Well-Known Member
Rules so far.
1: The story will start one week before the alien attack, from then on you explain your story of how your Character got to X-Com.
2: A limit of 2 players per person.
3: You decided when your character dies.
4: New Aliens will be included.
I think I forgot some, but for now this seems fine, one more think I will have two characters too, but both in Exalt. I was thinking of having my second character at one point having to put there difference aside with X-Com in order to survive a Horror mission, (such as the one with the ship and the crysalite) but of course our own idea.
Then I want everybody to vote where the X-COM HQ should be.
1. North America
2. South America
3. Australia
4. Europe
5. Asia
6. Africa
I Vote South America, Always been my favorite Starting location.