controlled my mec during the base defense mission and it nearly cost me my base.

so I hope those
hints help you guys in your X-COM game,now i'm not going to tell you guys all the things I learned from my twenty something hours of playing the game,that will be to easy for you guys, see you all next season.
Not to Be an ass but I kind of hope that the Iron man impossible ends short because I really can't wait for the roleplaying season of enemy within. So much more stuff has come, I'm really Looking forward to it.


New Member
Not to Be an ass but I kind of hope that the Iron man impossible ends short because I really can't wait for the roleplaying season of enemy within. So much more stuff has come, I'm really Looking forward to it.
To be honest I have to second this...I'm actually biting my nails that I might get a chance to RP this time round (Even if I never see battle it looks like the threads that happen on here are just as/if not more awesome)...
And of course the whole gene mod/mec troopers...nuff said.
To be honest I have to second this...I'm actually biting my nails that I might get a chance to RP this time round (Even if I never see battle it looks like the threads that happen on here are just as/if not more awesome)...
And of course the whole gene mod/mec troopers...nuff said.

Indeed. I never got to see the dawn of action and still had a blast even though I came very late season.


Well-Known Member
Not to Be an ass but I kind of hope that the Iron man impossible ends short because I really can't wait for the roleplaying season of enemy within. So much more stuff has come, I'm really Looking forward to it.

Eh, it's I/I. One screw up is going to cost him the entire game so keep a close eye out.


Game Master
While I barely participated in season 3, I followed it closely all the way, and I noticed a few things I want to make suggestions about for the next RP seasons.

First, I think Grelite should have some sort of official authority as a GM, in the sense that he could directly address another RPer about something they should rectify in their journals, rather than use double-meaning journals to indirectly address the issue (example), a method which appears to be highly ineffective.

Secondly, a few ideas to mingle more the RP with the game, and to reward the RPers through it.
I think it has been discussed already, but I want to stress the benefice of using the quality of the characters rather than a "first arrived, first served" system in order to determine the order of the soldiers list: it would encourage people to put efforts into the creation of their characters, rather than quickly write three lines to put themselves in line. This would also be profitable to people in different time-zones that may be sleeping or occupied when the recruitment starts but are still eager to participate with good characters.
As a sub-suggestion, I also think that spelling should also be taken into account for this, because it would again encourage people to put efforts into it. You cannot write a story if you cannot simply write correctly. If you have difficulties with English but already know the basics, there are plenty of things to help you adjust and perfect it: spellchecker programs for orthography, dictionaries for the translation of words, and to learn the grammar, nothing is better than reading English novels (watching movies and series with the English subtitles on is also very effective). I'm not an English native and that's basically how I really learned the language.

And, last suggestion, with Enemy Within, I see a way to continue rewarding the RPers throughout the game: the medals. They could be awarded to the soldiers of the RPers who are active in the RP and put visible efforts in their journals. Not only would it gives credit to the active RPers, but it would also give a better chance of survival to their characters.

What do you think?
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