
Well-Known Member
More Xcom 2 for you guys skip to 16 minutes. Aslo the aliens are now terrifying.

Can someone who is on a computer skip to the Grenadier part and tell me what their primary weapon is? I think the grenade launcher is their secondary but I can't tel if what they switch back to is a macchine gun.


Well-Known Member
Yup they switch back to the gatteling guns it seems like that is the main weapon as much as I saw now, even in Character select screen.
Alright, thank you. That was bugging me for awhile now since I wanted to know what our characters in Season 3 would be using for the sake of molding additional classes for empty roles.

Meanwhile at Firaxis:

Designer 1: "Hey, people said Heavies were OP because they had LMGs and rocket launchers."

Designer 2: "let's give the Grenadier a SAW and Grenade Launcer instead! That's super different!"

Designer 1: "great idea"

*high five*


Well-Known Member
Ha amazing at the end where the bradford with a beard guy plays civ and the coucil dude like "Continue your "Tactical" simulation."


Well-Known Member
By the way, has anyone seen the new Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void Cinamatic? Do we even have any Starcraft 2 fans here? Anyway incase you have not seen it yet, stop reading this see it! Come back and continue.

That one part where the probe summons the pylon and then three banelings shoot out of the ground. I myself do not like the protoss that much and I'm a Zerg lover, but the quote "For Aiur" always amazes me how much the protoss mean it. Because one of the protoss rushes head first into the banelings inorder to secure the pylon warp, he ran into them knowing he won't survive, but died saving the pylon. The Pylon that would summon the army that would take back Aiur. That just brought a tear to my eyes. I really mean it, I almost cried, such a small thing and short scence but I found it just so sad and yet I understood it...

"For Aiur"


Well-Known Member
By the way, has anyone seen the new Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void Cinamatic? Do we even have any Starcraft 2 fans here? Anyway incase you have not seen it yet, stop reading this see it! Come back and continue.

That one part where the probe summons the pylon and then three banelings shoot out of the ground. I myself do not like the protoss that much and I'm a Zerg lover, but the quote "For Aiur" always amazes me how much the protoss mean it. Because one of the protoss rushes head first into the banelings inorder to secure the pylon warp, he ran into them knowing he won't survive, but died saving the pylon. The Pylon that would summon the army that would take back Aiur. That just brought a tear to my eyes. I really mean it, I almost cried, such a small thing and short scence but I found it just so sad and yet I understood it...

"For Aiur"

En Taro Tassadar!
The Khala is eternal!

I am a diehard Starcraft fan, and the Protoss have always been my favorite. Peerless warriors, filled with the ultimate bravery and skill in battle, willing to die for their home and all they hold deal, If a zealot is still standing, he can fight, and even if he isn't, we have the Dragoons.

What happens when you pair the most advanced tech with warriors who would rather die than stand down and let their people be destroyed? You get a force to be reckoned with...


Well-Known Member
En Taro Tassadar!
The Khala is eternal!

I am a diehard Starcraft fan, and the Protoss have always been my favorite. Peerless warriors, filled with the ultimate bravery and skill in battle, willing to die for their home and all they hold deal, If a zealot is still standing, he can fight, and even if he isn't, we have the Dragoons.

What happens when you pair the most advanced tech with warriors who would rather die than stand down and let their people be destroyed? You get a force to be reckoned with...
And now we have immortals with their ultra shields. En Taro Dragoons though. And Fenix. (You forgot about him Raynor you BASTARD)


  • Eldar Infantry.JPG
    Eldar Infantry.JPG
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Well-Known Member
Guess as a Zerg lover I'm a bit on the...other side here xD I just love the pure overwhelming of thousands of creatures evoled for the pure purpose to kill.


Well-Known Member
Guess as a Zerg lover I'm a bit on the...other side here xD I just love the pure overwhelming of thousands of creatures evoled for the pure purpose to kill.
Yes, Prisma, but you enjoy evil things.

I'll stick with my venerable mouthless people. (What if the Protoss met the Ethereals/Sectoids? How would they react? Discuss.)
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Well-Known Member
Yes, Prisma, but you enjoy evil things.

I'll stick with my venerable mouthless people. (What if the Protoss met the Ethereals/Sectoids? How would they react? Discuss.)

Mouthless clones? Flabby arms and limbs? We Will make you warriors yet, here use our shield technology, and fight with us in the art of the blade!


Well-Known Member
Alright, posted some information on a race that I had in planning, that will be all for today, I'm going to bed now. Thank you again for the help and please to anyone else, I would appreciate any kind of help or feedback in this matter.


Operator 21O
Staff member
Here is the next step in the Alice Arc, and it is a huge, emotional one. Be sure to read and leave feedback as it is needed.


Well-Known Member
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]So, Scientists and Engineers, listen up. I've got some technology research and manufacturing paths for you to look at.

Part 1 Laboratories:

Weapons R&D
1 - Compressed Power Cores (1/2 techs required to unlock Tier 3 weapons)
2 - Compact Coolant Systems (1/2 techs required to unlock Tier 3 weapons. Unlocks MEC Suppression)
3 - Basic Fission Weaponry (Locked by #1&2. Grants the XSDF the ability to manufacture Fusion Pistols, Heavy Pistols, Carbines, Rifles, and Heavy Rifles)
4 - Basic Subatomic Weaponry (Locked by #1&2. Grants the XSDF the ability to manufacture Particle Pistols, Heavy Pistols, Carbines, Rifles, and Heavy Rifles)
5 - Scatter Fission Weaponry (Locked by #3. Grants the XSDF the ability to manufacture Fusion Truncated Shotguns, SMGs, and Shotguns)
6- Scatter Subatomic Weaponry (Locked by #4. Grants the XSDF the ability to manufacture Particle Truncated Shotguns, SMGs, and Shotguns)
7 - Heavy Fission Weaponry (Locked by #3. Grants the XSDF the ability to manufacture Fusion SAWs, LMGs, and HMGs)
8 - Heavy Subatomic Weaponry (Locked by #4. Grants the XSDF the ability to manufacture Particle SAWs, LMGs, and HMGs)
9 - Precision Fission Weaponry (Locked by #3. Grants the XSDF the ability to manufacture Fusion Marksman/Strike Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and MEC Weapons)
10 - Precision Subatomic Weaponry (Locked by #4. Grants the XSDF the ability to manufacture Particle Marksman/Strike Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and MEC Weapons)

Current Project - ??? (Up to Taxor_the_First) [Estimated Research Speed: Slow]
Notes - Studying an intact fusion or particle weapon would triple research speed into #1 and #2, and would double speed in whichever tree it was attached to. [Current Tier 3 Weapons in stock: 0.]

Armor R&D
1 - Condensed Elerium Power Cells (Tech required for all other fields)
2 - Light Armor Variants (Invention of two new armors)
3 - Medium Armor Variants (Invention of two new armors)
4 - Heavy Armor Variants (Invention of two new armors)
5 - Superheavy Armor Variants (Invention of two new armors)
6 - Personal Shields Level 1 (Locked by #1. Grants the XSDF the ability to add personal shields with 5 Shield Points to armors)
7 - Personal Shields Level 2 (Locked by #6. Grants the XSDF the ability to add personal shields with 10 Shield Points to armors)
8 - Personal Shields Level 3 (Locked by #7. Grants the XSDF the ability to add personal shields with 15 Shield Points to armors)
9 - Personal Shields Level 4 (Locked by #8. Grants the XSDF the ability to add personal shields with 20 Shield Points to armors)
10 - Personal Bulwark Shield Level 1 (Locked by #6. Grants the XSDF the ability to add personal shields with 5 shield points and minor damage reduction to armors)
11 Personal Bulwark Shield Level 2 (Locked by #8. Grants the XSDF the ability to add personal shields with 10 shield points and minor damage reduction to armors)[/COLOR]

Current Project - Condensed Elerium Power Cells [Estimated Research Speed: Average]
Notes - Partially intact elite pirate armors offering a slight boost to speed. Fully intact armor would increase it further.

[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Equipment R&D

1 - Damage Reduction Techniques (Grants the XSDF the ability to make to Breaching Nozzles and Impact Vests)
2 - Armor Piercing Capabilities (Grants the XSDF the ability to make Piercing Nozzles and Reaper Rounds)
3 - Damage Boosters I (Allows production of Alloy Sharpeners, Pulse Optics, and Plasma Stellarators)
4 - Las-Grenades (Grants the XSDF the ability to make Pulse Explosives)
5 - Damage Boosters II
6 - Tier 3 Grenades

Current Project - Damage Boosters [Estimated Research Speed - Fast]
Notes - More projects will show up as time goes on and Gem gets suggestions.

Gene Labs

(Need to look at my notes at home)

Current Project - Unknown (Up to Marine) [Estimated Research Speed - Average]
Notes - ???

Psi Labs

1 - Psionic Weapon Prototypes (Beginnings of Psionic Weaponry) -Complete-
2 - Specialized Psionic Weaponry
3 - Generation 2 Psionic Equipment

Current Project - G2 Psi Equipment [Estimated Research Time: Slow]
Notes - Subject to Revision[/COLOR]


Well-Known Member
Genetic Modifications: Altered genes that give the subject superhuman abilities. Certain gene mods can't be mixed. For example, you can only have 2/5 of the total eye modifications, and they can't be both of the light-spectrum visions. (Undeveloped Gene Mod) indicates something we will discover later on, though if you have an idea for those or a different gene mod, feel free to suggest it if it’s reasonable. Asterisk by these mean we already have an idea for the missing modification.


Can have one of the following:

Hyper-Reactive Pupils - Confer a small bonus to aim after a miss. +1 perception
Depth Perception - Allow a target to take better aim from the high ground. +1 perception

Can have one of the following:

Infrared Vision - User can see in the infrared spectrum. +1 perception
Ultraviolet Vision - User can see in the ultraviolet spectrum. +1 perception
(Undeveloped Gene Mod)


Can have one of the following:

Neural Feedback - Provides moderate defense against mental attack, and momentarily scrambles the thoughts of the attacker. (Slightly weakens psionics) +1 will
Neural Dampening - Provides a potent defense against mental attack, and temporarily paralyzes the person with the gene mod if a mind control attempt is successful, canceling the control. (Cannot be combined with psionics) +3 will

Can have one of the following:

Smart Macrophages - Makes medkits have a slightly magnified effect, and confers immunity to most toxins. +1 constitution
(Undeveloped Gene Mod)*
(Undeveloped Gene Mod)

Internal Organs

Can have one of the following:

Secondary Heart - Adds a smaller heart to the side of the main one, slowing the rate of bleeding out if critical damage is sustained by the person with this gene mod. +2 constitution
Adrenal Neurosympathy - Causes a kill to trigger a cloud of adrenaline pheromones, conferring a temporary bonus to aim, mobility, and will. Temporary +1 dexterity, +1 will

Can have two of the following:

Aerobic Respiration Boost - Increases the capacity of the lungs, resulting in slightly increased speed. +1 dexterity
(Undeveloped Gene Mod)*
(Undeveloped Gene Mod)


Can have one of the following:

Dextrous Muscle Fibers - Significantly increases dexterity of the muscles. +2 dexterity
Muscle Fiber Density - Borrowing from Reptilian genetics, allows the modded person to jump up 2-3 stories. +1 dexterity
Can have one of the following:

Magnified Bicep Structure - Increases upper arm strength. +2 strength
(Undeveloped Gene Mod)


Can have one of the following:

Adaptive Bone Marrow (Tissue Repair) - Harnesses the regenerative powers of the bone marrow for repairing tissue damage. +1 constitution
Adaptive Bone Marrow (Blood Regenesis) - Harnesses the regenerative powers of the bone marrow for quickened blood regeneration. +1 constitution

Can have one of the following:

(Undeveloped Gene Mod)*
(Undeveloped Gene Mod)*


Can have one of the following:

Bioelectric Skin - Allows the user to sense electrical currents from nearby enemies, biological or mechanical. +2 perception
(Undeveloped Gene Mod)

Can have one of the following:

Iron Skin - Allows the dermis to temporarily harden, which confers resistance to conventional bullets of normal calibers and slight resistance to other kinetic hits, except gauss. (In Game Terms – HP has a “Weak” protection against conventional weapons as opposed to a “Vulnerable” status. Does not affect armor)
Hydrothermic Skin - Implants small water-storage glands under the skin, which can push it to the surface, combined with Tz6 to become highly endothermic and resist heat. This confers moderate resistance against lasers and mild protection against pulse lasers. ((In Game Terms – HP has a “Weak” protection against lasers and a “Very Weak” protection against pulse.)
(Undeveloped Gene Mod)*

Can have one of the following:

(Undeveloped Gene Mod)*
(Undeveloped Gene Mod)*


(Get creative, scientists!)
Made some small changes to the skin gene mods. Also, modified shields a bit.

Forcefield Technology (Shields): What we call shields are force fields designed to block incoming weapons fire and environmental hazards. They are usually mounted on large vehicles like tanks or starships. It is possible to scale them down for infantry use, but neither humanity nor the Humiliata (Ethereals) have managed that as of yet.

General Protection (As applies to different weapons)

Ballistics - Immune
Beam Lasers - Moderate
Gauss - Strong
Pulse Lasers – Very Weak
Plasma - Moderate
Fusion - Moderate
Particle - Immune

Pulse is better than plasma at penetrating shields now, like I wanted, but Fusion is still king.