Well-Known Member
Well, there might be an epilogue that would make it 11 parts, but details smeetails. (It's in the short stories section if anyone's having trouble finding it, by the way)
Dammit, it's too late to make that a Master Ability now.11 parts makes it officially the longest colab ever made (Aside from the mission) If you are too lazy to read it I will force Gem to use his Amphikenisis on you (It is the power to spawn many different fish to slap you with.)
I always love how you complain about the time yet I am always an hour ahead of youDammit, it's too late to make that a Master Ability now.
Next half + epilogue coming to you right about now.
(As an extra incentive to read, you may learn about a new psi power in this installment!)
You took "frozen time" literally.
Thats ok supporting gamigon the way you guys do by being active is great. I wasn't referring to donations from you guys. I get most of the donations from people playing on our server which in turn supports you guys in the forums. The only crappy thing is hosting this server costs me $60 a month (we used to be self sustaining), but if it gives enjoyment to people its all good.Well, at least for me, I don't really have the means to donate. I'd have to request money from my parents, and they'd look at me funny if I said I was doing it to support a website. Zombie can't afford to, other people in the RP don't have the means. I'm not sure where you expect that money to come from.
I don't remember if I've said this or not, but you should try to seek out a burgeoning youtuber or something like that. Get them over here and have them bring their fans with them to a new subforum to breath some life into the more silent parts of the forums and add new people for donations.Thats ok supporting gamigon the way you guys do by being active is great. I wasn't referring to donations from you guys. I get most of the donations from people playing on our server which in turn supports you guys in the forums. The only crappy thing is hosting this server costs me $60 a month (we used to be self sustaining), but if it gives enjoyment to people its all good.
I don't remember if I've said this or not, but you should try to seek out a burgeoning youtuber or something like that. Get them over here and have them bring their fans with them to a new subforum to breath some life into the more silent parts of the forums and add new people for donations.
(And when XCOM2 gets closer to release - February 6th is when it launches - see about Chris doing a RP in his subforum for it. I'm not sure if he wants to do those anymore, based on his current LP, but if he's willing to I wouldn't mind him having a video-based RP on ChristopherOdd Discussion while we run our own separate one in the XCOM subforum.
Just PM me if you ever want to ding dong, its that easyWish I could have the time to RP
I'm sure people would love to help, though you could create a seperate thread in the Story Discussion Subforum specifically to get feedback. That way you don't get constantly interrupted by people talking about the story.Okay everybody, small question I have but a somewhat long text. So as many of you know Avanix is the main character of my (somewhat) anime/manga that I have been planning to do no for several years. (I usually use Avanix as the female version of PrismaCube for everything else like mmorpg or sometimes even story telling like I did here) However because of school I never got around to creating a story for the manga, but now that I work, rather than having to focus my mind on learning, I can do other things, I get a lot of time to thing. This mainly brought me to my manga back. Usually when I come home I write down notes or do small drawings of what I have thought up. Now I do not have time to RP really but I do have time to write down small notes. Since many, if not all of you here are really great story writters, I would love to share these notes with you guys some time, here on this topic forum, hear your opinions and even make suggestions. That is if you allow me too, I know that this does not really have anything to do with XCOM.
The main reason I do this is because I know I myself am not the greates of writter, however I want to really set my mind to this story, give a reason to everything that happends, for now I'm letting my mind go wild and free with everything that is coming at the moment and try to interrput it. Later I will try to set a small origanize plan together and remove or add things to get the ground work of base of the story and it's world. I would love to do something that is diffrent from other things and try to avoid many clieques, however one or two are always enjoyable.
To start, that is if you guys agree with this. I would like to introduce the current team of Avanix that I have created. And some of the small story.
For now I have four characters. Avanix (f), Yumi Kodai (f), Katsu Rida (m), (an unnamed female mage), one/two uncreated male character. To Avanix and Yumi I can also show links of pictures I have drawn of them, many of which you guys have usually already seen a part of as my avatar. (Current avatar does not have anything to do with the story, she was just for fun)
The story is set in a (somewhat) medival time.
Anyway please tell me what you guys things, and if you would love to support me in this. I would really appreciate it.
Hell, you could even create a conversation and add people that want to help you if you're worried about people not checking the other thread. But if you try to do it here it's just going to be inconvenient for everyone including you.
No problem.You are right I like your thinking I will do that thank you for your help ^^