
Well-Known Member
I don't watch Game of Thrones, but one thing that's always confused me is, is the person who will claim the iron throne the one who will defeat the white walkers, or are they not really related?


Active Member
I don't watch Game of Thrones, but one thing that's always confused me is, is the person who will claim the iron throne the one who will defeat the white walkers, or are they not really related?
They're not connected, but it's not impossible that it will happen.


Well-Known Member
Quick question to everybody, I seem to be really under informed and to lazy to check on classes or weapons. Currently in my story I have a team or 6 characters. I'm still undecided on some of the weapons choices and classes but I have gottan the basics settled. Tank, Archer, Mage, Rogue. However I think there is way more. So I would love to ask your guys knowledge on all kinds of classes and weapons. AND What kind of combination you would personally choose. And what kind of unnatural combination you would pick. (By unnatural I'm talking about something like a mage with a spear for example.) Would really love to see with what kind of stuff you guys come up with. ^^


Well-Known Member
Quick question to everybody, I seem to be really under informed and to lazy to check on classes or weapons. Currently in my story I have a team or 6 characters. I'm still undecided on some of the weapons choices and classes but I have gottan the basics settled. Tank, Archer, Mage, Rogue. However I think there is way more. So I would love to ask your guys knowledge on all kinds of classes and weapons. AND What kind of combination you would personally choose. And what kind of unnatural combination you would pick. (By unnatural I'm talking about something like a mage with a spear for example.) Would really love to see with what kind of stuff you guys come up with. ^^
I just divided people up into roles, like healers, damage dealers, defensive people, and tanks. But in my world, magic is fairly common, so the idea of a swordsman knowing a simple spell or two isn't unusual.


Well-Known Member
Quick question to everybody, I seem to be really under informed and to lazy to check on classes or weapons. Currently in my story I have a team or 6 characters. I'm still undecided on some of the weapons choices and classes but I have gottan the basics settled. Tank, Archer, Mage, Rogue. However I think there is way more. So I would love to ask your guys knowledge on all kinds of classes and weapons. AND What kind of combination you would personally choose. And what kind of unnatural combination you would pick. (By unnatural I'm talking about something like a mage with a spear for example.) Would really love to see with what kind of stuff you guys come up with. ^^

I do have a bit of knowledge regarding homebrew, so I'll rattle off some relevant knowledge here. Generally, you tend to have three 'basic' classes: fighter, rouge, mage. From there, you can subdivide and mix-and-match. For instance, you can take the fighter and split them off into barbarians or sentinels or whatever, or merge them with mages to get spellswords and paladins and whatever else, depending on how much of each you put in them. You could also mix all three, and get something like a bard or a ranger or a cleric or whatever.

Basically, an easy way to do this kind of thing is ask yourself what you want them to be able to do, then you mix/specialize the three basic classes (with different fluffed power sources) to get what you want.

As for what kind of odd combinations I'd go for? I'd probably go for stuff like, sentinels (who typically use pole-weapons to defend large areas around them), dark assassins (rouges who know a handful of spells to get to their targets and get away), slayers (fighters specialized in fighting things much, much, larger than them), and bards (the spoony bastards).


Well-Known Member
On an unrelated note, figured I'd mention here that Monday through Wednesday, I'll be pretty much accepting all takers when it comes to collaboration. After that, I'll be out of town until Saturday.


Well-Known Member
Be careful Prisma, you might not get done before Fallout 4 hit's the shelves... Even even the 10$ bin... :p

XD You got a point there and especially with the little time I have to watch anime after work when I ain't doing other stuff. However it is still a great thing to re watch the series. Maybe I will however get done with the first season. Currently at episode 11 so here is hoping that I will finish at least season 1 before fallout 4 :D After that it's goodbye real life for a couple of weeks. I even saved my vacation for this year just to spend it on fallout 4 :D

... although I did have to cut half of it to help my parents move across the country.

Couldn't have waited one more year to move so I can use my next year's vacation to help them. xD


Well-Known Member
Well I'm screwed... watched naruto to much and now I'm tired as fuck... the worst part yet, I have to get up in 30 min and get ready for work xD Here is the best part, I'm working til late today and got night time work at my second job. Today will sure be fun.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm screwed... watched naruto to much and now I'm tired as fuck... the worst part yet, I have to get up in 30 min and get ready for work xD Here is the best part, I'm working til late today and got night time work at my second job. Today will sure be fun.



Well-Known Member
Well I'm screwed... watched naruto to much and now I'm tired as fuck... the worst part yet, I have to get up in 30 min and get ready for work xD Here is the best part, I'm working til late today and got night time work at my second job. Today will sure be fun.

I'm going to sleep in 30 minutes, time zones are fun :3