XCOM Multiplayer Tournament



Taugaunt wins. I'm too tired to make up shit today, but needless to say, he won both matches by a landslide. There were some really bullshit misses on my side of the screen (2 88% in a row, sniper, really?), but he outmanuvered me with better troops and placement.

Maybe i'll not rush everyone in next time.
Yeah those two matches were kind of unfair the first match was basically me killing your mecs without much of a problem and only loosing my thinman to a crippled Mutons grenade.

The second match was me getting first turn and all my flyers being in position to spot your flyers when they landed. Also you missing both 88% hits was just bad luck plain and simple.

These are my match pics: http://imgur.com/a/2IdZU
Since Sarge already posted they don't really matter.


Yeah those two matches were kind of unfair the first match was basically me killing your mecs without much of a problem and only loosing my thinman to a crippled Mutons grenade.

The second match was me getting first turn and all my flyers being in position to spot your flyers when they landed. Also you missing both 88% hits was just bad luck plain and simple.

::Shrugs:: 'Tis the way of X-Com.


Opponents left in this half of the tourny:


Well-Known Member
I would love to, but I seem to have re-developed a crippling addiction to Skyrim. Send help.
What have you done?! Now I am infected with this disease!:eek:
We must quarantine ourselves. In rooms containing only a computer with Skyrim loaded onto it. Yes, that should cure us. (creepy giggle)



Sarge's Heroes Vs The Wolf Pack

Round One:
Wood does not care for you (Bar)
Sarge's Heroes were looking for a fight, and managed to find one as the Wolf Pack drove up to the Bar for a drink at the watering hole (How they manage to rebuilt it so quickly is beyond me.) Lying in wait in the storage room, The Muton Heavy and the MEC waitied for the Cyberdisk to make contact. After obliterating the opposing MEC, they barged in, tossed grenades and laughed manically as the whole bar burned, with the Wolf Pack in it. Lesson learned, the wood paneling will give bullets the right of way... through you.

Sarge 1 - Wolf 0

Round Two:
Sarge's Heroes were celebrating a great victory (And burning the bar down, yet again), when out of the sky came several UFO's, intent on wreaking havok with the populace. The Heroes decided to try and prevent this from occuring, but after realizing how broken fighting an opponent who is max hight away from you and a totally bullshit smoke grenade that somehow ended up exploding in the sky, the Heroes realized how desperate the situation was. Add that to the fact that Sarge placed an Exalt Medic on the field specifically to revive people, only to realize that Exalt Medics to not revive people, they only make them more comfortable while they die. >.>

Sarge 1 - Wolf 1

Round Three:
Fortress Cafe (Back Alley)
Hearing about the destruction of the bar and their comrades, the Wolf Pack headed to a nice Cafe down the road to drown their sorrows in Lattes and Cappuccinos. Little did they know that Sarge's Heroes had planned an ambush with the latest in Airborne Assault weaponry. Unfortunately for Sarge, the benefits of Airborne assault did not stretch to inside of a building, and while the battle was tense and harsh, it was ultimately lost.

Sarge 1 - Wolf 2


http://imgur.com/a/y3YX1 <- PROOF


Sorry guys, but I won't be able to finish this tournament, I'm sorry to let you all down but I don't have the time.


:( I'm sorry dude! I had fun plainf against you. Lemme know if you wanna just play a game sometime :)


Well-Known Member
After a fatal glitch that prevents our joining each other's games, Taugaunt and I have decided to declare our game a draw. While tragic, that's XCOM baby.


I still gotta face taxor (Traxtor still sounds better to me) and taugaunt.

I do have a question though. Are we still going for a second half here, where we face each other again? And then a single elimination of the top 4?


Speaking of matchs I have finished all of mine.

First there was the 2-1 loss vs Thenlar

First match was kind of due to me missing 4 75% shots.

Second was a win for my team that has yet to have won.

And the third was just bad positioning and me being forced to walk into 2 snipers.

Match pics : http://imgur.com/a/BoOYp

ps. sorry that one was late but stuff got in the way.

So on to my last match vs Wolfb that ended in a 2-0 win for me.

Match 1 was a massacre due to forced car explosion. (most of the time I don't like wasting 2 grenades to kill a guy next to a car but this time there were 4 so yeah that happened)

Match 2 was another blood bath with both teams loosing all but there snipers, witch turned into an overwatch fight that I won.

So here are the pic : http://imgur.com/a/twoE1