OOC X-COM Think Tank (part 4)


Game Master
Staff member
Alright, MarineAvenger and Black0ut, I am hoping to see you in about 40 minutes on Gem's DG Doc 2.


I will be waiting there, making the soldier list and planning the enemies we are to expect. This will be a normal length mission, but not the longest of missions, so if we work hard and keep our attention keen, we will be able to finish this tonight (which is preferable since I work late tomorrow :confused:)


Game Master
Staff member
Next mission goes up tonight after work (and maybe a short nap). I would like to work on mission number 3 tomorrow. This one is for Marine and Pixy since they are the only two with a character who hasn't been used on a mission, so please, please, pleeeeeease be available.


Well-Known Member
Next mission goes up tonight after work (and maybe a short nap). I would like to work on mission number 3 tomorrow. This one is for Marine and Pixy since they are the only two with a character who hasn't been used on a mission, so please, please, pleeeeeease be available.
If neither of you are, Zmby is free to reuse people. The way we do missions now is not hamstringing ourselves with giving everyone an equal amount of ops. It's whoever is available when it's time to do an op.


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Well-Known Member
As far as I know, I should be available tomorrow. I might have to go out a bit, but if we're starting late enough then I should be good.


Well-Known Member
So, Zombie if there is a mission tomorrow and i'm on it. I will not be able to join it, because tomorrow i'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled out.