
If and when I work with someone new to the site again, I'll remember to try and push for the post to be finished in a single day. Well I can't be waiting around forever like an even smellier "Fry's dog". And that's all I got to say about that.


Operator 21O
Staff member
Okay, I am adding a revision to that theme list I posted, this is definitely Nicks theme, or at least the song that fits his relationship with Melinda. I played this while reading back that post and it fits so well...



Game Master
Staff member
And so begins James' Homosexual, Interracial relationship with a bipedal cockroach man/woman.
Careful James. He's a biter.

Seriously though, I like the idea of the two as friends. They have a lot in common, and a lot of what they don't have in common works to make them an interesting duo. The most obvious one being that James has something of a chip on his shoulder because his family never paid attention to him as the only one without powers, and Baka has something of a chip on his shoulder because his family pays too much attention to him as the one who'll likely succeed Tini should she die. Makes for an interesting conversation piece at least.


Well-Known Member
I love that so much... I am saving this.
Thnx. Also:
James crawled slowly through the dark tunnel, his only light being the control pad on his arm. Pipes of all kinds surrounded him, most of them were alloy to keep them from being scorching hot on the outside. He grumbled to himself, "You know why I chose to become a field engineer? One of them was so I didn't have to do this shit!"
Well played, Frost, well played. (Thank goodness I clarified this beforehand lest our ship be constantly cooking from the inside)


Well-Known Member
I just hope a similar thing doesn't exist in regards to the ship's inertial dampeners. (which covers the entire interior of the ship from one generator. A little more space-magicky since it would be really stupid if the power went out and everyone went splat.)


Well-Known Member
So you guys know how sometimes you want to write something, but you don't have time? And then while you're not having time, you think of more things you want to write, and then when you do have time, you can't stop switching between what you have and what you want to do? And then you just wind up writing and then wanting to write more but not having time to write which gives you more time to write things you haven't finished? WELCOME TO MY WEEK. And with that in mind, I submit my three-post catch-up post, featuring 80% of my entire cast.

Things that I know will be brought up immediately that I can allay:
1. The dates progress to the point we're at now, it's not all super behind.
The private call was cleared by Gem.


Game Master
Staff member
I just hope a similar thing doesn't exist in regards to the ship's inertial dampeners. (which covers the entire interior of the ship from one generator. A little more space-magicky since it would be really stupid if the power went out and everyone went splat.)
Nah. It is because of a combination of the power flow from the artificial gravity generators, how it correlates to the gravity plating built into the floor all over the ship, and power fluctuations caused by the warp bubble at the bow of the ship. No spots where people will suddenly go splat.

And since I mention gravity plates, this isn't a horror story, so no, I do not, nor do I think Gem, expects this to happen (Skip to 1:38):