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Operator 21O
Staff member
With it mostly split down the middle, I'm thinking best we go with Europe, though that now leaves the question of where in Europe.

And as far as timeline, I prefer modern day. Maybe set it a few years in the future like the game did when it came out (let's say around 2025), but anymore then that might bring in too many additional factors for our first endeavor.
I think we should be set up in Denmark honestly it is right above Europe and could make as a good strategic position to deploy troops, also danishes that is all


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm not saying tech gets too far, I just need it to be at least a few months to a year in the future so I can involve my soldiers in fictional operations without messing with the world too much. Though, to be fair, I could just pull the creative freedom card and modify something. Like the Denmark Idea, or Scandinavia.

(Also, Sarge mentioned wanting to see someone from Israel, which someone COULD do, but it'd be difficult to pull off without offending someone or other, considering how serious some people can be about issues pertaining to that country.)


Operator 21O
Staff member
Yeah, I'm not saying tech gets too far, I just need it to be at least a few months to a year in the future so I can involve my soldiers in fictional operations without messing with the world too much. Though, to be fair, I could just pull the creative freedom card and modify something. Like the Denmark Idea, or Scandinavia.

(Also, Sarge mentioned wanting to see someone from Israel, which someone COULD do, but it'd be difficult to pull off without offending someone or other, considering how serious some people can be about issues pertaining to that country.)
Nah I think its fine.


Game Master
Staff member
Denmark sounds cool. I've got a bit of Dutch in me myself. And setting a few years from now is no problem. Gotta have breathing room. Not that I'm adverse to a bit of alternative history. How does 2018 sound?


Well-Known Member
I would be good with that. Other than the things we've covered thus far, is there anything else that requires discussion?


Well-Known Member
Maybe a mix of the two, alien base assault mission(s) for instance could be more specific, while your average abduction mission might be more vague. (Speaking of that, if we had the aliens assault our hanger bays (As Long War plans to do), smaller bases that belong to XCOM/local military forces, or even government areas that would be really cool)

Would like to hear everyone else's thoughts on this stuff though, I don't want to shut people out of the discussion with my quick replies by any means.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see new maps, like a middle east map, or us fighting the aliens some were in the amazon. I would like to see some interesting maps. But we could also mix in some of the old maps.


Game Master
Staff member
How about for a good mix of structure and freedom, regular missions will be detailed but open, so you have a sense of direction while still having the freedom to approach it how you wish, while missions like base assaults and larger UFOs will be a lot more structured and specific.


Operator 21O
Staff member
How about for a good mix of structure and freedom, regular missions will be detailed but open, so you have a sense of direction while still having the freedom to approach it how you wish, while missions like base assaults and larger UFOs will be a lot more structured and specific.


Well-Known Member
How about for a good mix of structure and freedom, regular missions will be detailed but open, so you have a sense of direction while still having the freedom to approach it how you wish, while missions like base assaults and larger UFOs will be a lot more structured and specific.
Works for me.


Well-Known Member
How about for a good mix of structure and freedom, regular missions will be detailed but open, so you have a sense of direction while still having the freedom to approach it how you wish, while missions like base assaults and larger UFOs will be a lot more structured and specific.

Sounds fun! :3


Well-Known Member
Denmark sounds cool. I've got a bit of Dutch in me myself. And setting a few years from now is no problem. Gotta have breathing room. Not that I'm adverse to a bit of alternative history. How does 2018 sound?

OH by the Way, I wanted to give my opinion about that since I wasn't on when you talked about the base location, How about we have a base in Russia since it is grouped with Europe on the hologlobe, Most of Russia is very desolate and would be an Excellent place to hide a base.


Game Master
Staff member
OH by the Way, I wanted to give my opinion about that since I wasn't on when you talked about the base location, How about we have a base in Russia since it is grouped with Europe on the hologlobe, Most of Russia is very desolate and would be an Excellent place to hide a base.
Hm, good point. Such a large place means even if the aliens knew the base was in Russia, it would take them quite a while to know exactly where, if it was built in the middle of no where you wouldn't have to worry too much about wondering citizens, and depending on the region we locate in, there are certain laws we wouldn't have to worry about. In addition, the place is big enough that even the soldiers and staff could be left in the dark about the exact location of the base. You know, for security reasons.

I think I'll cast my vote for Russia.


Well-Known Member
С отпустит поддержки, я должен отдать свой голос за Сибири.
(With starstruck support, I shall cast my vote for Siberia.)


Operator 21O
Staff member
ok i am pretty sure we have most of the rules set up i see no reason why we should wait any longer i think it is time for bios
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