She called Mary fat, so I think that's karma.![]()

She called Mary fat, so I think that's karma.![]()
No no one is calling you fat, pudgy sure but not fat... i'm making it worse aren't I.
Ah, Darkest Dungeon, the game I bought on an impulse because I had twenty bucks and the game looked cool, only to later realize that it required a higher version of OpenGl than my laptop had. Such salt I underwent.
At least you don't get called short by a year old. What is worse? Being called short or being called pudgy? (I go with both)
Well, just played another game in which Ayame went fucking nuts and gained Irrational. She hit Mary in the face critting her for 3/4s of her hp, then replied, "Be healed my friend!"
I had to abandon the mission because of it but at least she lived.
Possible foreshadowing in the rolplay.
jesus fucking christ, FIVE?!
oh yeah, I forgot. Thanks for exploding someone's head. I needed that mental image... Didn't we have an unspoken rule about keeping gore to a minimum? When Airi got blown up I just used blood, instead of having her guts fly into Ammys helmet or something equally disturbing and gratuitous.
Note, I loved the mission. Just...not a fan of gore. Blood is good enough.
oh yeah, I forgot. Thanks for exploding someone's head. I needed that mental image... Didn't we have an unspoken rule about keeping gore to a minimum? When Airi got blown up I just used blood, instead of having her guts fly into Ammys helmet or something equally disturbing and gratuitous.
Note, I loved the mission. Just...not a fan of gore. Blood is good enough.
Luckily, this mission highlights the limit of how far I'm willing to go gore-wise. You probably won't see anything worse than this.
Also, I mainly use gore for when a death needs impact added to it, rather than just making everyone a blood piñata. If the death has enough impact on its own, I'll hold back.