It's up. Please let me know what you think. It's not fair if no one ever grades my work and tells me how to improve (plus it lets me know you read it
It's up. Please let me know what you think. It's not fair if no one ever grades my work and tells me how to improve (plus it lets me know you read it).
Very good, I shall be nitpicky if you really want. Why did the alien body that was found 50 something years ago disenigrate? They don't do that under normal conditions, so that might come off as inconsistent unless there's a hidden, secretive reason behind that.It's up. Please let me know what you think. It's not fair if no one ever grades my work and tells me how to improve (plus it lets me know you read it).
I'd think you'd be more concerned about the other thing they denied, but yeah, screw those guys (but don't say that too loud, they give us credits).Very good, I shall be nitpicky if you really want. Why did the alien body that was found 50 something years ago disenigrate? They don't do that under normal conditions, so that might come off as inconsistent unless there's a hidden, secretive reason behind that.
Side note, goddamn the council. "Nah you dont need knives or scopes, not like you need to aim or stab sectoids in the skull.
Well, I am concerned about the lack of a psychiatrist, but my two characters aren't yet because they don't know the issues prevalent. Modya might be worried about his family being attacked, but I doubt the aliens are going to target Inuit villages...hopefully...I'd think you'd be more concerned about the other thing they denied, but yeah, screw those guys (but don't say that too loud, they give us credits).
As for the sectoid body, I gave the four possible explanations as a sort of "pick the one you find most interesting", but in truth, when I was writing it, in my head I was thinking that the sectoid, being a part of a scout mission and never intending for combat, was genetically programmed to self-destruct. To be sure that their technology doesn't fall into the wrong hands when looking at unknown planets, the scouts are meant to send all data as they get it and then die. The ship blew into fragments because it was a fail-safe in case it took damage, and because of the sectoids genetic programming (think Solid Snake at the end of MGS4), it would have disintegrated on it's own anyway shortly after leaving the Earth, and dieing only spread the process up.
I know it probably sounds like I'm just covering for myself, but that's really what I had in mind. I can discuss it more tomorrow if you want, but for now I'm hitting the sack. Goodnight.
Yeah, I always have trouble getting my antagonists to be the way I want them. Sometimes I get frustrated when they don't develop properly, and have to go back and give them a stronger motivation and display that motivation better. (As in the case of the character mentioned in my signature. She changed a lot in the second version, and I still feel like I didn't make her the right mix of sympathetic and evil, though that might just be a tendency to criticize my own work.)Back to the evil Lüsett thing xD She is defenetly a little bit crazy weird and evil. But before the whole alien attack thing she is just a curious little scientist. I hope I can get the change that is coming to come over all stealthy like, almost like you will never notice when she changed, but you will noticed that it happends, just not when xD
I know how you feel. I try to give my antagonists depth, but a lot of times, they just come off as assholes. It's like I'm trying to design a villain with the complexity of the Joker, but in the end they're closer to Biff from Back to the Future.Yeah, I always have trouble getting my antagonists to be the way I want them. Sometimes I get frustrated when they don't develop properly, and have to go back and give them a stronger motivation and display that motivation better. (As in the case of the character mentioned in my signature. She changed a lot in the second version, and I still feel like I didn't make her the right mix of sympathetic and evil, though that might just be a tendency to criticize my own work.)
Thank you.3 co-ops at the same time...nice![]()
Desmond will most likely be a scout/support kind of character with high mobility but stays back to look over the situation and give suggestions when necessary. As for weapons just normal xcom stuff with a S.C.O.P.E and a few different types of smoke grenades. His weapons will go into more detail when he goes over to EXALT.I'd like to take a moment to introduce a new little rule I've decided to try out to make your characters unique. As I've stated before, you can pick any class from EW or Long War, as long as you are familiar with how that particular class works. However, you are also allowed to have your character either use one item/weapon you wouldn't normally see in X-COM, or have one item/weapon/ability their class wouldn't normally have. Nothing that wouldn't be conceivable.
For example, a sniper couldn't have a shotgun as a main weapon, but they could carry a sawed-off shotgun as a side arm. A scout couldn't carry a normal bulky rocket-launcher, but they could carry a compact, single shot mini-grenade launcher. Other examples would be switching your standard sidearm with your character's trusted Colt Python, an assault that has a special belt that let's him carry two of a single grenade type, an infantryman that is really skilled with a med-kit, or a particularly fast engineer (who don't normal get sprinter). Again, all within reason, and I'll get the final say. So start thinking about what you'll want after you character's first promotions.
Zombiesplitter, and the roleplaying bits are in "XCOM: A Story of Defiance." We've done Bios, Negative Week (The week before the invasion, AKA Week -1), the general introduction from the commander, and some interviews with people she felt the need to talk to.Quick question who is the GM? and where can I see how far in we are?
Zombiesplitter, and the roleplaying bits are in "XCOM: A Story of Defiance." We've done Bios, Negative Week (The week before the invasion, AKA Week -1), the general introduction from the commander, and some interviews with people she felt the need to talk to.
Kein Problem.Ah okay thank you, I kind of figured that out while reading the RP but I just wanted to make sure so thank you ^^
Kein Problem.
More like google knows too much. I enjoy transitioning into other languages like that, even if I'm wrong half of the time, considering I don't actually know any languages besides a tad bit of Spanish and obviously English. xD:O YOU KNOW TO MUCH!
More like google knows too much. I enjoy transitioning into other languages like that, even if I'm wrong half of the time. xD