You did a really great job this season. I was really looking forward to interacting with Rebecca. She was complex and well designed.
The only thing I didn't really like about the background document dealt with all the references to anime shows, etc. While I understand we are all influenced by the characters and media we've consumed before, making everything about her a comparison hides your creativity involved in making this character. Furthermore, it can invite unwanted leaps in judgement. (I really disliked Gunslinger Girl because of the sickening fawning of the girls for their handlers' attention. If the anime hadn't been referenced directly by you, I wouldn't have connected the two at all. I didn't see any of that kind of behavior in Rebecca.)
Since Rebecca is dead, I think it's okay for me to mention that had we met in the role play, I was considering the idea of Annette becoming attracted to her. Not sure how you would have taken that with your asexual character, but it could have created some interesting situations!
Overall, the loss of Rebecca is a huge blow to the season. Your journals were top-notch, well-thought-out, and intriguing. Great work. While Annette cannot miss you, I sure can.
Yeah, I get your point. Maybe I should have detailed this part a bit more, to make it clear what inspired what exactly, and what is purely original in the character (basically almost everything related to Rebecca's reasonable side of her personality, and of course even her insanity is molded the way I like it). Or I could have presented it differently to empathize my thinking process in the creation of the character, but I already gave a basic explanation of it in the Concept section.
As for Gunslinger Girls in particular, it's not an inspiration I used, it's just when discussing Rebecca's application during the recruitment, someone in this thread noticed that this was an anime with characters who technically are child soldiers. That's as far as the connection goes. Maybe I shouldn't even have mentioned it in the document.
On the subject of romance, I was really waiting for someone to hit on Rebecca, in fact

(and that's kind of why I didn't corrected Sarge-Pepper when he had his character claiming that's Rebecca is attractive, even though my own narrative contradicts it). That's how I had planned to reveal her asexuality and it would have definitely led to interesting interactions. As explained in the document, Rebecca is supposed to be impossible to have a romance with, so it probably wouldn't have led anywhere. I like the idea of a female character that can't be taken down that road, making the love of anybody for her unrequited.
I'm glad you liked the character, good luck with yours o/