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Game Master
Staff member
Incidentally, unlike other characters in which I draw inspiration from other media, but the characters are otherwise original, I make no attempt to hide that Aya and Eve are based directly off characters of the same name from one of my favorite lesser known, under appreciated RPG series.

Here is what Aya looks like:

And this is her pyrokinesis:

And here is Eve:

And this is her overdive ability:


Just fix stuff.
Staff member

Do you guys ever cap the length of your RPs? how do you decide when its over and start new?


Well-Known Member

Do you guys ever cap the length of your RPs? how do you decide when its over and start new?

Well, for Chris it was whenever we won. For this, I think we're just trusting Zombie to end it eventually. Since we're using a lot of the Long War lore, I'm not sure how far along we are.


Game Master
Staff member

Do you guys ever cap the length of your RPs? how do you decide when its over and start new?
Well, technically like any TTRPG, there is a dedicated story with a start and a planed finished. Of course, since this is based on a videogame's story, most people here will be familiar with how far along we are, though I plan on the ending to this (hopefully) being less anticlimactic then in the game.


Well-Known Member
Incidentally, unlike other characters in which I draw inspiration from other media, but the characters are otherwise original, I make no attempt to hide that Aya and Eve are based directly off characters of the same name from one of my favorite lesser known, under appreciated RPG series.

I characterize Emily's flashbacks as somewhere between ecstasy (the religious/emotional kind, not the drug kind) and Thane Krios' ones.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to step in and say how inspiring it is that you guys are actively roleplaying here! Keep up the awesome work.
That... was unexpected. And welcome. Thanks Chris!

OK let me Chang what I said. Most of the woman in X-COM are bad ass and other have there moment of triumph.
One day, Penny will overcome her nemeses - the tyrannical and twisted Door Emperor. One day, she will have her revenge.

Don't forget Elizabeth and her needles!
And that's why Penny said nothing when Desmond carried Ellie in. Risking her ire by waking her up prematurely could have ended poorly.

I characterize Emily's flashbacks as somewhere between ecstasy (the religious/emotional kind, not the drug kind) and Thane Krios' ones.
Called it.
No seriously. You know how I mentioned I give certain characters ones from other media that I think fit? Hers was Thane, and I had to constantly remind myself as I was reading that I needed to have a female voice in there.
That probably made no sense. To clarify, I think aloud in my head.
That probably made less sense. Ima shut up now.

... how can something make less than no sense? That would be negative sense.

Also if anyone noticed my changed avatar and are wondering what the heck it was, I messed up with the file upload and what was given was the picture itself and the mass of white space around it. This is what I get for attempting to use MS Paint. It should be fixed a few minutes after this post is up. Not that it's really important.


Game Master
Staff member
I thought I would bring something up now rather then waiting to the last minute. Better to talk about it now while there is time to sort things out a casual pace then when we are frantically preparing.

The alien base assault (the first one, at least) is coming up fast, as I'm sure most of you realized based on the mention of needing to capture an outsider. And with the alien base assault comes the X-COM base defense. I'd just like to quickly discuss how that will work. Everyone is free to do one of two things: either do their own solo posts or collabs with another, or they can join in a larger collab focusing on the main alien attack force.

If you do your own thing, that's fine. And if everyone wants to do separate things, then we'll do that. But if enough people want to do a larger mission, then the mission will be treated more like a collab, with me controlling the aliens. That way there is more structure on how the aliens move, how they attack, and when they show up, as this mission would potentially include a lot more RPers and a LOT more aliens from the entire roster. I'll also control the CO of the mission (I'll leave it to your imagination to who that will end up being) and most of the security staff, though I'll likely give RPers one or two of them for their own control. I feel this is better then having four people wanting to do the main mission and arguing over what the aliens do.

So, you don't have to decide right away, but start thinking about what you want to do. I can tell you for my characters, two of them will be part of the main mission, and the rest will have their own things.


Well-Known Member
I thought I would bring something up now rather then waiting to the last minute. Better to talk about it now while there is time to sort things out a casual pace then when we are frantically preparing.

The alien base assault (the first one, at least) is coming up fast, as I'm sure most of you realized based on the mention of needing to capture an outsider. And with the alien base assault comes the X-COM base defense. I'd just like to quickly discuss how that will work. Everyone is free to do one of two things: either do their own solo posts or collabs with another, or they can join in a larger collab focusing on the main alien attack force.

If you do your own thing, that's fine. And if everyone wants to do separate things, then we'll do that. But if enough people want to do a larger mission, then the mission will be treated more like a collab, with me controlling the aliens. That way there is more structure on how the aliens move, how they attack, and when they show up, as this mission would potentially include a lot more RPers and a LOT more aliens from the entire roster. I'll also control the CO of the mission (I'll leave it to your imagination to who that will end up being) and most of the security staff, though I'll likely give RPers one or two of them for their own control. I feel this is better then having four people wanting to do the main mission and arguing over what the aliens do.

So, you don't have to decide right away, but start thinking about what you want to do. I can tell you for my characters, two of them will be part of the main mission, and the rest will have their own things.
*Copying this so everyone sees*
I'm going to be putting up some bios. Thomas has one now, and I'm putting up information for the handmaidens and some NPC I've characterized in the past or in my backlog for Thanksgiving break. The idea of the short biographies for these NPCs is to keep how they're discussed consistent, but they don't BELONG to me. (Though I might want to know if you plan on killing one of Atka's friends...*sad face*) They're still usable by anyone, these are just guidelines to make them feel more "human."


Well-Known Member
I thought I would bring something up now rather then waiting to the last minute. Better to talk about it now while there is time to sort things out a casual pace then when we are frantically preparing.

The alien base assault (the first one, at least) is coming up fast, as I'm sure most of you realized based on the mention of needing to capture an outsider. And with the alien base assault comes the X-COM base defense. I'd just like to quickly discuss how that will work. Everyone is free to do one of two things: either do their own solo posts or collabs with another, or they can join in a larger collab focusing on the main alien attack force.

If you do your own thing, that's fine. And if everyone wants to do separate things, then we'll do that. But if enough people want to do a larger mission, then the mission will be treated more like a collab, with me controlling the aliens. That way there is more structure on how the aliens move, how they attack, and when they show up, as this mission would potentially include a lot more RPers and a LOT more aliens from the entire roster. I'll also control the CO of the mission (I'll leave it to your imagination to who that will end up being) and most of the security staff, though I'll likely give RPers one or two of them for their own control. I feel this is better then having four people wanting to do the main mission and arguing over what the aliens do.

So, you don't have to decide right away, but start thinking about what you want to do. I can tell you for my characters, two of them will be part of the main mission, and the rest will have their own things.
^More Reminding you of something important to think about^
Another reminder: Once you've moved your bio to the "Bio" thread, please take it off the "Story of Defiance" thread so it's not cluttered with leftover bios. :p


Well-Known Member
I thought I would bring something up now rather then waiting to the last minute. Better to talk about it now while there is time to sort things out a casual pace then when we are frantically preparing.

The alien base assault (the first one, at least) is coming up fast, as I'm sure most of you realized based on the mention of needing to capture an outsider. And with the alien base assault comes the X-COM base defense. I'd just like to quickly discuss how that will work. Everyone is free to do one of two things: either do their own solo posts or collabs with another, or they can join in a larger collab focusing on the main alien attack force.

If you do your own thing, that's fine. And if everyone wants to do separate things, then we'll do that. But if enough people want to do a larger mission, then the mission will be treated more like a collab, with me controlling the aliens. That way there is more structure on how the aliens move, how they attack, and when they show up, as this mission would potentially include a lot more RPers and a LOT more aliens from the entire roster. I'll also control the CO of the mission (I'll leave it to your imagination to who that will end up being) and most of the security staff, though I'll likely give RPers one or two of them for their own control. I feel this is better then having four people wanting to do the main mission and arguing over what the aliens do.

So, you don't have to decide right away, but start thinking about what you want to do. I can tell you for my characters, two of them will be part of the main mission, and the rest will have their own things.

So if I'm understanding this correctly, there's going to be a "collab" with everyone all at once?


Well-Known Member
On this week's episode of X-Com, Story of Defiance, Atka has a heated Discussion with Ammelia over Responsibility and the Stresses of leadership. How fun! :3


Game Master
Staff member
So if I'm understanding this correctly, there's going to be a "collab" with everyone all at once?
A collab for anyone who wants to be involved. I'm sure there are plenty of you who have plans to do your own thing, show off your character's heroism by themselves, but for anyone interested in a larger collabortive fight for their character, I'll be running a collab where it acts much like it does in the game, with the aliens under my control.
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