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Well-Known Member
Ah, Darkest Dungeon, the game I bought on an impulse because I had twenty bucks and the game looked cool, only to later realize that it required a higher version of OpenGl than my laptop had. Such salt I underwent.

Same salt I had with Transistor. My pc can run Watchdogs (albeit very slowly), but it can't get past an error screen on a tiny indie game. Psh.


Well-Known Member
Well, just played another game in which Ayame went fucking nuts and gained Irrational. She hit Mary in the face critting her for 3/4s of her hp, then replied, "Be healed my friend!"

I had to abandon the mission because of it but at least she lived.


Well-Known Member
Well, just played another game in which Ayame went fucking nuts and gained Irrational. She hit Mary in the face critting her for 3/4s of her hp, then replied, "Be healed my friend!"

I had to abandon the mission because of it but at least she lived.

Possible foreshadowing in the rolplay.


Well-Known Member
And mission is complete, with a slightly revised ending. Big thanks to ZS for taking the reigns of Avaritia for this mission.

Now let's see just what kind of response this will provoke.


Well-Known Member
K, I couldn't wait, I read from my phone :p so have mercy on my spelling here

That rift... The gore is real o_O Also, I loved Fay's abilities, and Albert's mental debate throughout. Even though my character asked fir it, I still didn't expect him to capture him. This us going to be a fun course change :3


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, I forgot. Thanks for exploding someone's head. I needed that mental image... Didn't we have an unspoken rule about keeping gore to a minimum? When Airi got blown up I just used blood, instead of having her guts fly into Ammys helmet or something equally disturbing and gratuitous.

Note, I loved the mission. Just...not a fan of gore. Blood is good enough.

Wasn't I the one who came up with the blood splatter idea? Whatever. :p
Anyway, I don't remember that rule, I like a little bit of gore from time to time.

Let's hope this gets us on Luxxy's good side, and it may even give us a bit of leverage against her if she stops being cooperative.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, I forgot. Thanks for exploding someone's head. I needed that mental image... Didn't we have an unspoken rule about keeping gore to a minimum? When Airi got blown up I just used blood, instead of having her guts fly into Ammys helmet or something equally disturbing and gratuitous.

Note, I loved the mission. Just...not a fan of gore. Blood is good enough.

Luckily, this mission highlights the limit of how far I'm willing to go gore-wise. You probably won't see anything worse than this.

Also, I mainly use gore for when a death needs impact added to it, rather than just making everyone a blood piñata. If the death has enough impact on its own, I'll hold back.


Well-Known Member
I'm back home. I monitored all of the "events" and I was going to do a post after I got a real keyboard about my feelings and limits about those kinds of things, but I guess I'll make like an ice queen and let it go.

Anyway, back to the message at hand, I liked it :) good job Pixy. Very tense both internally and externally.


Operator 21O
Staff member
Luckily, this mission highlights the limit of how far I'm willing to go gore-wise. You probably won't see anything worse than this.

Also, I mainly use gore for when a death needs impact added to it, rather than just making everyone a blood piñata. If the death has enough impact on its own, I'll hold back.
The mission was cool (Can't believe we have another E battery now though) Honestly, and this is not me being cold I just have a thick skin when it comes to this stuff, the gore didn't affect me that much. You want realism in a story, well there is the realism. It may have gone a bit far but in my opinion, it is nothing to get too worked over about. Though a good suggestion for the future is that if we have scenes like that, put it in a spoiler BB code that offers you to put a title and make a warning for it. Therefore, it allows people to know what they are getting themselves in to before hand.


Game Master
Staff member
I enjoyed the mission. Loved the new power by Fay (and thank you for not making it too OP by having it drain her). Not the biggest fan of gore, but I don't shy away from it (my library of anime would contest to that, from Berserk to Gantz to Elfen Lied).

Was a little surprised by Albert's tactics at the end, but this is war. Also surprised to see Avaritia survive.

Anyone who wishes to speak with him, I'm available tomorrow after 6, Sunday after 5, and all day Monday. Also on the plate is a few solos, and Sunny will need someone to talk to. Ten brownie points to anyone who can guess what about.
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