Anyone want to play Master Detective? Try and figure out what the buildable rooms are with me. They aren't the Guerilla Tactics School, Proving Grounds, or Advanced Warfare Center unless Firaxis completely remodeled those designs.
Level 1:
Right beneath the Hologlobe: A Workshop?
Middle beneath the Hologlobe: Another Workshop
Left: Labratory or remodeled Advanced Warfare Center
Level 2:
Right: Psionic Lab?!
Middle: Looks like some sort of planning room. Maybe a Black Market uplink?
Left: That thing in the background... is this an exosuit building facility?
Level 3:
Right: This looks like the alien containment facility from the trailer.
Middle: Power Room, most likely
Left: Storage Room?
Curious as to what you guys think. (And there's a level I can't well see below. It's 4x3 blocks, which is half what the XCOM base in EU had. This is justified by the fact that we aren't building an ass ton of satellite uplinks and workshops/labs)