-Probably some of the best collabs thus far took place in one day. Wow.
-I see that 'Friendly' on the first edition of "Addington is a Dick", Frost. You wiley bastard.
-I had an idea that I'd like to hear you guys rate that I'll pitch to Zombie. Something that is done a lot in sci fi, but I can't believe we didn't think of this before. A prison colony for convicts! (Like Australia!

Except another planet...
>Implying Australia isn't another planet.) Not your everyday criminal, like a petty thief or something. I mean for space pirates, murderers, psions, etc. The dangerous people that are 'undesirable' to society. I could do a lot with that, and I already have an idea of how to preclude escape and such, but I'll show that rather than tell.